"Unable to start?"

Zhang Feng and Liu Xianming looked at the game on their side with some surprise, and found that it was fine.

"Hey, you two won't be banned for cheating, right?"

"No! We don't play often. Is it worth cheating if we play once in a while?"

"Where do you download your games from? Why does it fail to start?"

Roommates A\u0026B: "Game Box."

Liu Xianming looked at Zhang Feng in confusion and asked, "What about you?"

Zhang Feng touched his nose in embarrassment and said: "I am a WcGame game platform. I didn't think much about it at the time. I saw it was available on the Xingyou platform, so I downloaded it easily."

Liu Xianming opened the official website of the game box and took a look at it with a puzzled look.

This sight immediately stunned him.

"What the hell?! You guys, come and read this announcement."

Upon hearing this, the other three people quickly came forward.

On the home page, a red letter notice hangs there.

Announcement regarding the temporary removal of Naughty Cat series games from Game Box:

Because the Naughty Cat series of games (CSGO, Left 4 Dead, and Resident Evil) are bound to the Origin game platform and have violated user privacy and stolen player data, Game Box will remove three games from the shelves today and urge manufacturers to make rectifications.

Please pay attention to Game Box’s official website, Duoxin public account, and official Weibo for the date of restoration of the game.

Game Box has always been committed to protecting user privacy and creating a green gaming environment. We thank players for their understanding and support.

February 26, 20xx

Liu Xianming was in disbelief for a while and said to himself: "Taken off the shelves? Invading user privacy? Stealing player data?"

Zhang Feng was also confused for a while, and said: "Star Travel and Naughty Cats and Dogs have their brains broken out, and the games are all hanging fine. What's wrong with the game box?"

Just when the four of them were anxious, the door of the dormitory was pushed open, and a guy from the dormitory next door asked anxiously: "Can you guys log in to CSGO? My account seems to have been blocked, but I really didn't cheat!"

The two looked at each other and it seemed that a lot of players had been affected this time.

While many fans were still discussing the mysterious beauty of King Ada and the major competition in a few months, a piece of news caught countless players off guard.

Game Box, China’s largest game mall, distributor, and game platform, took the lead and removed all Naughty Cat games from its shelves.

Then Tianyun Platform and other small channel providers also responded one after another.

For a moment, there was a feeling that the six major sects would besiege Guangmingding.

Within half an hour, Naughty Cat bound the origin platform to collect player data, and news of violating user privacy broke out online instantly.

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and the players were all shocked. There were different opinions on the Internet, and I didn’t know which side to believe.

Posts and Weibo posts with various conspiracy theories sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

[The naughty cat’s sinister intentions! Ten things you don’t know about player data and privacy】

[Forcibly bound to the origin platform, regardless of player experience and platform interests, how can such a company become popular? 】

[I originally liked CSGO, but I gave up. This game deserves to be left in the dust]

[Whenever the game is on the game box, I will buy it. If not, forget it]

There are trolls, cheaters, people who don’t know the truth, fans, and sunspots, and it’s all a mess.

There are even many words that are obviously moral kidnapping.

One also has the opinions of some sober players.

[This matter should be a battle between channel providers. The origin platform has affected their fundamental interests. Infringing privacy is an excuse, but it is actually a joint suppression]

But this argument was quickly drowned in saliva.

It’s very obvious which companies are behind all this.

This sudden pressure from public opinion made some people within the company temporarily unstable.

Some think that they need to explain to the players quickly, while others think that they should sue Game Box for hiring trolls to spread rumors and cause trouble, using commercial methods of illegal competition.

Lin Mo didn't panic at all about this, and even felt that this method of pressure was simply too weak. Wasn't he just trying to force the naughty cat to give in?

With system tasks behind us, first-party games will be exclusive to the Origin platform sooner or later. The difference is just one year earlier or one year later.

In this case, there is no need to talk about it. The long-term pain is worse than the short-term pain, and all public opinion crises can be solved at once.

At this time, Lin Mo was in the company's conference room, which was full of people.

Looking around, Lin Mo smiled and said, "What do you mean by this expression? Didn't you foresee today's situation a long time ago? Or do you still have no confidence in me?"

"I'm confident, but..." Zuo Xuming scratched his head, "Are you really not trying to solve the problem through dialogue? Maybe it can be solved peacefully?"

Lin Mo said categorically: "It's impossible. The enemy has already bullied us. Naughty Cat can't do that."

He was about to give an exciting pep talk, but the next second, a bell unfortunately rang, ruining the atmosphere.

Lin Mo took out his phone and took a look at it with some dissatisfaction. Who wants such a coincidence?

It shows an unknown phone number.

Unhappily connected.

"Hello? Who is this?"

"Ahem, Mr. Lin? It's me, Liu Chuan."

Lin Mo rolled his eyes and was about to hang up the phone when the person on the phone shouted: "Wait a minute! Mr. Lin, wait a minute, I'm not talking about acquisitions with you, don't hang up yet!"

After hearing this, he picked up the phone again and asked, "What's going on? I don't remember giving you my phone number."

"Mr. Lin, listen to me." Liu Chuan said in a flattering tone, "I have seen the recent news. Some platforms have no business ethics and have removed excellent games such as CS:GO Survival and Resident Evil for no reason. ! This is too much! Damn it!"

This indignant look made Lin Mo feel a little dizzy. Is it your turn to seek justice for me in this world?

"Mr. Liu, people who are wise don't speak secretly, so you should just say what you have to say."

"It's like this. You and I are both companies that started out by making shooting games. I will never join in with them! I promise that Staryou Interactive Entertainment's WcGame game platform will never remove Naughty Cat's games! And it will do so again! Reduce the commission! From now on, your company’s games on WcGame will only take 10% as operating expenses!”

Lin Mo's expression became weirder and weirder.

No, do I have such a good relationship with you? Why is this a show of loyalty?

After thinking about it again, I can understand it.

What are the roots of Naughty Cat? CSGO!

This is a game where you stand up on the corpse of an anti-terrorist special forces team, sucking the blood and nutrients of Star Travel.

Many of the first batch of CSGO players were special team players who had abandoned the game. They all downloaded the game from Star Games' WcGame.

Right now the two games Counter-Strike and Alien have one foot in the coffin.

Star Games is still alive and well, basically relying on the rake from players opening boxes in CSGO and buying Left 4 Survival and Resident Evil games on the platform.

It has been almost seven months since Lin Mo reported Dawei for cheating and his account was banned.

More than two months have passed since the WGA Awards Ceremony.

It seems that Mr. Liu has finally figured it out.

"Um, Mr. Lin? Do you see it?"

"Besides, Naughty Cat's games will not be removed from the toilet platform for the time being."

"Ahem, Mr. Lin, our name is WcGame, not the toilet."

Without hearing what he had to say, he hung up the phone and ignored him.

He coughed lightly and glanced at the conference room. There was no mobilization speech this time.

"Is everyone here? Where is Du Rui?"

Gu Ranmin replied: "He is on the phone with his family. There seems to be something difficult to solve at his family recently."

"Never mind that for now, let's start the meeting."

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