Just stayed at home for a while.

Du Rui tried to explain his job.

Li Yuefang was okay, and didn't understand or support it, but after all, this was a profession, a profession recognized by the state that was neither illegal nor criminal, and she couldn't control her son if he had to do it.

But Du Jingming is different. He still firmly opposes it. He believes that working in the game industry is to produce garbage, cheat money and harm people.

This stalemate lasted for some time.

After receiving the news that he was coming home, the second uncle's family came to visit him on Saturdays and Sundays.

Of course, it also has some persuasive purposes.

The second uncle's family has two children. The eldest is a college student, studying at Imperial University. He is the most academically promising person in the Du family for several generations. It is not far from Jingu, and he comes back specially on weekends.

The second child is a girl, only in the second grade of elementary school, the age when a naughty child is energetic and destructive.

There are two children, one named Du Yang and the other Du Yue. One of their names has "日" and the other has "month", one is a boy and the other is a girl.

A meal is inevitable when the family gets together.

Du Rui sighed inwardly. He could already imagine that the whole family at the dinner table would be like Lu Xiucai or Tang Seng, who would never stop chatting.

But unexpectedly, after three rounds of dinner, it was not Du Rui who was persuaded.

The second uncle drank a cup of wine and took a mouthful of vegetables, and said: "Brother, you have been too stubborn since you were a child and unwilling to accept new things. Games, like movies, have been stigmatized and have become a problem for many parents and families. They are the scapegoats for failed education and neglectful parents. But they don’t know that the failure of family education and the neglect of parents lead to children being unwilling to study. If there are no games, children will go to the movies, and if there are no movies, they will even fight crickets. We Where were the games when we were kids? Children would rather fight and cause trouble than study."

This made Du Rui a little unexpected, and he had a little hope in his heart.

Du Jingming took a long breath and replied: "But what are the games nowadays? I read the news. Many games induce gambling, and some of the characters in the games are wearing underpants and posing, which is inappropriate! I thought After so many years as a teacher, how many children have been ruined by games!"

He is a junior high school teacher. He has seen a lot of it and hates it deeply.

Du Yang, the eldest son of the second uncle, interjected at this time: "Uncle, the phenomenon you mentioned does exist, but it is not complete. There are many good companies that only produce high-quality games, and they also sell their games abroad. Make money!"

Du Yang's words are still very valuable in the family. After all, he is a student of Imperial University. This is something that the family can show off wherever they go.

Out of respect for knowledge, the Du family always felt that what Du Yang said had some truth in it and would not lie.

Therefore, this stubborn old father softened his words a lot.

"I believe there must be, but is this the norm in the game industry? You think our Du Rui went to Zhonghai to work for a game company whose name I have never heard of. What good games can he make? I don't expect my children to win glory for the country. Or you may honor your ancestors, but you can’t play games to harm people and make money, right?”

Du Yang nodded and said: "But uncle, not all game companies are what you think. There are still many good companies that produce high-quality products and gain both fame and fortune, such as Naughty Cat."

"Hey, if the company where our Du Rui works is half as good as Naughty Cat."

Du Jingming was suddenly startled mid-sentence, naughty cat? Isn’t this name the company where my son works?

I searched it half a year ago and found that it was obviously a small company, so how could it have achieved both fame and fortune now?

He didn't even bother to drink anymore, and quickly asked: "Wait, what company? Can you tell me again?"

Du Yang smiled slightly, looked at his uncle on the left and his aunt on the right, and continued to explain.

"The company's name is Naughty Cat. Their games are all high-quality. Maybe the format of the games is not acceptable to you, but they are all sold overseas to make a lot of money. Moreover, it was praised on CCTV for its rectification. The strength and determination of plug-ins have created an excellent gaming environment for game consumers."

Du Jingming glanced at Li Yuefang, and then the two of them glanced at Du Rui, stunned and speechless.

Du Rui also looked speechless. What are you looking at me for? I have said many things, but you just don’t believe me.

Do you only believe it when others say it now?

When he joined last year, Du Jingming also searched for information related to this company.

At that time, I only knew that it was a small company with a game called CSGO. The profit model mentioned in the news reminded him of many bad things as he did not understand the game industry.

How could it be that it had only been so long ago that he was making money and being named and praised again?

Du Yang kept talking.

One moment it talks about Naughty Cat resolutely paying a huge price to fight against cheating, CSGO became the first Chinese game to win the best game of the year, one moment it talks about the road to survival and opening up a new era of cooperative PVE, and the other moment it talks about Resident Evil beating foreign countries. The masterpiece became famous all over the world.

Du Jingming and his wife were stunned when they heard this. Is the company where their son works so powerful?

Even Du Rui blushed, why is my company so powerful? It seems to be quite powerful.

The meal soon came to an end. The second uncle was too drunk and went to the guest room to sleep.

As for Du Yang, he was still talking endlessly about the naughty cat, with indescribable admiration in his tone, as if he was talking about his idol.

For some reason, Du Rui felt a sense of pride at this moment, a sense of pride as an employee of Naughty Cat.

I haven't been proud for a long time. When I look at the number of people at the dinner table, something seems wrong?

Wait, where did that little Douding Du Yue go?

Du Rui took a breath, guessed something, and quickly returned to his bedroom.


Xiao Douding has turned on the computer uninvited.

Fortunately, nothing has been disturbed yet.

"Brother, I didn't move. I just wanted to play a game."

Du Rui took the notebook and took a look. It was true that there were no traces of movement on anything used for work, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother, what kind of game is this? Can I play it?"

Little Douding is pointing to Plants vs. Zombies.

It's just that it's still a semi-finished product, and many of the art materials haven't been put in yet. It's so crude that it doesn't look like a game.

I wanted to refuse first, but then I thought about it. I am an adult and I am not particularly impressed by Mr. Lin’s design concept.

What about from the perspective of children playing? Can you find something different?

With the idea of ​​giving it a try, Du Rui opened the half-finished Plants vs. Zombies.

The good thing about children is that they can only play any games under strict control by their parents.

Even if it is such a crude semi-finished product, I don't mind. On the contrary, because I have seen the semi-finished game, I am very excited and can show it off to my friends.

Du Rui didn't say a word, just watched him play from behind.

The current version is still a sunflower with 100 sunshine, which is the same price as a pea shooter.

The speed of producing sunlight is 50 sunlight each time.

There is only one road in the first level, Peashooter, a plant, and a zombie, guiding players to pick up sunlight in a highlighted way.

Little Du Yue smiled happily as she watched the pea shooter, who had not yet covered himself with art materials, defeat zombies that could not be called zombies.

Next, the second level, three roads, unlocks sunflowers, which also uses a highlighted and semi-forced method to allow players to plant sunflowers.

The little friend was still dancing nervously when the last wave of zombies came.

In the third level, there are still three roads, and the cherry bomb is unlocked.

This time there is no highlighted form that forces the player to do something.

But something unexpected happened.

Since the starting hand has 100 sunlight, the pea shooter and sunflower both consume 100 sunlight.

Little Du Yuesi did not hesitate and directly planted a pea shooter on the field.

Then the sunlight falling through the sky slowly accumulates.

Du Rui's mouth slowly opened wide, feeling that he had encountered an unexpected problem.

I just found out today that what Shang Sanjiang needs is catch-up reading on Monday. . . .

If I had known earlier, I would have made preparations in advance and suffered the loss of my inexperience.

Depressed to the point of vomiting blood

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