Startled by the sound, Arnold's legs hit the table like a knee-jerk reflex.

For a moment, he grimaced in pain.

"Damn, what happened? Come in!"

Arnold looked at the person who walked into the office with an unhappy expression, a person from the production team of "Galaxy Hunters".

The man walked into the office, and before he could ask any questions, he hurriedly said: "Mr. Arnold, something happened. There was a sudden wave of refunds for the game!"


Arnold became anxious upon hearing this.

This is a key project of the company!

You have a lot of responsibility and there is no room for failure.

The key is, is there a wave of refunds? Why?

The first reaction was to call Martin.

This person who was almost fired by Bowken is already the person he trusts the most besides the chief designer of the "Galaxy Hunter" project team.

The phone beeped numerous times, but no one answered.

"Damn it! Call Wirtz over. No, I'll go myself!"

As he spoke, Arnold moved quickly and rushed out of the office.

When we arrived at the studio of the "Galaxy Hunter" production team, it was already a mess.

People's hearts were in a state of confusion, and no one was interested in working. They were openly checking different social media or game forums on their workstation computers.

Many people even cursed in a low voice while checking.

It doesn't look like a game studio at all, more like a vegetable market.

Seeing the big BOSS coming, Wirtz, the chief designer of the project, trotted over quickly.

There were dense beads of sweat on his bald head.

"Boss, you, you are here"

His voice was trembling.

Arnold asked with a sullen face: "Where's the Martin guy? Why can't he get through on the phone?"

When he heard the name, Wirtz's face turned ugly, and his suppressed anger could be seen.

It seems that he is very dissatisfied.

"Because the cooperation with Hot Brand Hot Sauce is good, Party A is very satisfied. I probably drank some wine at the party last night and I haven't woken up yet."

"Damn it! Why can't we find anyone when something goes wrong!" Arnold cursed angrily, "What on earth is going on, the wave of refunds? Why!"

With a grimace on his face, Wirtz led the boss to a workstation. Arnold sat down, bending over and tapping on the keyboard.

The person who was sitting in the original seat quickly stood next to him.

There were groups of three or five, all watching the situation not far away.

While operating, he also asked: "Boss, have you seen "Edge Walker"? What do you think of the characters in it?"

Arnold subconsciously wanted to say that he had never seen it.

But when the words came to his lips, they still reluctantly turned into: "I've seen it, the shape is good. Does it have anything to do with the refund?"

There is a day when I need to admit that my opponent's product is good. This is even more uncomfortable than killing him.

"It's true." Wirtz sighed, "Boss, you haven't watched the latest update of "Edge Walker" today, right?"

With that said, he clicked play.

It’s a video from Brother Piao’s personal channel on YouTube.

It's called "Shameless Electronic Arts!" Cheesy animation! Why did I refund Galaxy Hunter? 》

Just clicked on the video.

"Fake squid EA!! Fake, Fake!"

This is a short video clip of just a few seconds.

It’s a clip of Exaggerated Brother breaking defense during the live broadcast.

【? ? ? ? ? 】

【what's the situation? 】

The barrage is also very confusing.

The exaggerated guy in the video lives up to his nickname. His expressions and movements are exaggerated, but surprisingly contagious.

Then, the main film begins.

"First of all, this video contains plot spoilers for the animated series "Cyberpunk: Edgewalker" and "Galaxy Hunters: Rise"! Please watch with caution."

"Okay, without further ado, let's come to today's topic. The beginning of the video is my real reaction when watching "Galaxy Hunters: Rise" live. Why is this? I will explain in detail."

“Just today, the final extended episode of Cyberpunk: Edgewalker was released.”

Next, Brother Piaohua edited the plot and pictures, and briefly explained the plot.

Some viewers who couldn't hold back their curiosity and watched the video without watching the animation, when they saw the tragic death of Rebecca and David, and saw Lucy's lonely longing, their defenses were broken.

【damn it! Why should I watch this video? I lost my viewing experience]

[I have already watched the ending, but I still can’t help but get a sore nose every time I see this scene]

[Damn, this Adam's Hammer can kill, right? I'm going to buy the game now! 】

[Unfortunately, I have to buy "Cyberpunk 2077" later, my money has already been given to "Galaxy Hunter\

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