Of course, if you don't give in, you still have to put forward your own needs.

So during this period, Naughty Cat has been making a strong official statement to the game business department of the giant hard company, demanding that the game be restored and put on the shelves as soon as possible.

And the giant hard company also pretended to be official and pretended that it had no other thoughts.

On the left, it said "the airport massacre clip scared the children" and on the right, "Call of Duty is not humanistic at all", highlighting a Tai Chi.

I don't know how many verbal battles they fought, and they also warned each other countless times with lawyers' letters, but it was still useless.

The XGame version of Call of Duty is still blocked, and the multiplayer mode is still unplayable.

As the days passed, the players gradually became anxious.

It's a pitfall!

After so long, those who progressed quickly and could grind have reached level 10 of the pass.

Some players who were busy with work may have logged in for a while later, but they were stunned to find that the game was removed from the shelves, and only the first chapter of Modern Warfare could be downloaded and played.

The lucky ones even played the second chapter, while the unlucky ones couldn't even download the second chapter.

Not to mention the multiplayer mode, everyone is equal, no one can play it.

[No, XGame is sick, "Warzone 9" also has so many broken limbs and internal organs, why is it not removed from the shelves? ]

[Can't Naughty Cat be faster? Is it so difficult to change an insignificant scene so quickly when making games? ]

[Can Naughty Cat pay more attention to the players? How many people have bought the game but can't play the multiplayer mode now? ]

[Do you still need to think about it? Isn't this just XGame and other host platforms making trouble again? In the past few years, many potential games have been suppressed in this way to make way for their own first-party games]

The gaming environment in China is affected by historical factors, and the scale of the game is not actually large. The vast majority of players choose to buy the PC version.

As for why so many Chinese players of XGame's Call of Duty appeared overnight.

The reason is naturally needless to say.

Two days, three days, four days

As almost a week passed, the players' emotions were almost uncontrollable.

Who can tolerate that others can only watch others enjoy the game at the same price?

Affected by this incident, the public's attention to Baofeng Entertainment has declined.

"Warzone 9" took the opportunity to make a few patches to fix the game to some extent, and promised to withdraw many free DLC patches, which prevented the stock price from continuing to fall, but rebounded.

West breathed a sigh of relief when he looked at the stock price of Baofeng Entertainment today.

"It's okay, not a complete idiot, but it's a remedy after the sheep have been lost."

As for the stock price of his own company?

West doesn't have to worry at all.

Giant Hard is a behemoth, and unless the game business is turbulent, it will not affect the company's stock price.

Then, look at the next document.

It reports the recent movements and public opinion trends of Naughty Cat and the content of the conversation and discussion between the two parties.

"Hehe, you are really a naughty cat. You are still holding on at this time? But, you are about to be unable to hold on, right?"

West sneered, thought for a while, and wanted to notify the work by email, but he still made a phone call in person.

"Hey, boss."

"Don't keep playing Tai Chi. Give the other party a way out. As long as Naughty Cat is willing to make changes, even if the loss is reduced a little bit, the game will be allowed to be put on the shelves again. But a warning is issued. In the future, please pay attention to the impact of the game and don't make such bad and inhumane game clips. At the same time, remind them that there are many inappropriate game pictures in previous works. Let them check themselves. If Naughty Cat agrees, you can give them some preferential treatment in terms of profit sharing. Carrot and stick, you know?"

"Understood! Boss."

"Okay, get to work."

After doing this, West put it behind his mind.

As for whether it will succeed.

Of course it will, is there any need to say?

What is the purpose of making games? To make money!

This is a business!

Since it is a business, I can't think of any reason why Naughty Cat would refuse.

If he agrees, he can gain the friendship of one of the two major host platforms, XGame platform.

He can also gain advantages in profit sharing.

And what he has to pay is just some small concessions on the release time of the game, which needs to match the rhythm of XGame.

Why refuse? Why refuse? I can't think of any reason, okay.

As for the complete removal of Naughty Cat games.

