"Should I log in again and do the unfinished daily tasks? The rewards are quite tempting."

However, this idea only lasted for two seconds before she passed it.

Just think about the need to control the character to go to the wild, collect clues like a detective investigating a case, and then find the target that needs to be conquered along the way, and finally type on the keyboard for a while to complete a task.

For other tasks, either you need to play a rogue mode in the Tower of Infinity that takes about 45 minutes to complete.

Or you need to help an NPC complete a long list of tasks.

Although, it is really good.

But it is really tiring.

"Why don't I play MMORPG?"

Thinking about it, she completely gave up the idea of ​​doing daily tasks and dragged her tired body to the bathroom.

The next day.

"Good fortune never comes alone, and misfortune never comes alone."

Xiao Yao looked at today's results with a dark face.

Everywhere she looked, it was all red, with only a little green in the middle.

The ratio of wins and losses was almost an astonishing 1:7.

[Play "Infinite Tower", it's pretty cool to play]

[This game is really good, and domestic games have finally stood out]

[This game is completely popular, I saw many anchors and friends around me playing it]

["Infinite Tower", start! ]

Xiao Yao was a little hesitant, should I start it?

Maybe it's just like this at the beginning? Will it get better later?

Today's teammates are still not good enough, whether it's CSGO or Apex, they are too bad to play.

"Okay, then start it, but this game is really a bit tiring."

As a result, that night.

Xiao Yao's face was full of black lines, and she gritted her teeth and complained: "It's really more tiring than shooting games! Baofeng Entertainment's "Cosmic Rift" is not so tiring to play."

On the third day, it was still the same.

Xiao Yao's teammates are still not human, but this time, she said that she didn't want to play "Infinite Tower" at all.

When I think of the dense amount of tasks after logging in, my scalp tingles.

The purpose of playing "Tower of Infinity" is to relax yourself when you are bored, not to make yourself more tired.

Moreover, the online evaluation of "Tower of Infinity" is no longer one-sidedly good, but mixed with some critical and abusive voices.

Because on this day, the first batch of local tyrants who spent money to buy full stamina reached a high enough level and could unlock new plots.

This plot surprised many people and sent a knife.

The fourth day.

Although the game is still the most popular mobile game at the moment, it has even surpassed "Genshin Impact", which has dominated the second-game track for thousands of years, in many rankings.

But some questioning voices have gradually increased.

[When will this end? I tolerated it when the game was so hard at the beginning, but why did it become even harder later?]

[I have a feeling that I am playing an MMORPG, and it is the kind that forces hard work and krypton]

[I am not really convinced, the daily tasks of this game also require playing team dungeons, and I encountered some pig teammates all the time. I was killed twice but couldn't beat them]

[For a little mosquito leg reward, I was so hard that I vomited blood. Is this design something that people can do? ]

These voices naturally reached the manufacturer.

In Dongrong Interactive Entertainment, Zhou Wenguang frowned and stared at the data of the fourth day. He read it over and over again, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Isn't this okay? The retention rate is even higher than expected. Players are just saying one thing and doing another."

In front of him, the project chief designer hesitated and said, "Boss, do you want to reduce the burden on the players? This is indeed a bit too much, even more than "Genshin Impact."

Zhou Wenguang shook his head without hesitation and said, "It can't be reduced! Daily active users, player retention, and daily online time are the data that Baofeng Entertainment cares about the most. How can we report it if it is reduced? It's better to check how the preparations for the launch of "Honkai Impact: Star Dome Railway" tomorrow are going."

The project chief designer nodded and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Zhou, there is no problem. Tomorrow is the climax of the plot, and there will be two activities, one large and one small, online."

Zhou Wenguang nodded with satisfaction when he heard this, and after the other party left, he happily wrote an email.

Report today's data to the big boss Baofeng Entertainment, who paid for it, and express his determination not to be afraid of the public beta of "Honkai Impact 3: Star Railway".

