Storm Entertainment.

"Damn it, damn it! Things go wrong again and again, what's going on!"

Moreno cursed angrily, his face looking very ugly.

The Baofeng platform's access to third-party games was originally a major event in the gaming industry, and it was originally intended to have a certain coaxing effect among players.

It even shows its ambitions on both PC and mobile phones.

I thought everything would go smoothly, but the road turned out to be inexplicably full of thorns.

It cannot be said that a series of measures have not achieved their goals, nor have they gone smoothly.

I wanted to get off to a good start by relying on interactive video games that were in the limelight and that players were also very interested in. But unexpectedly, "Detroit: Become Human" came out.

I tried to negotiate an extension with Naughty Cat, but was ruthlessly rejected. Even trying to offer compensation was of no use.

If you want to sign a mobile game to attract the attention of this group of players, rely on Nikka to keep the Baofeng platform on every player's device.

As a result, I encountered Honkai Impact: Star Rail.

The contract has not been signed yet, so this cooperation can be canceled and a new partner can be found.

As a result, I didn’t expect that this was a turn-based mobile game, and everyone misjudged its potential.

As a result, in just half a month, the decline has already appeared.

How long can it last in the future?

Still unknown.

As a result, the turn-based mobile game "Honkai: Star Rail", which was looked down upon, is booming and showing great vitality.

The key is that they noticed the problems with the "Infinity Tower" project and repeatedly held Dongrong Interactive Entertainment accountable.

Although I know that the other party's words are suspected of being adulterated, fortunately I have psychological comfort.

As a result, now, Zhou Wenguang seems to have received a big blow, and he feels a little enlightened.

It’s open!

Give up!

Is it okay?

They are even proposing to change the content of the game in the direction of lightening it.

The response was: "I need to be responsible for the players who like the current version of Infinity Towers."

For this reason, I refused.

"Trash, every one of them is trash! Damn it, trash!!"

Moreno said several sentences in a row, and then he felt that he had vented some of his anger, and then he thought about it carefully.

Currently, most of the players on the Baofeng platform are still accustomed to consuming first-party games such as the "War Zone" series or "Cosmic Rift" on the Baofeng platform.

Even though there are many third-party games, they are still not attractive enough to players, and the promotion work is not so smooth.

A player's gaming inertia is very strong. Sometimes if a game does not appear on his usual gaming platform, he would rather not play it, or even just get it for free.

Whenever it is released on your favorite platform, you have to spend money to buy it.

This platform is the origin platform of Naughty Cat.

Indeed, it is too difficult to rely on the games of Electronic Arts and Dongrong Interactive Entertainment to leverage players’ consumption habits on the Origin platform over the years.


Moreno showed a playful smile.

Whether it is the interactive video game "Future World" or the mobile game "Infinity Tower", the failure to achieve the expected effect has a lot to do with the quality of the game itself.

But the biggest relationship, Moreno believes, is because of Naughty Cat.

In this case, can we use reverse thinking to solve the problem and allow other works in the "War Zone" series, except the latest one to be released, to log on to the Origin platform?

Can this leverage some players and bring fresh blood to the Baofeng platform?

In this way, it achieves its purpose, attracting traffic to the Baofeng platform and attracting enough users.

In turn, it can disgust the naughty cat.

It seems really feasible.

Moreno touched his chin.

The Origin platform has always been open to third-party games. As long as you abide by the platform rules, even games from competitors that require your brains to be played are not prohibited from logging onto the platform.

Many games are even launched bound to their own platforms, and the origin platform also does not prohibit them.

It seems like something really happened.

"Ha, in the final analysis, we have to rely on Baofeng Entertainment's first-party games. Those from other companies are just stinky fish and rotten shrimps?"

He curled his lips disdainfully.

There's just one problem.

The Baofeng platform does not have a rating and review system for games, but on the Origin platform, you can clearly see how many positive reviews the game has received and how players have criticized it.

In the past, even if players were dissatisfied with the game, such voices would not cause too much trouble. It was quite convenient to spend some money to control public opinion.

