Live Broadcast: I, Social Terror, Scare My Blind Date Partner

19, The Strike Is Really Ruthless! Eliminate Harm For The People!

The person I want is delivered? !

Who? !

The wanted man? ! !

When Chen Mu saw the words sent by Duan Kun, he almost threw his phone out in surprise!

"Captain Chen, now is not the time to play with your phone!"

Zhang Hongming noticed that Chen Mu was looking at his mobile phone, and immediately reprimanded him with a sullen face.

"No, Director Zhang, I received a text message, and the wanted criminal has been caught!"

When he came back to his senses, Chen Mu hurriedly explained in surprise and joy:

"It's right at our door!!"


Zhang Hongming immediately stood up from the chair when he heard this, his eyes were as round as those of a tiger,

"Are you kidding me?"

"It shouldn't be a joke..."

Chen Mu felt a little guilty when he was stared at and asked, and used the word should.

After all, she is not familiar with Duan Kun, and she doesn't know much about Duan Kun's personality.

If the other party is playing tricks on him now, it would be a shame.

"But I think we'd better go out and see now!"

Before Zhang Hongming got angry, Chen Mu said hastily.

"Okay, Captain Chen, I hope you will be responsible for your words and deeds to the end!"

Zhang Hongming said suppressing his anger, and waved his hand after speaking, and all the people in the conference room followed him out.

"Captain Chen, is that the social brother who sent you a text message?"

A police officer took the opportunity to ask in a low voice.

"That's right."

"It's really him, Captain Chen, you are so naive, you can believe what that kind of person says!"

The other party was speechless: "I won't see anyone later, I'm afraid Director Zhang won't let you go. He's so angry right now that he has no place to vent his anger!"

Thinking of Zhang Hongming's furious appearance later, the policeman was terrified.

Don't talk about him, Chen Mu is also beating drums in his heart.


You should go out first to confirm the authenticity of the information, and then report back.

In case the news is false, then this time Zhang Ju must have his skin peeled off!

But it was too late to regret at this time, the arrow had to be fired, Chen Mu could only hope that Duan Kun was not teasing her, otherwise, she would definitely hate Duan Kun to death.

"What are you doing, brother? Why don't you stop here?"

"I don't know, maybe I'm wondering whether to surrender myself..."

"Thank you for thinking it out, the eldest brother is not the one who turned himself in at first sight!"

"Compared to surrendering myself, I am more skeptical that Big Brother is going to blow up this place!"

"Damn it, are you that ruthless!"

"Hey, there are people coming out of it, what the fuck, there are a lot of people!"

The audience in the live broadcast room were discussing what Duan Kun was doing here, when suddenly someone saw a large group of uniformed personnel rushing out of the bureau.

In the next second, these people surrounded Duan Kun's car.

"Wori, are you here to catch Big Brother?"

"It's over, brother's life is over!"

The audience was taken aback by this big scene, thinking they were here to catch Duan Kun.

Duan Kun was also a little stunned, he didn't expect so many people to come out.

But he had nothing to panic, and got out of the car very calmly.

On the domineering and mighty Land Rover, the ferocious Duan Kun stepped down, frightening the few people who were rushing in the front and taking two steps back.

I am Nima!

What kind of humanoid beast is this? It looks so terrifying! !

Even Zhang Hongming trembled and almost pulled out the gun.

The scene was awkward for a while, but fortunately, Chen Mu squeezed over in time.

"Duan Kun, you said someone caught him, where is he?"

Chen Mu asked impatiently.

"In the trunk."

Duan Kun pointed casually and opened the trunk.

"I gonna go see!"

Chen Mu hurried over to check. As for Zhang Hongming and the others, they didn't think much about who Duan Kun was and why he helped Chen Mu arrest them, and they all rushed over in a swarm.

Compared with Duan Kun's identity, they were more eager to see if the wanted criminal was really caught!

After half a minute.

Suddenly there was a burst of surprise!

"I'll go, it's really this guy!"

"It can't be wrong, I can dream of this face these days!"

"Caught him, finally caught him!"

"Quick, get him out of it!"

Everyone cheered happily.

In the past few days, they couldn't sleep well, and they didn't eat well, all because of this wanted criminal.

Now that people have caught them, they can finally catch their breath.

Zhang Hongming was also pleasantly surprised. He didn't expect that Chen Mu didn't joke with him, but actually caught him!

As for the most surprising thing, of course it was Chen Mu. She didn't expect Duan Kun to be so reliable, and she really caught him!

To know.

At the beginning, she asked Duan Kun to help arrest people, but it was just a disorderly medical treatment!

After calming down, I didn't have too much expectation.

But what about the result?

Duan Kun really sent people to her!

Moreover, it was so fast! !

Just as Chen Mu lamented Duan Kun's strength, Zhao Hao was carried into the bureau.

"This guy is really miserable, he was beaten violently, right?"

"There are three blood holes on the head, the attack is really ruthless!"

"This kind of person deserves it! He deserves to be killed!"

Several people in charge of carrying Zhao Hao talked about it.

And their discussion made everyone else subconsciously look at Duan Kun.

No need to ask, Zhao Hao must have been beaten so badly by this servant.

Combined with this man's vicious image, they also automatically made up a picture of Duan Kun catching Zhao Hao, hanging him up and beating him severely.

However, no one can blame Duan Kun.

Just like what the police officer said just now, Zhao Hao is such a crazy bastard who preys on children, he deserves to be killed!

Zhang Hongming brought Chen Mu and others, and quickly came to Duan Kun.

"Captain Chen, let me introduce you, this gentleman who has helped us a lot is..."

"His name is Duan Kun."

Chen Mu hurriedly introduced: "Duan Kun, this is our Bureau Zhang."

"It turned out to be Mr. Duan."

"Thank you, Mr. Duan, for helping us catch this wanted criminal. On behalf of our entire branch, the victims and their families, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you!"

Regardless of Duan Kun's origin, it is a fact that he has helped a lot and eliminated harm for the people. Zhang Hongming is a person who can tell clearly, so he expressed his gratitude to Duan Kun without hesitation at this time.

Chen Mu and other staff also expressed their thanks.

If it weren't for Duan Kun's help, they don't know when they will be able to catch him.

And in addition to thanking,

An outspoken police officer also expressed his feelings, saying,

"This Mr. Duan is really amazing. We caught him for three days and didn't even catch a person. In the end, Team Chen asked Mr. Duan in the morning. It took less than an hour, and he sent him here. Efficiency, Taijier is terrifying!"

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