"I think I know why this game bans minors." Xiaobai cursed angrily, "Isn't it too disgusting?! Why are you so dedicated to such inexplicable details!"

Xiaobai's defense is the joy of the audience.

[Lin Mo is such a rich and good man who pays attention to details. Isn’t this a hot commodity in the blind date market? 】

[Fortunately, I turned down the volume in advance, as I am smart]

[Did you agree that it won’t be scary? Coward! 】

[Those who follow the heart are convinced]

At this point, the character has died once and is resurrected at the save point.

Although I knew there was something behind the door over there, I still instinctively refused to go there.

So he explained: "Brothers, let's explore other places first and then go there, okay?"

He Danmaku kept his mouth shut and advanced the progress of the story.

He complained on his lips, but in fact Xiaobai liked it very much.

In games of this type that I have played in the past, the puzzles are either too simple, too difficult, or have too little guidance.

Combat is either simply not scary at all, or it feels mushy.

Many games even completely abandon the character creation part, and the purpose of the game's existence is to scare people.

The feeling that Resident Evil gave him was that every item was fulfilled in games of the same type, and it far exceeded expectations.

The BOSS battle I encountered for the first time with William was moderately difficult, interesting, and very enjoyable to play.

What follows is even more amazing.

Leon went from the sewer to the underground garage, but was attacked by a zombie dog.

At the critical moment, a bullet saved him.

A mysterious figure gradually approaches in the darkness. It is a mysterious woman who claims to be an FBI federal investigator.

Xiaobai's eyes lit up and he said: "Is this the character He Bingyu is playing as a face model? Is it called Ada Wang? She is good-looking, but this time she is a good woman who saves the hero."

Follow Ada into the underground prison.

In the innermost cell, the man locked up wanted to make a deal with Leon and open the cell in exchange for an ID card.

But the deal hadn't been reached yet. The man listened to the sounds outside and shouted in horror: "What's wrong, he's coming."

As he spoke, he backed away and pressed against the wall behind him.

Leon: "What? What's coming?"

"Don't let me die! You can't live without this card! Let me out quickly!"

Xiaobai listened and said disdainfully: "This is just a game. If I were Leon, I would come up and give you a shot."

The result has just been finished.

With a boom, an arm wearing a black leather glove suddenly penetrated the thick wall and stretched out.

The man's head was forcibly lifted up by that terrifying big hand. At that position, the owner of the arm was more than two meters tall!

Leon quickly took out his gun, but before he could shoot, his head was crushed like a tomato.

Then, the arm stretched back and disappeared.

Xiao Bai didn't cry out this time, not because he was brave, but because he was stunned.

I never expected that such a thing would appear!

He swallowed secretly, feeling a little regretful about the big words he had said before.

Even a licker can't be defeated, this thing is obviously more difficult to deal with!

Then, Ada appeared again and left each other's names with Leon.

The camera took a close-up of her face.

The micro-expressions are extremely rich, and the appearance, temperament and figure are good, which instantly dilutes the fear of the unknown monster just now.

After Ada left, she was still a little reluctant to leave.

Xiaobai touched his heart and joked: "Let me introduce to you, this is my wife Ada."

Amidst the barrage of shameless curses, the game continued.

I learned that I need to get the power strip to open the cell and get the ID card before I can open the underground garage door and leave here.

While looking for one of the power strips, you need to twist the water valve switch to put out the fire caused by the fallen helicopter before you can continue.

"Brothers, why is it difficult to grasp the zombie theme? Because after the weapons are upgraded, there is no sense of terror anymore."

With that said, Xiaobai picked up the shotgun and shot out a zombie instantly, which was so satisfying.

[Be careful with the BOSS you just encountered]

[Are you being tough again? Beware of lickers]

[Laughing so hard, every time I say this I have to scream and get slapped in the face]

Seeing what the barrage said, Xiaobai showed the inventory in his backpack.

"How can the BOSS appear so easily? As for the lickers, I'm not afraid of two of them now."

As he spoke, the fire was extinguished and the blocked road could be passed.

Go back the way you came, go to the end of the corridor, and turn the corner.

The charred remains of the helicopter lay there.

Suddenly, a heavy drum BGM sounded, indicating that something ominous was about to appear.

The next second, the wreckage was lifted up by a hand.

An extremely tall monster wearing a top hat, leather jacket and gloves stood there.

"What the hell! What the hell? What is this? The one about crushing tomatoes? Why did the BOSS appear here!!"

Xiaobai was so frightened that he almost flew out of his mind.

A bunch of bullets were shot out as if they were free of charge.

But this can't stop the tyrant at all!

This unstoppable monster walked up with heavy steps, grabbed Leon by the neck and threw him out, slamming it against the wall behind him.

Get up from the ground, switch to shotgun before you have time to reload.

is that useful? Useless!

Apart from causing some damage to the leather jacket, it still couldn't stop him!

It's like a killing machine that no one can shake.

"Is this fucking invincible?!"

He panicked and ran around like a headless fly for an unknown amount of time. After eating all the healing items on his body, the dull footsteps behind him finally disappeared.

Xiaobai breathed a sigh of relief and leaned back on the chair, feeling instantly relieved.

This BOSS battle should be over, right?

Take a look at the barrage.

Needless to say, it has become a sea of ​​joy.

【Hahahahaha! What if you promised not to be surprised and not to be afraid at first sight? 】

[He can’t catch up with you, so what are you afraid of? What are you screaming for? 】

[I was laughing so hard, not a single zombie was killed, all the bullets were used]

"Am I scared? Don't talk nonsense."

Now that he's out of pursuit, it's time to get back to the power strip.

Open a door with the green four-leaf clover key you just got, and walk in.

"Wait, is this a jack? Can you go to the library?"

The joy of getting the props made him completely ignore the background music and heavy footsteps.

The next second.

Look up.

The terrifying figure of the tyrant walked around the document rack in the center of the room and appeared again!


"Brother, why are you here again!!"

"Stop chasing me!!!"

Screams and screams are endless.

Next, Xiaobai discovered in despair that this undead tyrant would stick to him like gangrene attached to his bones.

As long as he makes a louder noise or gets some mission props.

This dull footsteps will appear like a nightmare.

Xiaobai ran to the central hall in a panic.

The warm-toned light shone down, and the archived typewriter was still there.

"Phew, it's safe. It's safe. Huh???"

"Why are you chasing me again! The agreed-upon archive location in the central hall is safe!!"

"I was wrong, really wrong! Stop chasing brother!"

With a scream, he quickly pressed the start button on the controller and the game was paused.

"Ahem, brothers, it's getting late today. That's the end of today's live broadcast."

As he said this, amidst the barrage of question marks.

Xiaobai chose to broadcast in shame.

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