As for the reputation of this series?

Moreno knows best that the players can be said to be cursing and playing at the same time.

The "War Zone" series is one of the leading IPs that carries the banner of stock price and sales. The accumulation of technology and design level are all top-notch.

Everyone at Baofeng Entertainment is proud of this, and sales are the best response.

But the problem is that Baofeng Entertainment is also a listed company, and its greed for money is endless.

The price of the game has increased, the content has been reskinned, the content of the plot and campaign has shrunk, plug-ins are rampant, buyouts and paid props and passes are charged.

Greed and carelessness are written all over his face.

As for the upcoming "Warzone 9", there is a "secret" that players don't know about, and everyone in the company is strictly keeping it a secret and no one is allowed to tell it.

This game is actually a large-scale paid DLC for "Warzone 8".

As a result, another sheet was taken out and made into an independent game, which will be sold at the price of an independently developed AAA game.

The ninth work in the series is like this, and the eighth one is not much better. The reputation of the series' works continues to decline.

If such a work is launched on the origin platform, the stock price will not fall due to a large number of negative reviews, right?

That's trouble.

Moreno doesn't want to become the second Bowken or the second Arnold.

But when I think about the huge number of users that the origin platform may attract.

I still plan to take risks and give it a try first.

After making a decision, he immediately started to implement the matter and made a phone call.

On the phone.

Southgate, the operations director of the "Warzone" IP, was very surprised when he heard this. He hesitated for a long time before replying: "Boss. Lin Mo will definitely not prevent "Warzone 8" and previous works from being released on the origin platform, nor will It will definitely bring a lot of new blood.”

Listening, Moreno asked: "But?"

Southgate continued: "However, the Origin platform has a mechanism. If the player rating reaches a flood of negative reviews within a short period of time, the Origin platform will force the game to be removed from the shelves and refund all players who are willing to refund. No matter the play time!”

Moreno nodded.

"I know that the two scammers in "Doomsday" tried to get the game to log on to the origin platform but failed to add a new clause, but for so many years, so many games logged on to the platform every year have only triggered it once. But you don't think Say, the "Warzone" series will trigger this clause, right?"

As soon as these words came out, the phone was silent for a moment.

Southgate was speechless for a moment and almost wanted to question the boss.

Do you have any misunderstandings about the reputation of your own IP?

Southgate, the core developer of the original "Warzone", experienced an era when the game was both a success and a hit.

Later, due to the conflict between the concept of developing games and Baofeng Entertainment, I transitioned from a developer to other positions, and now as an operations director, watching this IP step by step to glory, and then to a bad reputation.

It's impossible not to feel heartache.

"Boss, "Warzone 8" released a year ago is no longer the popular and popular "Warzone 4". Although the sales of this game are still growing strongly, its reputation among the player community is not very good. So. If you rashly log into a platform like Origin that is open to player comments, you may face a backlash in terms of reputation.”

This statement made Moreno a little unhappy. He said calmly: "You are the operations director of the series. Who do you think should pay for the reputation problem of "War Zone"?"

Southgate felt congested and wanted to curse, but in the end he whispered: "Sorry, boss. It was my dereliction of duty."

What the hell!

Southgate cursed in his heart. I have long been separated from the front line of development and have no say in the direction of game development.

Does the collapse of reputation have something to do with me?

Rather than saying that he should be held responsible for the word-of-mouth problem, it would be better to say that he should take the blame for the word-of-mouth problem.

Although it is no longer involved in game development, his name is deeply bound to the rise of the IP "War Zone".

It is a name that can be remembered by both game media and players.


A name that has been scolded a lot in recent years.

It's like the "War Zone" series has become increasingly greedy and careless because of such a small operations director.

After listening to Southgate admitting his "mistake", Moreno nodded in satisfaction and said: "Now that you understand, remember to do this well and be careful. In addition to the latest "War Zone" 9", the rest of the works can be logged on other platforms, you can do this."

Then, hung up the phone.

Listening to the busy signal on his phone, Southgate felt a sense of powerlessness all over his body.

