Now that we know that this game is called Resident Evil, the protagonist Ethan will definitely not live a normal life.

His life must be accompanied by danger.

However, when everyone saw that Ethan had really lost his wife and daughter, they still couldn't help but feel a little dissatisfied.

[Isn’t this plot too ridiculous? ! It's better to have a good explanation behind it! 】

[Don’t tell me whether it’s nonsense or not, just tell me whether this plot will be explosive or not]

【My wife, my wife.】

Ethan was knocked unconscious.

I don't know how long it took, but when I woke up again, I found that I was already in the snow in the wild.

Next to it were the overturned escort vehicle and the corpses of the escorting soldiers.

There was no trace of Chris, the body of his wife Mia, or his daughter Rose.

Therefore, Ethan could only embark on a journey to find his daughter with grief and confusion.

After a long night, when the sky was bright, Ethan finally saw a village in the valley.

A village with a spectacular castle and large houses.

But after walking into the village, as expected, there was a very strange atmosphere.

There were animals everywhere with torn bodies and miserable deaths. The whole village was extremely quiet, with not a single villager in sight.

Moreover, the whole village had a strong sense of dilapidation, as if something terrible had happened.

In one of the houses, Ethan met an old man and finally learned what strange events had happened in this village.


Chudong looked helpless for a while and said: "Okay, werewolf. But in the end, it should be biochemical weapons that turned ordinary people into this, into biochemical weapons, right?"

Soon, Ethan encounters the first werewolf in the plot.

Suddenly appeared in the darkness, bit off two fingers of Ethan's left hand, and started a head-on battle with Ethan.

[I was a zombie before, but now I have become a werewolf, a vampire, right? 】

【Fine. Although there is no difference in essence, there is some freshness at least.]

【Werewolf! Furui controls ecstasy】

[It’s the left hand again. I found out that the production team has a grudge against Ethan’s left hand, but then it’s time to just wash your hands and be fine.]

After killing the werewolf, you can see the gradually calcified corpse, which also confirms the suspicion that it is the same as the mold infection incident in the Baker family.

Although there are werewolves here, they are also the product of mold.

Watching the werewolf die, Chudong scratched his head and suddenly asked: "Brothers, you may think I'm talking nonsense when I say this. But I have a feeling that the second half of "Resident Evil: Village" is different from the first half. Part of the style is completely different? Although it’s just the beginning, I feel like I’m playing Biochemical 4. Now Ethan is like Leon who just entered the village.”

With that said, he controlled Ethan to walk out of the small courtyard where he had just fought and entered a dilapidated two-story hut.

As if to confirm his words, nervous BGM sounded.

One, two, three.

Countless werewolves came like a tide and rushed towards this dilapidated hut.

"Hey! Are you really here? Good guy, Leon gave you a thumbs up! There really is such a thing, a tribute from Chi Guoguo!"

At this moment, Chu Dong's eyes lit up and he became excited.

The same goes for barrages.

【ohhhhhhhhh! 】

[This is the flavor, the villager siege at the beginning of Biochemical 4]

[Is it true that this is a tribute to your own game? Isn't this more like "Madhouse"? 】

[Who said that the biochemical orthodoxy in Electronic Arts is blind? 】

Be it windows, roofs, or outside doors.

Countless werewolves roared, trying to rush in and tear Ethan inside into pieces.

Chudong immediately returned to the God of War state of a speed-passing technical stream anchor.

Even though it was my first time to play, facing the werewolves attacking all over the mountains and plains, and facing this strange village, I felt like I was back in my own courtyard.

Constantly circle around various buildings and bunkers, and constantly use the map mechanism to block the werewolves.

But there are not just ordinary werewolves present, there are even archers who can use bows and arrows, and there are melee warriors.

Finally, we got out of the housing area and came to the relatively open village clearing.

A roar of a beast sounded, and then a super-large werewolf that was at least three meters tall and wielding a sledgehammer fell from the sky.