Let me put it this way.

Nowadays, although many players buy digital versions of games, physical discs are still irreplaceable. This is the sentiment of many console players and the most important thing. Many people even play consoles for physical discs.

Now, the most conspicuous position of all physical disc merchants is the Naughty Cat game area after entering.

If Naughty Cat games are completely removed from the shelves, none of the numerous employees in the game department will be able to get performance and year-end bonuses.

There may even be layoffs.

Because Naughty Cat has too many players on the platform and encounters many problems, in order to solve this considerable number of new console players who only play Naughty Cat games, the customer service team has also been expanded.

However, when the giant hard disk suffers losses, Naughty Cat will not be much better off.

"Juying lost the company's money, but you, Naughty Cat, lost your Lin Mo's money. I don't believe you are willing to do that!"

He praised his plan happily and continued to work.

"At the Federal Trade Commission, Chairman Rebecca's son Slaughter seems to be running for mayor of New York this year. How much campaign funds should he provide? If this damn woman is not fed, she may not pass the antitrust review easily."

Before the acquisition is officially announced next year, the preparation for the acquisition is the top priority.

The time is until the afternoon.

Although West is relatively young among his peers, he is less than 50 years old, so he has more physical strength and energy, and even playing games all night does not affect the work of the next day.

"Well, the antitrust review may be affected a lot because the "Warzone" series is too popular. But now there is "Call of Duty", damn it, should I thank Naughty Cat for making the antitrust review easier?"

Just after cursing, I heard the phone ring.

Looking at the name on the phone, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, as if he had foreseen the good news brought by the other party.


"Boss, Naughty Cat replied."

"Well, I see. Then let's put Call of Duty: Modern Warfare back on the shelves and give affected players a $5 coupon."

Hearing this, the person on the phone was obviously stunned for a moment, and then replied: "Boss. Restore the shelves? Are we going to give up?"

West was about to continue working, and was obviously stunned when he heard this.

No, what do you mean? !

Quickly asked: "Didn't Naughty Cat agree to modify the game content?"

"No. Naughty Cat replied very strongly, saying that as long as the Chinese censorship agency said there was no problem, the game would not modify the game content for various reasons, and would not fear any threats."

Not afraid of any threats

Hearing this, West narrowed his eyes and sneered.

"What a confident person! Not afraid of any threats? Ha!"

"What should the boss do?"

West said expressionlessly: "Doesn't Naughty Cat claim to never make false propaganda? The giant company never tolerates any problematic game content!"

"So it really has to be"

"Take it off the shelves! All Naughty Cat family buckets are taken off the shelves from the XGame mall! Without rectification, they cannot be put back on the XGame console! All Naughty Cat game physical disks are discontinued and completely removed from all direct sales channels!"

After saying this, the phone fell into a brief silence.

"Boss, will you reconsider it? There are too many Naughty Cat games and the volume is too large"

"Don't think about it, just do it! If Naughty Cat continues to grow wildly without restraint, it will sooner or later break down."

After saying that, he hung up the phone directly.

After such a call, West no longer had the mood to continue working.

Standing by the window, watching the people coming and going downstairs like ants, he muttered to himself: "I don't believe that you, Lin Mo, are really willing to give up half of the overseas market."

That afternoon.

A piece of news instantly ignited many already dissatisfied XGame players.

Naughty Cats family bucket, removed from the shelves! It can be said that the whole army was wiped out, not a single one was left.

XGame used various media to report this incident for the first time.

"Resident Evil", bloody and terrifying, removed from the shelves.

"Monster Hunter: World", animal abuse, removed from the shelves.

"Cyberpunk 2077", there is a plot of killing black people, racial discrimination, removed from the shelves.

"Persona", incited theft, removed from the shelves.

Even "It Takes Two" was labeled as a children's cult because of the plot of the doll elephant being torn in half, and removed from the shelves.

Except for games like CSGO that were not originally on the console, and Plants vs. Zombies that were really flawless, most games were not spared.