The fifth day after the public beta of "Infinity Tower", August 26.

For mobile or light game players, this is a very anticipated day - "Honkai Impact 3: Star Railway" is officially open for beta.

Shark platform has always been very close to Naughty Cat. Every game that continues to operate will undertake promotional activities, that is, business orders.

In the past few days, many of its anchors have received platform tasks and need to broadcast "Honkai Impact 3: Star Railway" for a certain length of time.

On this day, Xiao Yao got up early, put on makeup, and put on the COS clothes that had been prepared long ago.

Start broadcasting!

"Hello, Qiongbao, today's Xiao Yao is Bronya, the heir of Beloberg's Great Guardian~"

As he said, he also made a heart gesture to the camera.

[Good fellow, others are making money from broadcasting business orders, you are really addicted]

[Tower of Infinity has quite a few activities today, many of my friends said they came to Star Iron to grab a UID and then log off]

[I always feel that Naughty Cat is going to fail this time]

[Tell me, how much do you plan to spend on Star Iron? 】

Xiaoyao was chatting with Danmu while waiting for the server to open.

"How much? No, no, you see, didn't I even buy a monthly pass in "Tower of Infinity"?"

"Those who talk about grabbing UIDs, I will wait for the day when you play all the way and become loyal fans. I will laugh at you."

The so-called UID is a string of unchangeable digital IDs generated when entering the game. The earlier the ID, the higher it is.

After waiting for a while, it was finally time to start the server, and I clicked to start the game without hesitation.

"The official said that this is a space comedy, and it is a follow-up game experience. I am quite looking forward to what kind of story it will be."

As she spoke, she really looked like she was watching an animation, holding a cup in her hand, drinking water through a straw, and looking at the content on the screen.

On the main interface, the background is a sea of ​​stars, and a simple-looking steam train is traveling in the universe. It looks quiet and romantic against the background music.

Click to enter the game.

Space station in the universe.

Canon's violin sounded, and the perspective slowly zoomed in. Kafka, the purple-haired royal sister who had been loved even before the game was officially released in beta, was intoxicated by the music.

On the other side, a strange small black hole appeared, and countless enemies walked out of it and began to destroy it without any explanation.

A shrill alarm sounded instantly in the space station, interrupting Kafka's intoxication.

She sighed softly and said quietly: "It seems that I came at the wrong time."

Just as he finished speaking, a pixel-style dialog box popped up in front of him: "No, I think you came at the right time."


The little demon couldn't hold it back and almost spat out a mouthful of water. He couldn't help but cough violently several times.

"Ahem, no, ahem, ahem, this caught people off guard?! Isn't this a line from the scene in "Little Li's Flying Knife" where Li Xunhuan is hugging him? Can this joke be played?"

【ah? ? ? I just said that it sounds familiar to me, is it really like this?]

[It seems so. I can’t tell that Xiaoyao has watched this TV series. Doesn’t he reveal his age? 】

[I thought I felt wrong, but I didn’t expect it to be true? Aren’t you afraid of a lawyer’s letter warning you?]

"I did watch it when I was a kid, and this scene left a deep impression on me." Xiaoyao couldn't help but cry, "Okay, I admit, it made me laugh from the beginning."

Continue the game.

Through the conversation, we learned that the person Kafka was talking to was called Silver Wolf, and the two of them were from an organization called the Star Core Hunters, both good and evil.

Following a "script" similar to a prophecy, he came here to perform a mission.

On the way to perform the mission, as expected, he encountered many creatures called "virtual pawns" and began to teach combat.

"Hey, this battle system is good. I like it. It's simple and doesn't require too much thinking. I didn't have time to chat while playing "Infinity Tower"."

"And this conversation is quite interesting, and the comments are very sharp."

Along the way of performing tasks, there are many interactive contents, and the amount of copywriting is terrible.

It can be seen that the background story is quite grand, but there is no rush to throw it out. Instead, it first appears as a dispensable map interactive element.