Every move he makes is extremely violent, without any distinction between friend and foe.

Coupled with the endless number of werewolves, knowing that Ethan would not die here, he still couldn't help but feel nervous.

Even though this familiar gameplay made Chudong feel like going home, he was still chased to the end.

At this time, a stream of arrows flew and hit Ethan's thigh.

After losing the ability to move, all the werewolves immediately surrounded him, and some even came on horseback!

At the critical moment, the bells of the church in the distance suddenly rang, tinkling, and echoing in the village.

Hearing this sound, the super-large werewolf seemed to have been summoned by something, and immediately led countless small werewolves towards the direction where the bell rang.

Quickly come, quicker gone.

Looking at this scene with such a strong sense of déjà vu.

[This is the smell, yes, it looks very much like the opening scene of Biochemical 4]

[Biochemical orthodoxy, always naughty cat! Electronic Arts? Die! 】

【Great! Two-in-one, the styles of the two movies are completely different. If they were still so scary, my heart wouldn’t be able to bear it.]

When I came to the village, I was in danger for no reason, but I also got a message.

My daughter Rose is in this village!

Inside the village, Ethan met some survivors.

They believe in the mother goddess Miranda.

But this belief failed to save their lives. They were either infected and turned into werewolves, or perished in the sea of ​​fire.

Ethan could only continue on his journey.

When he went to search for the contract, he accidentally met a weirdo who could control the magnetic field, and knocked Ethan unconscious and took him away.

When I woke up again, I saw the god that the villagers here believed in. No, the evil god - the mother goddess Miranda.

and the four major families who rule here under her.

The ugly fish monster Moreau is in the front right, Heisenberg who can control the magnetic field is in the back right, the puppet master Benevento is in the front left, and the vampire lady Dimitrescu is in the back left.

Chu Dong's eyes lit up when he saw this scene.

"This is somewhat similar to the Baker family's dinner. These are the four BOSSs we will encounter, right? The four major families should have their own territories. Those four maps should have different game experiences. They can't all be surprises. A tug-of-war, right?”

Listening to this speech that was almost exactly the same as the previous one who played "Madhouse", the barrage was speechless.

[I’ve said this is almost impossible, don’t think about it]

[Four BOSS, four maps, four different gameplays. If you screw it up, no player will be pleased by either side, it will become nondescript, and the gain will outweigh the loss. Do you think it is possible?]

Seeing what the barrage said, Chudong smiled and explained: "I know. But I'm just a little curious, because in the second half of "Resident Evil: Village", the structure of the game is surprisingly similar to "Madhouse". I can't bear it. Just wait and see what he would do if it were Lin Mo."

While chatting with Danmaku, Heisenberg received orders to execute Ethan.

But instead of killing him immediately, he played a battle royale game and directly cut off the chains that bound Ethan's hands and feet.

Countless werewolves chasing and deadly traps.

After a tense and exciting battle royale, Ethan finally escaped and saw the light of day again.

Then, continue to the castle to find your daughter.

Here, he was captured again and met Mrs. Dimitrescu again, and she even tasted Ethan's blood.

It's just that the reviews aren't that good.

"Well it's a little stale."

After passing the plot and starting the game, Chudong gradually opened his mouth, which was a bit unbelievable.

In the closed castle, Mrs. Dimitrescu is invincible and constantly chasing Ethan. She needs to collect props and solve puzzles in countless rooms to find a way out. There are three smaller maps in the castle, and there are three games against the eight-foot Mrs. My daughter’s mini-BOSS battle.

"This, this is the police station in Resident Evil 2? I love this tribute so much!!"

Chudong was so moved that he almost burst into tears.

This familiar feeling, this familiar gameplay.

DNA moves!

The story advances.

Ethan killed his wife's three "daughters" who looked like crazy beautiful girls but were actually swarms of flies transformed into human form, and started the final battle with Mrs. Bashiku.