[Fuck, XGame, are you crazy? You are sick! 】

【Fortunately, I bought physical discs, so the game removal has no impact on me, haha】

【Damn, I usually play Apex on the console, what should I do? 】

【I like to play Monster Hunter online, this is a mess! 】

Online games still account for a large proportion of Naughty Cat games.

It doesn't matter if you play pure single-player games with physical discs.

But look at offline physical discs or physical discs in online stores.

Those with a keen sense of smell will rush to buy them as soon as possible.

Afterwards, players who originally wanted to wait for discounts to buy some games were stunned.

They can't buy them!

What about physical discs? The price has increased wildly.

In just one hour, both new and second-hand discs have increased by as much as 25%.

Many players who are waiting for discounts are crying without tears.

【I don't believe it!! Is there anyone in the world who doesn't want Naughty Cat games? 】

【Damn! I'm still waiting for the end of the year New Year discount to buy a few games, what should I do?]

[Laughing to death, waiting for those of you who bought Naughty Cat game discs at a premium to lose a lot of money. I'm saying this, this is a farce, it will be put on the shelves sooner or later]

[People who chase the rise are paying IQ tax, and the profiteers are making money from you impatient people]

Just when a group of players who were very stable were madly mocking those players who bought game discs at a premium online.

Only one day later, an even more explosive news appeared on the Internet.

@Naughty Cat: Starting today, the Naughty Cat game family bucket will be removed from the XGame console, and subsequent games will no longer be available on the XGame console. Gamers who have purchased "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare", please wait for compensation measures.

It caused a lot of waves.

The players who were just mocking the high price of buying discs were completely confused.

Because as soon as this news came out, the price of second-hand discs has been higher than the price of new discs before.

The price of new discs is already twice the original price, and there is a trend of rising.

As for some first editions that have not been opened, or collectors' editions that are given as gifts, the prices have skyrocketed.

Some smaller games, such as Plants vs. Zombies, which did not originally release game discs, can no longer be bought if you want to buy them before.

Compared with the profiteers who hype up the prices, most players are confused.

What happened?

Suddenly the world changed?

Especially many foreign players who bought machines because of the Naughty Cat game, even cursed on social media, and greeted all the women in West's family in a friendly way.

At this time, West was holding an urgent online meeting in the game department of the company.

".So in summary, the complete removal of the entire Naughty Cat family bucket will be a lose-lose situation. As a company that has been sharing the console market since the advent of electronic games, we are not afraid of any challenge. Believe me, Naughty Cat will take the initiative to seek a solution. This is a cowardly person."

After saying this, many people did not show a relaxed expression on their faces, but just nodded symbolically.

It was West's extremely confident expression that made no one question this online meeting.

However, a trace of panic can still be heard from the answers to several questions.

If you look closely, you can also see some sweat stains on the forehead of the CEO.

Even he himself can feel it.

Not just the forehead, because of this impatient news, the nervous socks were soaked with sweat.

After the meeting.

Looking at the empty conference room, West couldn't help it anymore.

"Fuck!!! Don't eat the sour radish!! How dare you?"

After a few angry curses, the anger subsided a little, and then he could start to think about the problem calmly.

At this moment, there is a little regret in my heart.

Did I overdo the pressure?

The answer is yes, admitting my mistakes, but I can't tell anyone.

The second question is. Why does Lin Mo dare to turn the table like this?

He prepared so quickly that I even felt it.

This seems to be expected by the other party?

But the question is, why is there such confidence? Where does it come from?

So far, Naughty Cat games are sold on all platforms, which is also a great premise for sales guarantee.

The sales ratio of PC and console is about 1:1, among which PlaySquare is slightly better than XGame on the console platform.

Without this platform, the game sales have decreased by about 24%.

This is an unbearable burden for any game company.

But now it seems that Naughty Cat doesn't care about this.


after issuing the announcement today, I don't even bother to fight a war of words with Juying.

It's like saying, I've been waiting for you for a long time. (End of this chapter)

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