Compared with foreigners, domestic players are much happier.

Since the unlocking time is on a working day, the time is set at six o'clock in the afternoon.

Most people can enjoy it at night, except for the poor people who have to work the night shift.

Meng Dazui made an astonishing statement in the live broadcast room.

"I'm announcing something, the way to survive is to be a complete jerk!"

With such an offensive sentence, the barrage immediately started to get angry.

And he was also uncharacteristically, as if he was venting his inner emotions, not vomiting or unhappy, playing the game of survival and making comparisons at the same time.

"If a gun hits the legs or arms, the limbs will be severed. If a rifle or sniper hits the head, it will shatter. This is not positive at all! If you are hit by a gun, don't you just lie down on the spot without any trouble?"

"No, why is your blood on the road to survival red? As we all know, blood is green."

"You don't want people to play Left 4 Dead? Why is the server not stuck at all? How can I show my ability to withstand stress?"

"Why don't you have gold points in this game? I can't even spend money on it? Bad review."

"Why doesn't Zoe wear a miniskirt to fight zombies??? Well, it seems possible. I strongly urge the official to release a miniskirt DLC! I love miniskirts so much."

The barrage almost laughed to death, and they all said "Me too".

No sentence mentions alien species, but every sentence mentions alien species.

He is good at criticizing Sang and Huai.

It stands to reason that no matter how much a host hates a company, he or she will not express his disgust clearly.

After all, the business orders don’t necessarily come in at any time, which is a lot of income.

Normally, he has good shooting skills, good temper, and the effect of the show is explosive.

But since Meng Dazui broke the guard and went live that morning, he seems to have become a different person when talking about things related to Xingyou.

The barrage was also bursting with laughter at this time.

[Laughing to death, when I talk about Xingyou Interactive Entertainment, I instantly become Dawei 2.0]

[You actually mentioned a hot man? 】

[Stop talking and give me some face, the dead person is the most important]

【Rest in peace】

At this time, Meng Dazui and several younger brothers had already reached the death knell of the third chapter of the battle.

Facing the four charging zombies, he showed off his profound skills in FPS games.

Four bullets blasted the heads of four running zombies.

At this time, an SC barrage floated out.

【What's going on? Why did you change the game after not watching the live broadcast for a few days? Xenomorph and CSGO are no longer broadcast? 】

After Meng Dazui saw it, he replied: "Brother, the game Alien has become popular. If you like to play cooperative games, just play Left 4 Survival. In the future, the anchor will not touch any games related to Star Entertainment."

Not only him, but other anchors seem to have a tacit understanding.

Since the Anti-Terrorist Special Forces Xenomorph was weakened, everyone has given up playing it, and the popularity of the game has dropped rapidly.

With the release of Left 4 Dead, Star Games is even more anxious than players.

There is a precedent of CSGO easily defeating the anti-terrorist special forces team, so I really don’t dare to be careless at all.

In order to grab players on this day, Liu Chuan ignored the opposition of the chief planner Zhou Runnan and forcibly launched an event in which the drops of gun parts and design fragments were doubled.

Hao Xuankankan stabilized daily life.

The next day, when he saw the first-day sales figures released by Naughty Cat's official account, Xingyou breathed a sigh of relief, and even felt a little bit happy and despised in his heart.

First-day sales, a mere 200,000 copies?

I'm sorry for your previous enthusiasm.

But after the third, fourth, and fifth days passed, Xingyou couldn't laugh at all.

The origin platform can see the number of player comments.

Looking at the number of new comments, we can roughly estimate the number of buyers.

Since then, there have been an average of 100,000 sales every day.

It's so stable that it's a little scary!

With the steady and continuous sales of Road to Survival, Alien is forced to launch more activities with greater discounts to compete.

However, the number of daily active players is still decreasing at an alarming rate.

A week later, Naughty Cat released the game’s first week sales.

A total of 860,000 copies!

Compared to many masterpieces, this number is a fraction of their first-day sales.

However, the continuous combat effectiveness is too strong.

Starting from the second week, the daily sales volume of 80,000 copies can still be maintained without any decline, and the number of people online has even increased instead of falling.

The number of people online at the same time for different species is less than 10,000, not to mention the number of people who spend money to buy games, which is only a few hundred every day and is decreasing day by day.

The anti-terrorist special forces aliens have been in the spotlight for less than a month, but one foot has already entered the coffin.

Liu Chuan sat alone in the office, staring at the screen blankly.