The lady's body is not as good-looking as her human form.

The big bloody mouth on the front is like the petals of a piranha, which can be split into several petals. Inside is a mouth like the mouthparts of a worm, divided into several layers.

Two wings sprouted from the side, just like a flying dragon. As for the main body, it grew on the back, and countless tentacles protruded from the back of the head.

Fortunately, Ethan has not wasted these years. He conducted military training with Chris's organization BSAA, and finally defeated the madam and got a weird bottle.

It contains the head of her daughter Rose.

It turns out that Rose's body has been divided into four parts and given to the four major families for safekeeping and used in a sacrificial ceremony.

But as Ethan's daughter, Rose is not a simple little girl.

Even if the body is dismembered, there is still a chance of resurrection.

Therefore, Ethan could only continue to look for the next few nobles.

In a valley, Ethan met the puppet master Donna Benevento.

"Is it in the house again? It's not going to be a pursuit, avoidance, and puzzle-solving adventure on a small map, right?"

[I bet fifty cents, it’s the same! 】

[How can it be the same? Just believe in Naughty Cat! 】

Both voices held their own opinions and had a lot to say.

However, Ethan hasn't reached his destination yet, so the argument can be stopped and the answer has been obtained.

The gameplay is really different!

On the way there, Ethan hallucinated.

And the atmosphere became weird.

If the horror in the castle relies on the pursuit of the lady and three daughters, the gloomy environment, and the sudden appearance of enemies, but it is also mixed with combat content to ease the mood.

Benevento House, that was downright terrifying.

There was no fighting, just pure terror.

Even beyond the horror and depression of the Baker family.

As soon as Ethan entered the mansion, he was out of weapons.

All designs, all puzzles, have only one purpose.

No stone is left unturned to scare the piss out of every player who comes here.

The doll that triggers the uncanny valley effect needs to dive into a dry well that always feels like Sadako will come out, the music box that makes a strange sound in the dark, the font that suddenly appears, the little girl's scream in the dark, the phone that rings suddenly, and everything everywhere hallucination.

From phone calls and hallucinations, Ethan heard and saw Mia countless times.

And Mia seems to be hiding something from Ethan.

The so-called source of fear is insufficient firepower.

Having a gun in your hand but not using it is completely different from having no weapon at all.

In early winter, I just feel like my hairs and goosebumps are exploding.

"Ahem, brothers, I suddenly feel a little hot. I'll take off the headset first."

【no! ! ! What’s the point of picking it off and playing with it? 】

[Play without wearing VR to complete the level]

[Wear VR to brush rockets]

Gift? Unlock?

What a joke!

Chudong muttered in his heart.

There is obviously a problem with TM in this paragraph.

If you wear VR and play again, who will be responsible if you get a heart attack?

But even if you don’t wear VR to play, early winter is still a bit unbearable.

The depression caused by the game continues in the heart, and it feels very scary, but the player is not given a chance to cry out.

This feeling that is held in my heart is very uncomfortable!

There's always a feeling that a big one is coming next.

But it just didn’t come.

This torture-like feeling made Chu Dong feel a little frightened.

"Brothers, why don't we go back and play the second episode of "Madhouse"?" Chudong smiled bitterly, "Suddenly I feel that fighting all the time is also a kind of happiness."

【Don’t even think about it! Keep playing! If you dare to play "Madhouse", you will really get it]

[Who would have thought that there would be such a pure sense of horror in Resident Evil? I really didn’t expect it]

[A nice place is coming. Are you going to stop playing? continue! 】

Chudong bared his teeth and continued to play.

At this time, the speed running technology that I am proud of is of no use at all!

The game continues.

Get the scissors, cut the gauze on the doll's chest, open a door, go down to the bottom of the dry well in the room, and get the key from a pile of doll remains.

Just take the key and leave.

But, just when I climbed out of the dry well on the ladder.

