His cell phone rang suddenly. He glanced at it and saw it was an unfamiliar number.

He hesitated for a second, then opened the screen of his mobile phone, and an indifferent voice came over: "Who is it?"

"Brother Jincheng, don't worry. I've contacted my acquaintances in the hospital and I can move in with you tomorrow." Zhao Jia's sweet voice came from the phone.

Tong Jincheng was stunned, why did she suddenly ask to come over?

"I... I'd better stay in a hotel. It's more convenient. You should go to bed early." After Tong Jincheng finished speaking, he hung up the phone. He didn't want to say anything more to Zhao Jia.

Zhao Jia felt annoyed when he heard the beeping busy tone coming from the other side.

In the past few years, she had tried her best to pursue Tong Jincheng, but Tong Jincheng was always cold, repelling people thousands of miles away, and ignored her.

She originally thought that Tong Jincheng would fall in love with her one day, but unexpectedly, Zhao Jia appeared halfway.

She reluctantly redialed Tong Jincheng's number, but the mechanical voice still came from the phone: "The number you dialed is currently unavailable, please call again later. Sorry-----"

She smashed her phone angrily and cursed in her mind: Smelly man! How dare you hang up on me!

The next day, Zhao Jia specially picked a black strapless dress, put on exquisite and elegant makeup, expensive jewelry, and dressed up beautifully, preparing to attend the dinner.

At such a party, she must show her most dazzling self to Tong Jincheng. She doesn't believe that Tong Jincheng cannot be tempted by such a beautiful woman like her!

At seven o'clock in the evening, Zhao Jia went out alone and took a taxi to the party venue.

The party was held at a private vegetable farm in the suburbs.

When he arrived at the restaurant, Tong Jincheng was standing at the door to receive guests. Zhao Jia saw that he was thoughtfully and rigorously dressed, handsome and personable, and he suddenly felt excited in his heart.

She quickly ran towards him, threw herself into his arms, and said coquettishly: "Brother Acheng, why are you so late? The flowers have withered after waiting!"

"Sorry, Weiwei. I was greeting guests just now." Tong Jincheng smiled and rubbed her head.

He stared down at her, his eyes full of pity.

"It doesn't matter. As long as Brother Acheng is willing to accompany me to dinner, that's enough." Zhao Jia stood on tiptoes, looked up at Tong Jincheng and said with a smile.

"Okay. You go to the box and wait for me." Tong Jincheng looked at her gently.


Zhao Jia nodded obediently and turned to walk to the box.

Tong Jincheng took a deep breath and walked into the restaurant with determined steps.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Zhao Jia wearing a pink dress, sitting on a chair, smiling at him.

His heartbeat suddenly missed a beat, and then slowly returned to its original speed.

Zhao Jia stood up and walked over, took Tong Jincheng's arm, and leaned against him.

She gently sniffed the scent of 320 on his body, and couldn't help but become intoxicated.

"Brother Acheng, you are so good-looking and handsome." Her voice was as sweet as a lark.

"Haha, you are very beautiful too." Tong Jincheng looked away, not looking at her to avoid embarrassment.

"Brother Acheng, why are you always so bad at praising people? How can I compare to your sister?" Zhao Jia complained angrily.

At the mention of Tong Weiwei, Huanzhu's face instantly darkened.

Zhao Jia observed his words and quickly changed his words: "Brother Acheng, don't worry, I will solve your sister's matter for you. But..."

She hesitated to speak. .

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