Live Broadcast: I Am The Strongest Audience!

Chapter 68: When You Stare Into The Abyss, The Abyss Is Also Staring At You!

Chapter 68: When you stare into the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you!

The convention and exhibition center has been arranged into a competition site that can accommodate more than 300 people.

There is a not very big stage in the middle.

A large screen on the wall will project the game on the chessboard after the game begins.

Shen Fei and others were arranged by the staff to sit down in a place with the best view and the quietest place.

It was obviously done deliberately, and no one was surprised by this.

“Although I don’t understand Go, the atmosphere is really exciting!”

Xiaoyu sat next to Shen Fei, feeling the fiery atmosphere in the venue, and couldn't help but sigh.

"Haha, don't look at how hot the atmosphere is right now. You won't be able to hear any sound later! No matter what kind of chess is being played, the most important thing for chess players is silence!"

Shen Fei had a different view on Wang Ling's words.

"Who said chess must be quiet? The more lively the better in Ludo!"


After hearing Shen Fei's words, Xiao Yu decisively moved away from Shen Fei.

Wang Ling also felt as if he had eaten a fly and no longer wanted to talk to Shen Fei.

Seeing that he was isolated again, Shen Fei frowned.

His eyes began to wander around the field.

There were many citizens holding national flags in support.

Five international students from different countries who were in this welfare area successfully attracted Shen Fei's attention.

They were all men, and they talked loudly, and Shen Fei could hear them clearly.

"Haha, Lauren, I heard that during the previous test of Berta Dog, your country's national Go player gave up after only twenty-five moves. Is it true?"

"William, I have to admit that in terms of the level of Go, artificial intelligence has exceeded the upper limit of human beings' current level!"

"Ha, how many rounds do you think this Wanjie can go under Berta Dog?"

"After all, he is also a world champion, so he can't be inferior to an ordinary national player from our country!"

"Hahaha, that's not necessarily true! He is a genius chess player, and there are so many people here to support him!"

"Qi, I want to see what these people's expressions will be like when Wanjie is defeated at the hands of Berta Dog!"

"Kim Yunho, didn't you once watch the match between your country's world champion and Alpha Dog live? How did it feel?"

"Suffocating! Just watching from the audience, I feel like I'm drowning! Senior Li, I won't complain if I lose!"

"Then what do you think the outcome of today's match between Wanjie and Berta Dog will be?"

"Oh, Senior Li has dominated the chess world for more than 20 years. He is a fledgling Wanjie who only holds the title of genius. People here say that he is the last hope for Go~ He is worthy? Are they worthy too?"

"Hahaha, Kim Yunho, you are on someone else's territory after all. Can you tell the truth less and save some face for others!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the five foreign students burst into laughter.

Everyone's conversation was heard by Shen Fei.

Shen Fei's eyes were deep, and he looked at several people without any emotion.

When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back into you!

Look at a leopard and get a glimpse of the whole body.

Shen Fei understood that the vast majority of foreigners at the scene, and even quite a few people from his own country, were waiting to see Wanjie, or to see the joke in the Chinese Go community!

Soon, the lights converged on the center of the stage.

The scene fell silent instantly.

The host then took the stage.

"My readers at Reddis, welcome to the game between the artificial intelligence Berta Dog and the genius champion Wanjie in the Go world!"

"Today, in this venue, will traditional Go keep its dignity, or will artificial intelligence dominate the world? Let us wait and see!

"First of all, please invite the artificial intelligence developed by DM Company, Berta Dog!"

As soon as the host finished speaking, the audience burst into applause.

A bloated foreigner in Western-style clothes appeared in everyone's sight.

It is Berta Dog's substitute chess player for this competition, with an amateur rank of 6th Dan.

The latter took a seat directly on one side of the chess table, next to a computer that was ready.

The substitute chess player will copy the results calculated by Berta Dog on the computer on the chessboard in front of him.

"Okay, next, let us give the warmest applause to welcome the champion of this competition, world champion Wan Jie!"

"Wanjie! Wanjie! Wanjie!"

After the host reported, Wan Jie immediately appeared in everyone's sight.

The audience suddenly burst into thunderous applause.

The cry echoed throughout the hall.

"So young!"

Seeing Wanjie's appearance clearly, Mr. Hu couldn't help but say.

"How can I be called a genius? There is a reason why the world champion in his twenties has attracted so much attention in this competition!"

"Finally, welcome to the referees of this competition, national Go players Fang He and Tian Zhenti!"

Wait until everything is ready.

"I announce that this competition has officially begun. Please keep quiet!"

As soon as the host finished speaking, all the lights in the auditorium went out.

Only the stage was lit.

The scene fell silent instantly, and the big screen in front of them immediately projected the picture on the chessboard.

At the same time, the system electronic sound finally sounded.

"."Ding! The sign-in environment is being detected. The detection is completed. Congratulations to the host for successful sign-in. The sign-in task is triggered: Defeat Berta Dog! Sign-in reward: Intermediate gift pack*1! Random talent fragment*1!"

"Random talent fragments?"

Hearing the rewards attached to the system, Shen Fei instantly became excited.

There are no unnecessary harsh words before the war.

Both sides have two hours of thinking time. After guessing first, Wanjie Heizi will go first.

After a quick layout by both sides, in the seventh move, Wanjie directly imitated the Berta Dog's opening moves, and the opponent's response was flawless.

In the middle of the game, White's moves in the upper left area caused Wanjie to repeatedly test himself.

The thinking time is more than five minutes.

Relatively speaking, the Bertha dog is obviously more calm.

Those who knew chess at the scene were fine, but those who didn't really had to doze off (Zhao).

Shen Fei stared straight at the screen in front of him.

There was a flash of light in his eyes that no one could compare to.

After White's fifty-fourth move, the back hand "broken" unexpectedly.

Shen Fei suddenly said: "Wanjie lost!"


Hearing the sound, Mr. Wang and others around Shen Fei turned their attention.

Yuan Xiaoyu asked Shen Fei suspiciously, "Is it true?"

Wang Ling also didn't see any problem.

"Shen Fei, is there anything wrong with this move?"

"After this hand is broken, Berta Dog can take advantage of the situation and eat the three white stones below Wanjie, and then rush to the right. The initiative is already in Berta Dog's hands!"

Several people listened to Shen Fei talking to himself as if they were reading a book from heaven.

As expected, Wanjie paused for more than ten minutes because of Berta Dog's move.

Regardless of whether you know chess or not, you all know that Shen Fei’s words have come true again!

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