Lighthouse Country, Electronic Arts Headquarters.

Arnold frowned at an interview on the Internet.

Full interview from Naughty Cat.

Although the contexts of Chinese and English are different, some misinterpretations may result.

But you can generally feel the other person's yin and yang aura.

"This Lin Mo is really a person who doesn't care about anything."

Staring at the interview in front of him thoughtfully, thinking about countermeasures.

The game "Darkborn" has a small investment, but a lot of ambition.

Its biggest task is to restore Electronic Arts' reputation that has been rotten in the bones for so many years.

The biggest difference between Arnold and Bowken is.

He understands the game and plays the game.

I know that except for Naughty Cat, there is no work in this world that is fast in production, high in quality, and has a good reputation.

Winning a prize is just a dream.

But the board won't listen to your excuses.

If he raises his own difficulties, the shareholders' meeting will silence him with just one question.

"Lin Mo can do it, why can't you?"

So, Arnold had two moves.

The first is to take advantage of the internal conflicts within the WGA organizing committee to kick Jeff, who has been one of the organizers of cards over the years, from the highest decision-making level.

The second is that since there is not enough time to make a completely original game of the year.

Then copy it from the previous year.

He knew that Darkspawn would be compared to Dark Souls.

Also for fear of making Lin Mo unhappy, Naughty Cat made a box of Dark Souls 2 out of anger.

Therefore, I have been paying tribute to Dark Souls and promoting Lin Mo during promotions.

I just want to take advantage of the quarrel between Naughty Cat and Dongrong Entertainment to quietly rely on my own people in "Dark Descendants" and the WGA organizing committee.

Won the best of the year.

But unfortunately, it seems that Naughty Cat is still obsessed with this year's best.

No intention of giving up at all.

Arnold thought for a while, then looked at the time and saw that it was the appointed time.

Turn on the computer and enter the online meeting.

The person opposite had a very unpleasant quarrel with Jeff last year and firmly stood on the side of "Black Knight". However, in the end, the Best of the Year award was given to "Dark Soul" because of Jeff's one vote difference, which made Fry hold a grudge. Man.

The two had chatted countless times. This time, as soon as the video connection was connected, Arnold played a promotional video directly.

In the logo at the beginning of the film, there is a cat holding a samurai sword and a ninja prosthetic hand.

It’s obvious which game this is a promotional video for.

Arnold said calmly: "What kind of game do you think this is?"

Freeman watched as the protagonist of the game, the wolf, jumped from a high place and slit the enemy's throat with a knife.

Then he slowly moved forward and sneakily attacked and killed one person again.

The people nearby finally spotted the wolf and rushed up.

But a burst of red smoke erupted from the wound of the slain man.

Again, the third person was assassinated openly.

Freeman was silent for two seconds and said: "If you look at it this way, it should be a stealth game. But..."

Before he finished speaking, the demonstration video came to the next segment.

The wolf first blocked a move with a machine umbrella, then slashed down the glass ax in Renyi's hand to complete the counterattack, and then killed the archer with one shuriken after another.

Finally, after a thrust, he jumped up high and made a 360-degree slash in the air.

"But looking at it this way, it looks like a retro act game. But the problem is"

The words were not finished.

The screen turns again.

Each BOSS only has one or two frames.

But it was obvious that the two sides were fighting fiercely and sparks were flying.

"The problem is that this combat mode doesn't look like a traditional act."

Arnold knocked on the table and reminded: "You have to know, I'm not asking you to analyze this game. I want to know if "Dark Ones" can win the best game of the year with this game."

When Freeman heard this, he immediately fell silent.

After half a minute, he said: "If it were someone else's game, I can tell you the answer right now. That is, no."

"But this is Lin Mo's game, Naughty Cat's game, and it's a game that you can't understand at all." Arnold said coldly, "So you're not sure? Is this the answer I want?"

Freeman had a look of embarrassment on his face.

Jeff was once a member of the WGA and personally hosted countless of the best shows of the year.

Although many players who don't care much don't know him, they look very familiar.

Now that Jeff is being pushed out of management, it is impossible without the help of the new head of Electronic Arts.

The other party's requirements are also very clear.

"Dark Descendants" won the award.

Even if this award has a bad reputation, I still have to win it.

This is the task of the board of directors.

But that was Lin Mo.

Who dares to guarantee that "Dark Descendants" will definitely surpass "Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice"? That's getting kicked in the head by a donkey.

In the dilemma, Freeman could only say: "If we calculate it on a 100-point scale. If Sekiro scores 90 points and Darkin scores 75 points, I can guarantee that the best game of the year must be from Electronic Arts."

Arnold shook his head and said: "Then I think I need to think about it and find another leader who can have a greater influence on the judging panel."

Hearing this, Freeman's face darkened, and he snorted coldly: "Please do it. If the quality of the two games is too different, I wonder who dares to take the risk of destroying the brand and give the best of the year to "Darkness". Descendants!"

The conversation reached a deadlock, and the atmosphere became somewhat frozen.

The two men, who together were 120 years old, stared at each other for half a minute.

It was Arnold who chuckled first.

"Maybe, things aren't that bad, right? It's like a stealth game, like an action game, with a completely unprecedented combat system, and a similar design to a soul-based bonfire."

"Maybe it's Lin Mo's test work? Maybe it's to target Dongrong Interactive Entertainment's work, but in the end we thought too much?"

As soon as this sentence came out.

Freeman looked better.

"Yes. I also think that this game has some experimental elements, and the finished product is very uncontrollable. Unlike Lin Mo's previous style, you can tell which track you want to achieve the best on by just looking at the trailer."

Both of them knew that this was to help each other step down and comfort each other.

But the words still need to be said.

Still those three words - "what if".

At this point, Arnold chuckled: "Fortunately it's not a soul-based game, otherwise, "Dark Ones" would be finished."

In this regard, Freeman also nodded in deep agreement and said: "Yes, seeing how the fight with the BOSS or monster is so interactive, sparks are flying, and you can be resurrected for another life. This should be A low-difficulty act game with stealth elements."

Arnold felt a little depressed.

There is even a feeling of being persuaded by the other party and also convinced by myself.

"Mr. Freeman, are you sure?"

"Sure. I will clear the level as soon as possible within one day, and then find faults to canvass votes for "Dark Descent". Do you want to come then?"

Arnold didn't even think about it.


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