Soon, Kafka's second teammate Silver Wolf also appeared and joined the team. He was a hacker with a babyish voice and a punkish appearance.

The purpose of the two is to awaken a "person" and put a star core called the "Cancer of All Worlds" into it.

Not surprisingly, this "person" is the controllable protagonist.

"From what I heard, the controllable protagonist seems to know this star core hunter organization. Is there anything going on?" Xiaoyao commented while playing, "The story may not be as difficult and obscure as "Tower of Infinity", but it goes very smoothly. Very comfortable, I like it.”

"It's just that the beginning seems quite serious, and it doesn't seem to match comedy?"

Just finished.

After creating the characters, the two star core hunters left.

After the protagonist is briefly unconscious, he hears some sounds.

Male voice: "This person's coordinates were not sent by the space station."

Female voice: "What's the point of worrying about it now? This big living person is right in front of us, it can't be fake, right?"

Male voice: "The heartbeat and pulse are very weak. March, prepare for artificial respiration."

Female voice: "Ah?! I. I don't have much experience. Dan Heng, come on!"

Hearing this conversation, Xiaoyao suddenly covered his mouth and said expectantly: "Is it so exciting to begin with? Can this be broadcast live?"

As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw a man with his eyes closed, approaching, and he was about to touch her.

The little demon was about to scream in excitement.

"S-Shut up! Is anyone awake?"

The game's poster girl, the vitality girl March 7, pushed away Dan Heng who was about to kiss him and made her official debut.

With pink hair, pink-blue eye color, and blue and white clothing, she looks very youthful and energetic.

【March 7? March Wife! 】

[Let him kiss you, look at the disappointed look on the little demon's face]

With the addition of March 7, the style of the story instantly changed 180 degrees.

Through dialogue, we learned that this place was attacked by the Antimatter Legion of the Destruction Star God Nanook.

The two people in front of them are both members of the star train of the pioneering star god Ajivili - Yue Qi and Dan Heng.

The further you advance in the plot, the more you get a feeling.

This protagonist seems to be somewhat similar to the overall impression given by the game.

Highlight an irregularity!

In addition to being a energetic girl, March 7 also has strong attributes of a daredevil girl.

And every time when she is rash or does something wrong, the protagonist will turn into a complaining expert and quarrel with Xiao Sanyue.

In his character, he has a sinister and shady character.

And as he continued to play, Xiaoyao also discovered some characteristics of the game.

Crazy fun!

It can even be said that it is a game based on the meme.

When the meat pigeon gameplay "Simulated Universe" is unlocked, there is a conversation between the protagonist and the character in charge of the device, Black Tower.

".I call it [Metaverse]."

Then came the protagonist’s sharp complaint: [Don’t take advantage of this heat].

The little demon couldn't laugh or cry for a while: "Good guy, keep up with current events."

After a few battles, when I went to receive rewards from the achievement system, I discovered many surprises.

"The achievement [A Song of Ice and Fire] comes from the novel and American TV series of the same name in the Lighthouse Kingdom, [Continuous Normal Punch] comes from the skills in a certain animation of Little Days, [Memory, Sorrow and Thorns] comes from the novel written by Ted Williams, [ Do Bionic Snails Dream of Electronic Trees? "Do Bionic Snails Dream of Electric Sheep?"

One after another, these memes instantly bring players closer to the game.

It even opened up a new way for Xiaoyao to find jokes together with the barrage, making the barrage more lively than ever.

[This red and blue pill represents truth and lies, should it be from "The Matrix", right? 】

[This [The wind is very noisy today] is an animated joke! I have watched this animation]

[This [looks like an adult] then says there is only one truth, is this Conan? 】

【[That's it? I can still hit ten more] This is Ip Man! Hahaha】

There is never a shortage of great people in the barrage.

Finding memes was quite enjoyable at first, but soon Xiaoyao and Danmu both discovered one thing.

I can't find it all, I can't find it at all.

