Duan Kun stopped in his tracks, looked back, and was surprised to find a female jc in uniform trotting over behind him.

The female jc is very beautiful, with a heroic temperament on her body, but Duan Kun is very puzzled why the other party called him.

"What's matter?"

Duan Kun frowned and asked.


Chen Mu was on an urgent mission and was ordered to arrest criminals here. He saw a man with a strong aura about to leave, so he hurriedly stopped him.

It's just that when the man turned his head, Chen Mu almost stopped in fright.

This man looks... so fierce!

That ferocious face, the domineering arrogance without anger, is more frightening than being tied together with the most vicious people I have dealt with in these years!

Especially the way the other party frowned, as if he would violently eat people in the next second.

Even if Chen Mu had a strong mental quality, she felt a sense of timidity spontaneously at this time, but as a jc, she quickly overcome this timidity and walked straight in front of Duan Kun.

"Routine inspection, take out your ID card and let me check it."

Chen Mu had already seen that Duan Kun was not the criminal she was looking for, but he still checked Duan Kun's ID card.

After checking, it was found that Duan Kun did not have any criminal record.

"Thank you for your cooperation, please keep your ID card."

Chen Mu relaxed his attitude towards Duan Kun, and returned his ID card to Duan Kun.

"You are welcome, it is the duty and duty of every citizen to cooperate with the police inspection."

Duan Kun nodded slightly and said.

Duan Kun is not pretending to be false, but really thinks so.

For the people's police, he has always admired them very much. Without them to maintain social stability, how can the people live a happy life? It is incumbent on every citizen to cooperate with their inspection.

"Hehe, your ideological consciousness is quite high."

Hearing Duan Kun's words, Chen Mu immediately praised in surprise.

It's really surprising that a person who looks so much like a big brother in society can say such a thing.

Duan Kun smiled, turned his head and left without saying anything.

But just two steps away, Chen Mu chased after him again.

"Is there anything else?"

Duan Kun asked strangely.

"That's right, since your ideological awareness is so high, then do me a favor!"

Chen Mu hesitated and said,

"We have received news that a wanted criminal has haunted this area, and I led the team here today to arrest him."

"However, you have seen the situation, and you haven't even found a person."


Chen Mu looked at Duan Kun expectantly, the meaning was self-evident, obviously he wanted Duan Kun to help find the criminal.

The criminal stabbed several innocent passers-by on the street, including a little girl who had just entered elementary school and was still in danger.

The nature and impact of this case are extremely bad, so the top is following closely, but the criminal is so cunning that no one has been caught at the bottom, and the pressure is extremely high.

There is no other way, Chen Mu will ask Duan Kun for help at this time.

In her opinion, Duan Kun's aura and appearance are definitely not ordinary people, maybe he is a social boss behind the scenes. If such a person uses energy to find someone, the efficiency is usually very scary of.

"You want me to help you catch the wanted criminal?"

Duan Kun had a strange look on his face after hearing this.

"Well, of course we won't let you help in vain. We will apply for the honorary citizen award and other benefits for you after the matter is completed."

Chen Mu promised.

The current situation is urgent, and she really has no other choice, so she will ask the public for help.

Duan Kun was very speechless.

I'm just an ordinary person, someone you can't catch, how can I catch it? But everyone spoke up, Duan Kun thought about it, and agreed.

If you can catch it, you can catch it, if you can't catch yourself, there is nothing you can do.

Chen Mu was very happy to see that Duan Kun agreed. He took out his mobile phone and showed Duan Kun the photo of the wanted criminal before letting Duan Kun leave.

After Duan Kun left, several police officers from a distance also came in front of Chen Mu.

"Captain Chen, what were you talking to that person just now?"

A police officer asked curiously.

They all noticed the situation here just now, and they also noticed Duan Kun. It didn't look like a good thing at first sight. They were curious about what Captain Chen was talking about with him.

Chen Mu didn't hide anything, and said that he asked Duan Kun to help arrest him.

After listening, several police officers were all stunned.

"Captain Chen, you went to the doctor in an emergency, right? That guy feels more sinister than that criminal. You ask him to help?"

"Yes, Captain Chen, maybe he is the same as that criminal!"

"Even if he promises to help you, he won't really help you. People like them hate us the most. It's a good thing if we don't make trouble."

"This matter is against the rules. If the higher-ups know that you are asking for help from such a person, they will probably..."

"Shut up!"

Facing the police officers' chatter, Chen Mu scolded,

"Judging people by their appearance should not be the basis for you to evaluate a citizen's character!"

"Besides, do you have a better way?"

"If there is, say it!"

"If not, then shut up!"

Seeing Chen Mu getting angry, everyone shut their mouths.

But in my heart, I still feel that Captain Chen is really whimsical this time. How could such a person be kind enough to help you catch people, unless the sun comes out from the west!

As a matter of fact, Chen Mu was a little bit withdrawn at this time.

Although everyone's words are not pleasant, they are all telling the truth. It is indeed unrealistic to ask that kind of society to help.

Just now, she just felt that Duan Kun gave her a different feeling from other big brothers in society, so she got mad and asked him for help.

Calm down now, Chen Mu doesn't have too much hope for Duan Kun.

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