At this point, he finally understood why Zhou Runnan, the company's original chief planner, strongly opposed his move.

The temporary popularity of alien species is not due to their excellent qualities.

It’s because the popularity brought by the anchor’s zero krypton challenge has covered up the biggest contradiction in the design of the game itself.

What the audience likes is watching the anchor being abused, not this game. As long as the anchor can break his defense, the audience will like to watch it.

After players get into the trap, some will have the mentality that they will lose money if they don’t pass the level. They go online every day to complete tasks, clear dungeons, and slowly improve their attributes.

The originally planned game content will be released after the characters in the large army are strong enough to clear the current five chapters.

After the dungeon is weakened, many players will become enthusiastic and play for several days in order to clear the level.

But then there will be large-scale abandonment because there is no content to play.

Once the dungeon was weakened, the krypton guy could still rely on expensive props to become a boss and enjoy the praise of the new ones.

Now, eight newbies can pass the level together, so what’s the point of having a krypton guy?

One bad move shut out the anchors, kryptonians, and ordinary players.

I can't even save him.

When I took another look at Naughty Cat Studio, which was in the headlines of gaming media, I felt a sense of powerlessness in my heart.

The leading anti-terrorism team of a famous company actually blocked the account of an UP host because of a cheating anchor. The customer service ignored it and dug a grave with their own hands.

Later, because it drove away fans who were looking for jobs to make mods for their own games, Left 4 Dead was born.

In this game, he personally killed the alien who was responsible for saving the company.

Is this the reincarnation of fate?

The death of the Anti-Terrorist Special Forces was due to laziness among the seven deadly sins, and it was due to laziness regarding the phenomenon of cheating.

The death of the alien species was due to the greed and arrogance among the seven deadly sins, the greed of buying out and in-app purchase, and the arrogance of rejecting talents.

Regret, deep regret.

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine to buy.

Just as I was thinking about it, there was a knock on the office door.

Zhou Runnan walked in, holding several documents in his hand and placing them on the table.

Liu Chuan's heart sank to the bottom. He smiled forcefully and asked, "Old Zhou, what are you doing?"

"Mr. Liu, I resign."

Hearing these two words, Liu Chuan seemed to have aged ten years. He took a deep breath and covered his face with his hands.

No expression can be seen.

In the office.

Lin Mo is currently playing the game, and Road to Survival has been released, so he can finally rest for a while.

The next most important thing is to attend the WGA Awards Ceremony in a few days.

Just after finishing a game, my eyes suddenly blurred.

Mission completion has changed again.

From 95% to 100%!

At the same time, time immediately returns to zero.

Instantly, many prompts popped up in front of him.

Finally finished!

[Congratulations to the host! Mission completion reaches more than 50% (completed)]

[Reward: Facial Capture Studio]

Lin Mo was overjoyed when he saw this reward.

Both CSGO and Left 4 Dead are first-person shooting games. Players cannot see the facial expressions of their own characters, nor can they stare at the expressions of their teammates.

However, Naughty Cat cannot only play this kind of games all his life, so sooner or later he will be exposed to motion capture and face capture.

You can always trust the black technology of the system!

It goes without saying that compared to other face capture studios, the equipment and technology provided by the system must be far ahead of this era.

He quickly looked at the next reward. It took a lot of trouble to get it.

[Congratulations to the host! Mission completion reaches 100% (completed)]

[Reward: Magic Engine CG generation module (can only be generated based on the finished game)]

Lin Mo almost couldn't help shouting happily.

Today's Naughty Cat is very efficient, but one fatal flaw is that CG can only be outsourced.

CSGO has not been equipped with any CG so far.

The opening CG of "Land of Survival" was prepared long in advance and cost several times the money. The outsourcing company was so worried that it was about to pee blood before it was finally completed before the deadline.

With this thing, the CG production cycle can catch up with the game.

Almost at the same time, a dialog box popped up in front of me.

[Horror games, as a genre that can make a big difference out of small things, have always been the hardest hit area for junk games. Players who like this genre are miserable]

[Long-term mission: Create a survival horror game series with a total sales volume of more than 25 million]

Lin Mo touched his chin. Horror games are actually relatively niche, and most of them are produced at a low cost.

But there really is a series of games that have this level of strength, and even far greater strength than this.

Not only did it set a precedent, but it also blossomed into games and movies.

But before that, let’s try out the newly acquired CG generation module and Face Capture Studio.

Thinking about it, he glanced at the icon of the road to survival on the desktop.

It’s you.

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