"No, this is a game based on memes, right?" Xiao Yao couldn't help but laugh and cry. "I doubt the mental state of the Star Iron production team! Is it really okay? The production team is really high-intensity surfing."

Not just achievements, dialogue, options.

There are some jokes buried in almost every achievement item. It can be said that the copywriting of a game almost condenses the contemporary Internet ecology.

There is nothing you can't imagine, nothing you can't play.

And in this joyful atmosphere of finding jokes, the game ushered in the first BOSS battle in the entire game - the Doomsday Beast.

Huge body, gorgeous special effects, moderate difficulty.

The advantages of the turn-based system are evident here. The combination of music and graphics makes the game BOSS, which is obviously a turn-based game, extremely cool.

After defeating the Doomsday Beast, the protagonist received an invitation as expected - to board the star train, become an unknown guest, and practice the spirit of "pioneering" in the universe.

Take an adventure with the navigators Ji Zi, Walter, Dan Heng, Yue Qi and others on the train, and face the unknown and dangers in the development.

When chatting with several members of the train crew, you will gradually understand this world with star gods, destiny with various powers, different worlds, high technology and huge companies that monopolize the universe.

The low male voice accompanied by the guitar playing and singing sounded unconsciously, as if bidding farewell to an old friend who was about to embark on a journey.

After chatting with the train crew and the owner of the space station, Esta, and the owner of the simulated universe, Black Tower.

Xiaoyao finally has to make a choice on behalf of the protagonist.


At this moment, she suddenly had a whim: "Normally speaking, in this kind of game, you have to get on the train and start the adventure. This is the main story. But in a game like "Honkai: Star Rail", if I refuse How about getting on the bus?"

[I want to get in the car]

[I decided to stay on the space station]

[I still want to talk to Himeko]

[I have to think about it again]

Thinking about it, with a hint of curiosity, I clicked on the second option to stay on the space station.

The barrage was also stunned by the sudden idea.

[Holy crap, why don’t other anchors have this option? Is this another hidden game content? Do you need to express to Heita and Esta that you want to stay? 】

[Awesome, no normal person would think of such a ridiculous decision]

[Then it’ll be the finale, right?]

Xiaoyao smiled and said: "How is it possible? The finale? How can the game continue?"

After repeatedly confirming with Jizi that she wanted to stay.

Ji Zi: "That's it, then, I respect your choice. Take good care of yourself, we will come back to see you often."

Then, a CG popped up.

The four members of the train crew boarded the train and said goodbye to the protagonist at the space station.

The narrator's deep voice sounded: "After careful consideration, you have decided to decline Jizi's invitation. The whistle is buzzing, the star train is about to set sail, and friends who meet by chance wave to you. Parting is as sudden and firm as meeting."

Just the next sentence made Xiaoyao and Danmaku dumbfounded.

The protagonist and Heita studied the star core in the body, but Black Tower soon lost interest, and the protagonist became an ordinary clerk on the space station.

Then, the protagonist spent a peaceful life on the space station.

"Sometimes, you can't help but wonder if the future would be different if you stepped on that train? But that has nothing to do with you."

The little demon laughed dryly and said: "Hey, no, why didn't you get on the train after a little farce? Why do you feel like BE?"

[Fuck, it's really over? ]

[I really like the word of contemporary netizens, huh? ? ]

[Fuck, it's really something that Star Rail can do]

Then the screen went black and the end credits appeared.

"Honkai Impact 3rd"

Starring: Xiao Yao


Dan Heng as Dan Heng


Friendly appearances, special thanks, script guidance: (omitted)

May this journey finally reach the stars.


Then, the screen went black and the game exited directly.

Returned to the main interface.

"Ah??!!" Xiao Yao stood up in shock, "No, the game was released less than two hours ago, and I cleared it? It's over? The first person in the world? The first to clear it? Chu Dong is not as fast as me, right?"

[End of the flower! ]

[August 26, 20xx! ](End of this chapter)

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