【Buzz, 100,000 honey points have been deducted, and the lottery will begin】

【The draw is complete!】

【Congratulations, you have obtained 3 automatic beehives!】

【Automatic beehive: This is a self-flowing beehive. Compared with traditional beehives, it automatically adjusts the temperature, prevents mites and removes bacteria. It is safer and more comfortable for the bees living in it. The biggest feature is that the honey produced has magical effects.】

"So amazing?"

Su Ran was very excited.

He knew about the self-flowing beehive.

When he decided to keep bees, he put a lot of effort into it.

Among them, there is a new type of beehive that is very suitable for it.

Its nest frame is made of plastic and comes with honeycombs.

Not only does it reduce the time for bees to build honeycombs, but there is no need to shake the honey. Just turn on the switch and the honey will flow out by itself.

Su Ran wanted it very much at the time.

But he gave up immediately after seeing the price.

Traditional beehives are less than 100 yuan.

The copycat version of the self-flowing beehive costs more than 1,000!

The price is more than ten times higher and the transportation cost is destined to make it unpopular among beekeepers.

It is only suitable for ordinary families to put one or two for fun.

"I can't wait to see how magical its honey is."

Su Ran's laughter echoed in the forest


An hour later.

Su Ran went live again

【Host, look at the fish!】

【Are you a tortoise? It takes you decades to go home.】

【Uh... the above person is exaggerating, but the host is indeed slow】

"Sorry, I just came back."

Su Ran turned the camera.

At this time, he was standing by the stream in the valley:

"Without further ado, we'll start the fish basket right away."

He put down the basket, rolled up his sleeves and legs, and stepped into the water.

The fish basket he had put in yesterday was still in the water.

The stream water flowed through the cracks in the fish basket.

It looked very quiet.

The only few small fish hid under the rocks.

Netizens were amused.

【Check out what's on sale】

【I have prepared the rice, waiting for the fish to go with it】

【What good things can there be in a mountain stream? Two small fish are a good harvest.】

【It's hard to say. There are abundant species in the wild. Maybe you will end up in jail.】

【No way?】

Netizens were talking about it, watching Su Ran pick up the fish basket.

The water in the fish basket gushed out.


The fish basket suddenly shook, and Su Ran, who was unprepared, almost dropped it.

He happily raised the fish basket and looked inside.

There were five or six big fish inside.

The largest one was green and yellow all over, and longer than his forearm!

【so big!】

【Oh my god, what kind of fish is this?】

【Giant salamander! It's really a fish that will be in prison forever!]

Su Ran pulled the fish basket towards the shore:

"You are all mistaken, there is no giant salamander in there."

After saying that, he reached out and grabbed a slippery fish.

He smiled at the camera and said:

"This is a mullet. Look at its head. It has a flat head and eight whiskers. Its body is smooth and scaleless."

"I'm lucky, this kind of fish only comes out at night, and it's hard to catch it at other times."

Netizens were shocked and immediately flooded the screen with posts

【Isn't that a catfish? It's so dirty!】

【Don’t eat it, host!】

【Damn, how did I catch this rubbish?】

The netizens' reactions surprised Su Se.

However, he quickly came to his senses.

Su Ran chuckled:"You are wrong again."

"Tang mullets and catfish look similar, but they are easy to distinguish."

"Tang mullet has eight barbels, catfish has four barbels"

"They are all fish with strong vitality. They can live in sewage, which makes people feel dirty."

"In fact, artificial breeding technology has been very mature in recent years, and there are very few sewage fish on the market."

"Besides, I am in the mountains, how could these mudskippers be dirty?"

"This is delicious!"

After saying that, he tipped the fish basket onto the ground and dumped all the fish out.

All kinds of fish rolled on the ground at once.

They were very fierce.

Netizens were stunned. They saw that in addition to the mullet, there were also carp and crucian carp in the fish basket. One had a golden scale and a red tail, which was very beautiful. The other had a silver scale like a flower. They were all bigger than the palm of your hand! Five taels is no problem

"Why are you still catching these?"

"Carp and crucian carp have too many bones, I am too lazy to cook them."

Su Ran picked up the carp and threw it into the water, then turned around to catch the mullet.


【I suspect the host is just showing off!】

【The wild ones are delicious. If you don't want to eat them, give them to me.】

【Please ask the anchor to sell fish.

Su Ran held up the big mullet and laughed:"This mullet is at least two kilograms. I rarely see such a big wild fish."

"Four of them weigh about three or four pounds, let’s have fish stew today!"

【Is fish stew delicious?】

【Protest, I didn't catch anything this morning, you are not allowed to eat fish】

【Hey, what's under your feet?】

【I saw it too, please don’t step on it!】

【Like a stone?】

Su Ran was stunned. He looked down at his feet.

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