
"what are you up to?"

Tong Jincheng smiled but did not answer.

When the two of them arrived at the beach.

The sea breeze comes slowly.

The sky is cloudless and blue.

Tong Jincheng was lying on the beach chair, with She Yingxing sitting next to him.

The two of them drank a bottle of drink each and sunbathed leisurely.

At this moment, several cars drove over not far away.

There were four or five men sitting in the car. They were all wearing black shirts and looked like bodyguards in the movie.

The leader has a gold medal pinned to his chest.

The word "武" is clearly written on it.

"Uncle Wu!"

When they saw Uncle Wu coming to 18, they quickly shouted respectfully.

Uncle Wu snorted coldly, and then took two cans of beer from their hands.

Then he handed it to Tong Jincheng and She Yingxing.

"Crap!" Tong Jincheng said as he took a sip from the wine can.

"Oh, as expected, this is a task assigned by the boss himself. You are quite fast!"

"That's necessary. Tong Jincheng said lightly.

Uncle Wu nodded: "Well, let's leave first. I'll leave the rest to you."

"no problem.

After Uncle Wu left, Tong Jincheng and She Yingxing stood up.

"Hey, where are we going now?"

She Yingxing asked him curiously while drinking her drink.

She felt a little bored.

"Now that we are here, how can we not enjoy the beautiful scenery?"

Tong Jincheng smiled slightly, took She Yingxing's hand and ran towards the ocean in the distance.

The sea breeze ruffled their hair.

The sun shines on the two of them.

This scene is so romantic.

"Wow! So beautiful!"

She Yingxing sighed, then looked at Tong Jincheng and asked.

"Hey, how come you suddenly figured it out and stopped looking for your girlfriend?"

"How did you know?"

"Nonsense, you hold your phone in a daze every night when you go home, you are obviously Sichun!"

She Yingxing curled her lips and said.

"Tch, my name is Missing."

Tong Jincheng gave her a dissatisfied look.

She Yingxing laughed.

Tong Jincheng was stunned.

He turned sharply to look at her.

I saw only his left and right sides.

They are two familiar faces!

"Xuanxuan, Xueying? You..."

"I've been following you for a long time. Hee hee!"

Tong Jinxuan and Tong Xueying looked at each other and smiled, and then they both jumped on him!

The three people hugged each other tightly.

"Brother, we miss you so much!"

"Brother, we like you so much!"

Tong Jincheng's heart suddenly melted.


He couldn't say anything for a while.

"Brother, let's do the same."

Tong Xueying pouted her lips and said coquettishly.

"You two little girls813, you better study hard!"

Tong Jincheng touched their heads.

"Brother, we want to see the sea, and we want to accompany you."

The two girls still refused to give up, each one of them kept pestering him.

In the end, Tong Jincheng couldn't defeat them and had to compromise.

"Okay, okay, I just promise!"

"Yeah, it's great!"

The three of them jumped for joy.

They haven't hung out for a long time.

It’s such a blessing to be able to travel together this time.

The beach at night is dimly lit.

Rows of tables and chairs were arranged neatly, and groups of people chatted and played around the bonfire.

Everyone in the Tong family, except Tong Xueying, was basically here. .

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