There was a sudden violent vibration outside.

Then, the baby's cry sounded like it was tearing the eardrum, filling the room and ringing in the ears.

Whether it's Western horror or Eastern horror.

There is an element of horror that is strikingly similar.

That's babies and cries.

The corner of Chudong's mouth twitched, and he laughed dryly and said: "It must be a surprise. So many hallucinations before were just thunder and rain."

When I walked out of the room, there was no light outside. Only the dark red emergency lights were turned on, barely illuminating some places.

A radio turned on, revealing the horrifying cry of a woman.

"It will be okay, it will be okay, it will be okay, it will be okay."

If you listen carefully, it sounds very much like Mia's voice during childbirth.

Many of the doors were locked, leaving only one path leading outside.

But there were bloodstains all the way out on the road, and there was a long umbilical cord on the ground that snaked outward.

Combined with this, there is a doll in the center of the table that Ethan dissected to obtain this kind of prop.

There was a feeling that Ethan was a doctor digging out a baby from a woman's belly.

Under this restless environment and sound, Chudong's muscles tensed up, and his body subconsciously leaned back to stay away from the screen, and turned slightly sideways, subconsciously showing a posture to protect himself.

There are fewer barrages in the live broadcast room.

This uneasiness has accumulated to the extreme.

In early winter, he controlled Ethan and moved outside little by little.

The visual obstruction in the house is very serious, coupled with the darkness, the amount of information available is extremely limited, and you never know what is behind the next corner.

Under the background of the eerie BGM, just when you are about to escape.

Around the corner, a "monster" suddenly appeared, as expected.

A huge, twisted creature covered in sticky blood, like an innocent soul that had just been dug out of its mother's womb.

Struggling, sometimes crying, sometimes laughing, crawling towards Ethan.

He subconsciously wanted to shoot, but found that there was no weapon at all.

"F*ck!!!! Damn it, don't come over here, baby! Get out of here!! Fuck you!!"

【Grass! ! ! No offense intended, no offense intended]

Chudong was so scared that he was scared out of his wits. He even felt that his body was a little weak and his heartbeat was racing.

He couldn't say any more words, turned around and ran away with his face turning pale.

But how far can you run?

In a state of complete darkness, except for the BGM of the underworld, it was eerily quiet, with only the light of Ethan's flashlight.

I have no idea when the scary ghost baby will appear.

Fortunately, Chudong’s basic skills as a speedrunner are still there.

No matter how scared I am, I still remember the map firmly in my heart.

Next, you need to find a fuse to connect to the power supply box, and then open the exit elevator.

Walk through the kitchen and into the innermost bedroom, where the fuse is.

The bedroom has warm lighting, eerie BGM and no trace of the scary baby.

"I'm coming back to life." Chudong took a long breath and wiped the sweat from his forehead, "Who said before that Benevento Mansion was also a place for fighting? Apologize!"

There were many sorry comments in the live broadcast room.

But the moment the fuse was taken out in early winter.

As expected, the room instantly became dark.

Chudong's heart skipped a beat, and he felt like he couldn't bear it any longer.

This has been full of twists and turns.

When I was trying to get out through a narrow corridor, as expected, I met love around the corner.

The door was pushed open.

The terrifying ghost baby, as if it had seen its father, let out a horrifying laugh and crawled towards Ethan happily.


Chudong couldn't help but scream again, and quickly turned around and ran away, returned to the original bedroom, and hid under the bed.

The bedroom door was pushed open, and the baby crawled in, like a peek-a-boo, looking for traces of Ethan.

From the perspective on the screen, you can see the disgusting traces left behind by that disgusting body crawling on the ground.

Just when the baby went around to the other side of the bed, Chudong made a prompt decision and controlled Ethan to climb out of the bottom of the bed, and then rubbed oil on the soles of his feet.

Get away!

"Don't go through the wall, I beg you! Be obedient, baby, children can't go through the wall!"

