Live Broadcast: I, Social Terror, Scare My Blind Date Partner

62, Brother, I'm Late! You Are Fired!

Although Liu Ziming's character is poor, he is not a fool. Seeing Duan Kun take out a courier and throw it to him, he thinks about being slapped in the face for no reason...

He understood immediately!

The man in front of me who is as terrifying as the big brother in society is the guy who delivered the courier to him!!

"That's right, it's me!"

Duan Kun directly admitted: "The slap just now was not because you urged me, but because your mind is too bad!"

"A person like you deserves a beating!"

"A slap on the face will be light!"

Duan Kun didn't want to hit him at first,

If it hadn't happened to hit the scene just now,

He won't do it either.

It is really the behavior of the other party,

Seriously disgusting to Duan Kun!

And following Duan Kun's words,

The employees in the company also immediately understood!

They were still terrified at first, thinking that this big brother in society was out of his mind and picking people at random to beat them.

But now I know,

It turns out that people didn't do it for no reason!

to be honest,

this moment,

On the contrary, everyone felt that Duan Kun beat Liu Ziming well!

Because what Liu Ziming said just now disgusted not only Duan Kun, but also them.

Seeing this kind of person being beaten,

Even if he is his colleague,

But everyone has no sympathy!

Especially the young lady at the front desk covered her mouth with lingering fear.

"Fortunately, I didn't promise Liu Ziming just now, and play with other people with him."

"Otherwise, I may also be beaten!"

The young lady looked at Duan Kun's big hands with fear,

If this is a slap in the face,

I guess I got GG on the spot.

at the same time.

After Duan Kun revealed his identity,

On the ground, Liu Ziming's eyes started to look bitter!

To know,

He didn't dare to resist just now,

That's because he thought Duan Kun was a big brother in society,

but now,


It turned out to be a bad courier, but it’s just that it’s long and fierce!!

In this way,

Scared of him as a ghost!!

"You dare to hit me as a courier!"

"Security, security come here!!"

Liu Ziming got up from the ground covering his face, and began to yell non-stop, and following his yelling, two young security guards came slowly and unwillingly from the outside.

They also saw Duan Kun beating someone just now,


But he didn't dare to control it at all.

but did not expect,

This Liu Ziming actually called them,

It really beeps the dog!

Seeing the security guard approaching, Liu Ziming pointed at Duan Kun and ordered: "Why are you still standing there, arrest him!"

"Hurry up!"

The two security guards were in a difficult situation at this time.

They would never dare to fight the big brother in front of them.

look at each other,

I'm afraid I can't beat the two together.

If you don't do it,

As a security guard, seeing employees being beaten but not doing anything, looking back and investigating, I'm afraid I might even lose my job!

this moment,

The two security brothers wanted to scold Liu Ziming to death!

You're a bit of a slut and offended others,

Now you still have the face to let us go!

Fortunately, at this moment, one of the security guards suddenly saw the boss running over from the elevator in a hurry!

The boss is here?!


If the boss is there, there is no need for them!


Liu Ziming also saw the boss, and his eyes immediately lit up!

He is a talent highly valued by the boss,

And I was beaten in the company,

Presumably the boss will not sit idly by!

"Boss, you have to make the decision for me, you see I was beaten like this by a courier..."

Holding his head swollen into a pig's head, Liu Ziming hurried to the boss to complain.


What Liu Ziming never expected was that,

The boss who valued him highly on weekdays, but at this moment he just ignored him, and instead ran to the courier in front of him!


"Sorry brother, I'm late!"

"It's me who can't discipline my subordinates."

"Brother, don't take it to heart!"

The boss came to Duan Kun, and immediately bowed to Duan Kun respectfully.

This scene,

Just let everyone look dumbfounded!

what's the situation?!

Even Duan Kun was taken aback: "You know me?"

"Of course I know you!"

"You are my big brother!"

"No, I heard that you are coming, so I rushed over immediately!"

This boss is none other than Li Yi, Duan Kun's biggest fan!

After seeing those bullet screens in the coffee shop before,

He looked at the previous barrage again,

This is how I finally figured out what happened!

turn out to be,

Is an employee of my company,

Big brother offended!

When Li Yi learned of this incident, he rushed back immediately.


Still one step too late!

because on the road,

He has been paying attention to the situation in the live broadcast room,

When I saw that Liu Ziming still wanted to use that kind of trick to trick his elder brother,

Li Yi was completely furious!

Not to mention Duan Kun did it, even he wanted to slap that guy himself!


In front of so many people,

Now is not the time to talk about this.

"Brother, go to my office for tea first!"

"I'll find you later!"

Li Yi said, and asked the accompanying secretary to take Duan Kun to the office.

Waiting for Duan Kun to leave,

Li Yi looked at Liu Ziming with a dark face!

"You are so brave!"

"Do you know who that person is!"

"He's my big brother!"

"How dare you treat him like this!"

Li Yi casually picked up a stack of documents on the counter and ruthlessly threw them in Liu Ziming's face: "Don't you like to complain!"

"Now I tell you!"

"You were fired by me!"

"Because your quality is too bad, your character is too bad!"

"Now, pack your things and get the hell out of here!"

"If you have any dissatisfaction, you are welcome to sue me!!"

This was the first time Li Yi had become so angry.

But the surrounding employees were stunned.

As for Liu Ziming, he was even more sluggish.

"Well, is the boss' elder brother delivering the courier?"

Liu Ziming never expected,

The other party still has this identity!

If we had known this earlier,

Give him ten guts, he wouldn't dare to complain about the boss' elder brother!

"Boss, boss, I was wrong, give me another chance!"

Liu Ziming howled.

He doesn't want to leave,

Because their company's employee benefits are notoriously awesome,

leave here,

But I can't find such a good job!

in order to stay,

Liu Ziming even knelt on the ground, holding Li Yi's thigh and begging.

But, what a pity!

Offended my brother,

I still leave your fart!

Li Yi kicked him away, and then left without looking back!

this moment,

Liu Ziming finally regretted it!

I regret that I should have treated Duan Kun like that!


It's useless to regret now.

As my colleague said before,

He is such a person,

Sooner or later you will suffer in society,

Even, the head will be broken!

this is not

how long has it been

That's it!

the other side,

After dismissing Liu Ziming, Li Yi came to the office without stopping.


"I can see you!"


once in,

Li Yi warmly gave Duan Kun a hug.

Duan Kun was completely stunned. .

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