Other platforms are easy to say, and they can still make a fuss about the game's praise rate, at least it won't be too ugly.

But the question is what about the origin platform?

Southgate had bouts of headache.

I have encountered countless such tasks over the years, and every one of them is extremely difficult to handle.

If it works well, it's easy to say. If it doesn't work well, it will result in being a scapegoat again.

No, when it comes to a naughty cat with such an uncontrollable stubbornness, something will happen sooner or later.

Thinking that he would become the scapegoat again, his face darkened.

But work still needs to be done.

Many third-party distribution platforms have heard that the "Warzone" series is going to cooperate with them. Although there is no latest game "Warzone 9", it is still enough to make people happy.

This is a terrifying IP with sales of no less than 17 million per unit.

As for some platforms with positive ratings and comment areas, facing the requirements put forward by Baofeng Entertainment, the positive ratings look better.

Naturally, I patted my chest and agreed.

After all, this function has a backend from the beginning, so it is impossible to rate and evaluate it completely according to the players' wishes.

After securing the second, third or even fourth market share of the platform in major countries and regions, it’s time to come to the hardest nut to crack.

Origin platform!

Southgate sees the deadline assigned to him by the company getting closer and closer, and he has never found the opportunity to seek official dialogue with Origin Platform or Naughty Cat.

The business emails sent out were ignored.

It seems like he is saying.

Storm Entertainment?

Not familiar.

Please follow the normal review and application procedures from the Origin Platform Developer Platform.

The last day of the task deadline has come.

Southgate smiled bitterly.

"It's really worthy of being Naughty Cat. There are really not many people in the industry who are not as good as Storm Entertainment."

Helplessly, he could only upload the original works of the "War Zone" series 1-8 and 5 spin-off works according to the normal process.

"I hope that the patches that urge the production team to expedite production will be useful."

Sighing, Southgate put his hands together and prayed to the sky.

Let it be.

I hope the players will show mercy.

If you upload the game directly, it means you agree to the agreement of Naughty Cat.

If there are a lot of bad reviews, you will be forced to refund.

Due to the time difference.

Many players who woke up from a sleep, many players who were bored to choose games, many players or practitioners who were watching short videos and reading game news, saw this jaw-dropping news.

"Storm Entertainment not only allows other games to enter their platform, but also allows the leading IP to log on other platforms?!"

Many players exclaimed in surprise.

Then they quickly logged into their favorite and most frequently used platforms to see the situation.

[Fuck! Game box gives away 40 yuan vouchers, what a big deal]

[WcGame purchases of 500 yuan games will give away "Warzone 8"? Star Game Interactive Entertainment YYDS! ]

[Star Game Interactive Entertainment? WcGame? It's just a flannel ball of the Origin platform, this platform is not even worth it]

[No, why is it only on the Origin platform? Forget it, I won't buy it, I'll talk about it when it's on the Origin platform]

[Origin platform + 1]

[But, what about the Origin platform? Why is it only on the Origin platform? ]

After saying this, many players reacted.

Yes, what about the Origin platform?

All platforms were online at almost the same time that day, but the Origin platform was not available.

Many players really don't want to use the Baofeng platform, but they are curious and want to play the "War Zone" series of games, so many people can't help but pay.

Suddenly, an advertisement popped up on many people's Origin platform, with a few big words written on it.

The entire "War Zone" series is now available on the Origin platform!

The Origin platform is late but it's here.

Many players immediately became interested when they saw it.

Other platforms are not very willing to buy, but the Origin platform has to buy.

I bought the game with great interest, paid, downloaded, and played.


I couldn't log in.

Many players looked confused.

I logged in again, but still couldn't log in.

About half of the players finally logged in to the game and started the game. They just played two games, and they were still high-ping warriors, and they were still using the accelerator.

As a result, after a few games, a notification suddenly popped up.

Your account has been blocked!

Now, the players are completely furious.

Many players were surprised to find that the biggest reason for being blocked was turning on the accelerator.

Because of the accelerator! (End of this chapter)

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