My heart has reached my throat.

Relying on his familiarity with the map, he rushed directly to the elevator entrance and installed the fuse.

The red light turned to green and the elevator hummed, coming down.

But the cry, like a nightmare, came again.

The disgusting baby crawled out of the darkness and shouted to Ethan at the elevator door, calling him daddy.

"Elevator, elevator!! Hurry up!!"

A ding.

The elevator has arrived.

Quickly press the button, the elevator door opens, rush in, and press the button again to close the elevator door.

At the last critical moment, the elevator door closed, blocking out the terrifying baby monster.

Coming up from the ground, the nightmare is not over yet.

But it is countless times stronger than the gloom below.

Ethan finally faced off against Donna Benevento, a mentally contaminated BOSS battle.

You need to find the talking doll wearing a wedding dress among the countless dolls in the house, and then kill it.

In the hallucination, Ethan fought with the doll in circuitous ways, and finally the scissors in his hand plunged into its head.

After a scream, his eyes flashed, the hallucination disappeared, and Ethan returned to reality.

Where can I find a talking doll?

The one who was struck by the scissors was Donna herself.

After being fatally injured, she gradually calcified and died.

Finally calmed down.

Chudong took a deep breath, put down the handle, and leaned back on the chair. He didn't want to say a word and rested quietly for a full minute.

There was no prompting from the barrage, and the audience was all relieving the shock they had just received.

[This section is really scary to death, and the gameplay is really different for different maps]

[The second half of "Village" is the perfect inheritance and development of Biochemical 4. Biochemical 4 also has the part where Ashley takes a risk alone to save Ethan, which is also very scary]

[I can’t wait for the next map]

Chudong had almost rested. Looking at the heated discussion on the barrage, he chuckled and said, "Didn't someone say that changing the map and changing the game mode at the same time would not please anyone and become nondescript? Let's see, let Lin I'll tell you what to do!"

The next map, as expected, changed its style again.

The castle is a map designed in the style of a small garden. The Benevento mansion has become a pure horror game style. When it comes to the reservoir map guarded by the fish monster Moro, it has become a linear puzzle-solving adventure style.

In the end, after Ethan killed Moreau, who turned into a giant monster fish BOSS and whose eyes triggered trypophobia, it was Heisenberg's turn who could finally control the magnetic field.

The next step is to change the style again.

In Heisenberg's steel factory, there are countless monsters made of bacteria and steel.

This period is a refreshing battle time.

Various powerful monsters, with hard steel fronts, rely on their marksmanship to speak for themselves.

Before the final BOSS battle, Ethan unexpectedly met Chris, whom he had not seen for a long time, and learned a shocking truth.

The person Chris killed last night was not Mia.

It turns out that not long after Rose was born, Miranda captured Mia and used the mold's mimicry ability to transform into Mia and lurk next to Ethan.

The purpose is to investigate and steal Rose.

But Chris still found this out and came to save Ethan.

Unexpectedly, on the way to transfer Ethan and his daughter, Miranda, who pretended to be dead, attacked the convoy halfway and snatched Rose away.

Chris learned of this and personally led a wolf hunting team to the village to hunt down Miranda.

The two soldiers took two steps. Ethan drove a tank with unlimited bullets and a melee chainsaw, and faced Heisenberg, who had electromagnetic capabilities.

This BOSS battle was hearty, and after a burst of indiscriminate bombardment, Heisenberg was filled with hatred on the spot.

Before she could rest, Miranda suddenly appeared in the form of Mia.

With his powerful ability, he directly dug out Ethan's heart.

This seemingly omnipotent handwasher finally fell.

When Chris arrived with people, all he saw was Ethan's cold body.

Miranda takes away the jar containing Rose's body, and the ceremony is about to begin.

And Chris, with self-blame and anger, went deep alone with weapons and killed the place where the fungi were the most. (End of chapter)

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