Live Broadcast: I, Social Terror, Scare My Blind Date Partner

101, There Is No One Who Can Fight! She Really Came To Be A Maid! Straight Man Of Steel!


Driving a helicopter to deliver couriers,

Duan Kun just thought about it,

Didn't really intend to do that.

after all

This is too pretend!

I can think of it with my feet,

By the time,

There will be crowds for sure!


Being watched is a trivial matter,

It will most likely be on the news!

fly a helicopter to deliver the courier,

too crazy,

Duan Kun doesn't want to see himself on the news hot search the next day!

Compared to ostentatiously,

Duan Kun personally still thinks,

be human,

It's better to keep a low profile!

There is a saying,

Being low-key is the best way to show off!

that's it,

A surprise comes,

Duan Kun also added another identity,

The second largest shareholder of Sino Dragon Airlines!

If we count the previous identities,

To say it without exaggeration,

At this time Duan Kun,

It can definitely be regarded as a big boss,

stomp your feet,

It's enough to make the ground shake a few times!


The successive changes in identity,

It didn't change Duan Kun's mentality too much,

"840" he is still the same,

It didn't give rise to too strong a sense of superiority,


live the moment,

Just do what you have to do,

The rest of the,

Don't think too much!


After calming down,

Duan Kun went on to deliver the courier,

Rather, it gives people a kind of

The feeling of honor and disgrace!


Just when Duan Kun delivered the courier without any surprise,

the other side,

The board of directors of Longhua Airlines is not calm at all!

Just today,

There's a major deal change in their board shareholding!

What is a major transaction change?

Generally speaking,

For such a giant enterprise,

A transaction that can reach 1% of the shares,

That's a huge deal!

after all,

To know,

The market value of Longhua Airlines is over 100 billion dollars!

Even if it's only 1%,

That's about $1 billion!

Converted into soft sister coins,

There are six or seven billion!

such transactions,

Not to mention huge!

But what about today?

A full 13% of the shares were traded out!

It's not even a major deal change anymore,

It's super super huge!

at this time,

meeting room,

Members of the Board of Directors of Longhua Airlines,

It's all here!

If you look closely, you will find that,

the look of each of them,

All of them are more or less dignified!

And when everyone had arrived,

The meeting has officially begun!

this meeting,

lasted a long time,

It lasted from noon till night,

Content of meeting,

I won't go into details here,


When the meeting is over,

In the minds of everyone present,

But it's all about a young man named "Duan Kun",

Very impressed!

other side.......

Very mysterious!


This is the most direct evaluation of Duan Kun by every board member!


not only mysterious,

And it's powerful!

before today,

They have never even heard of the name Duan Kun,

But it is such an "unknown" person,

But casually acquired 13% of their shares,

Became their future second largest shareholder!

It can be said like this,

from now on,

Just talking about the right to speak,

Those present on these boards,

Only the first shareholder, Wang Shanhai,

Can slightly overwhelm Duan Kun,


Just a little pressure on the head,

Because his shares are only 1% more than Duan Kun,

While the rest faced Duan Kun,

There is no one who can fight!

It's all about obeying!


treat such a person,

Of course they have to hold a meeting and discuss it carefully!

Not only that,

Not only do they need to treat Duan Kun carefully,

And after the meeting is over,

They also immediately asked the secretary,

by mail,

Changes in equity transactions and the newly appointed second largest shareholder,

Sent to every manager of Longhua Airlines!

Not only to inform them of this,

At the same time, it is also a reminder to them,

for the next period of time,

Keep your eyes open!

There is a word called Weibo private visit,


In case one day a new face enters the company,

You must never look down on people,

Maybe it's the second largest shareholder who came to inspect the work!

If you accidentally provoke the other party,

Then you just wait and get out!

after all,

before that,

No one has contacted Duan Kun,

I don't know what kind of person Duan Kun is,

Who knows what he can do?

In short

Be prepared, that's right!

And because of this,

In the next period of time,

The entire Longhua Airlines up and down,

It can be said that everyone is panicking,

I'm afraid that one day I won't pay attention,

That Mr. Duan,

Come to Weifu for private visits and inspection work!

And these things,

Of course Duan Kun didn't know.

if he knew,

I'm afraid it will be quite speechless!

do i have that much free time

Are you still doing private interviews on WeChat?

have that time,

Isn't it delicious when I play with my mobile phone at home?

management matters,

Shin is really not interested at all,

He only cares about dividends and collecting money,

Management is impossible to manage,

How easy it is to be a hands-off shopkeeper!


Even if Duan Kun wants to manage,

He doesn't understand that at all!

time flies,

Another half month has passed.

For half a month,

Duan Kun's life has not changed much,

Express delivery during the day,

After work,

Instead of going to Hengshui film and television base to find Zhao Lusi for a meal,

It is to invite Lao Tian and Lao Tang to come to the house for a drink,

The day was quite pleasant.


It is worth mentioning that,

During this half month,

Duan Kun no longer has any headaches about cleaning and cooking,


Chen Mu is here!


Captain Chen volunteered to be Duan Kun's maid for half a month!


From the day she lost to Duan Kun in a fight,

Came here that night,

Duan Kun was lying on the sofa watching TV,

Suddenly I heard someone ring the doorbell,

When he opened the door, it turned out to be Chen Mu,

Duan Kun was also taken aback.....

And when learned,

Chen Mu is because he is willing to gamble and admit defeat,

After coming to be her own maid,

Duan Kun was having fun!

Good guy!

So honest and trustworthy!

It really came!


before entering the door,

Chen Mu also said,

At that time when fighting, I only said that if I lost, I would come to serve Duan Kun,

but didn't say how long,


She decided to serve only half a month here,

She won't come when the time comes!


Duan Kun is not allowed to speak out about this matter!

For this,

Of course Duan Kun readily accepted!

Half a month, half a month,

Let a beautiful girl like Chen Mu wait for half a month,

What more bike!

After reaching an agreement,

Duan Kun hastily and enthusiastically led Chen Mu into the house,


And enthusiastically led Chen Mu,

came to the table,


Enthusiastically told Chen Mu,

Clean up the leftovers on the table first, and after cleaning up, don't forget to help him wash the socks in the inner library...

And then,


Chen Mu's face turned black instantly!

Not just black!

I guess she didn't expect it either,

This duan is actually so vicious,

When I arrived, I wasn't even allowed to drink my saliva,

Just let yourself do the work...

The capitalists will cry when they see it!

that's it,

Chen Mu's face turned black!


It's been dark for half a month!

During this half month,

She was so angry that she never said a word to Duan Kun!

Duan Kun calls her,

She doesn't even care! 1.0

Say nothing!

Just work!

Just sweep the floor!

Just cleaning!

Just do the laundry!!

Chen Mu completely turned into a heartless maid robot!

and today,

It's the last day of the half-month period.

After Chen Mu got off work from the bureau,

Came directly to the Duan Kun Villa,

While Duan Kun delivered the courier and hasn't returned yet,

She quickly cooked dinner first!

After the rice is cooked,

While mopping the floor with a mop,


Duan Kun is back too!

"came back!"

Chen Mu greeted Duan Kun casually.

Duan Kun was taken aback.

Then react!

"Hey, aren't you mad?!"


"Then why did you talk to me?"


Chen Mu stared blankly at Duan Kun,

Almost threw the mop directly over his head!

This surname Duan,

He's a man of steel!

And what about asking girls?


good day.

You can be killed by a word from him!

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