Live Broadcast: I, Social Terror, Scare My Blind Date Partner

66, Small, Small Pattern! The Surprise Of Big Star Zhao Ruth!

This scene, let alone Duan Kun and Li Yi did not expect,

Even the waitress girl was confused.


God horse situation?

Didn't these two guests just sit down, they are ordering food here, why is Manager Feng driving them away, and then let the other guests sit down?

been here for so long,

This is the first time a waiter girl has encountered such a thing!

Li Yi was even more confused,

not only dumbfounded,

Still a little angry!

In itself, he invited Duan Kun to eat here, and made Duan Kun stand and wait for a while, which is enough to feel embarrassed.

I just sat down and haven't eaten yet,

To be kicked out again?!

Li Yi felt a burning pain on his face, and couldn't sit still.

Am I so shameless!

"Manager Feng, what are you doing!"

Li Yi said angrily to Feng Kaikai: "We came first, why should we give up our seats to them!"

"Dining should be done on a first-come, first-served basis, right?"

Unexpectedly, "860" faced Li Yi's words,

Feng Kaikai threw a very resentful little look at him!

this look,

It just made Li Yi even more confused!

What does this mean!

Before he could figure it out,

I heard Feng Kaikai say to him angrily: "You Li spicy board, you are too insincere!"

"The goose has always regarded you as a friend!"

"Fuck you, Fang just told Goose that you want to change here with your friends, but didn't tell Goose who your four friends are!"

"Fortunately, the goose eyes are still intact, so I recognized him at a glance!"

As Feng Kaikai spoke, he looked at Duan Kun.

at this time,

Duan Kun was also looking at Feng Kaikai thoughtfully.

On the other hand, Li Yi,

A head full of question marks!

I didn't tell you who my friend is?

Could it be,

Manager Feng knows big brother?!

Before Li Yi could fully figure it out,

I saw Feng Kaikai put away his usual arrogant expression, and bowed respectfully to Duan Kun.

"Spicy plate, welcome to our Fengxianju to investigate work!"

"Goose Four Hotel Manager, Kaka!"


"Spicy plate?"

"No, right, boss?!"

Hearing Feng Kaikai address Duan Kun, Li Yi was dumbfounded!


Also welcome to Fengxianju to inspect the work?!!

I go!!!

"Brother, brother, this your property?!"

"You are the hot.....boss of this store?!"

Li Yi widened his eyes and looked at Duan Kun.


Who is the boss of Fengxianju,

This Li Yi really doesn't know!

Because it is Feng Kaikai who usually runs this restaurant.

As for the boss behind,

I've only heard that he seems to be a very powerful person,

But who exactly,

Don't say Li Yi doesn't know,

Few of the rest know about it!


Don't mention how shocked Li Yi was at this time!

Facing Li Yi's question, Duan Kun also smiled.

"Well, this store is mine."

Hearing Duan Kun admit it, Yi directly missed it!

Good guy!

Real hammer!

It really is your industry, big brother!!

Why didn't you say it earlier!!

Why didn't you say it earlier!!

You must know that this is your property, brother,

Why did I drive so fast just now, to grab a seat here!!

Wouldn't it be enough to just state your name!!


Li Yi also finally understood why Kai looked at him with resentful eyes just now!

He probably misunderstood!

I thought I knew my elder brother was the boss,

I deliberately didn't tell him!

It's like, you suddenly brought your boss to inspect the work, but you didn't tell the people below, and you did a surprise inspection!

Li Yi felt very wronged!

I really don't know when I ride a horse!

After being wronged,

Li Yi hurriedly asked again: "Since you know that my elder brother is your boss, why are you still driving us away?"


The boss is here, you shouldn't let us go!

who knows,

Just as Li Yi finished speaking, Feng Kaikai's eyes changed again this time.

It's not the grudge it used to be!


Look like an idiot!

"Shove you away?"

"Goose lost!"

"Li Spicy Ban, you don't know what to say!"

"The geese come to the store to change the hot plate every time, so there is a special box for the spicy plate!"

“No appointment needed!”

“It is always empty, waiting for the hot plate to be used!”

"How can you sit in the lobby and change the hot plate!"

"It's too much to lose the identity of the geese!"

Li Yi was completely speechless.

Only then did he understand.

It's not that Feng Kaikai wants to drive them away,

But the eldest brother, as the boss, has a special boss box reserved!

Feng Kaikai, as the hotel manager,

How can I watch my boss eating in the lobby?

You must be invited back to the box!


After all, I am still small!

that's it.

Table No. 19 in the hall was finally given up to the five guests who came to eat.

The expressions of those five people,

It is also wonderful.


Feng Kaikai brought them to grab the table,

They thought it was Feng Kaikai who recognized that one of them was a big star!


Among the five people, there is a young and beautiful girl named Zhao Lusi

She is now a popular little actress in the entertainment industry!

On screen, famous very much!

And privately,

Zhao Lusi is a full-fledged snack food!


This girl is hungry again,

I especially want to eat the dishes of Fengxianju!


Pulling her female manager and three female assistants, let's come to Fengxianju for dinner!


In fact, she didn't have too much hope to be able to go to the table,

just thinking,

If it doesn't work,

Just pack it up and take it home to eat,

Although the taste may be slightly worse,

But you can eat it!

But what Zhao Lusi didn't expect was that,

they just arrived

Manager Feng dragged them in,

And let the guests who were sitting down leave,

Instead, they sit down...

Zhao Lusi was taken aback by this,

I thought it was this Manager Feng who recognized her as a big star, so I gave her this because of face!

But what about the result?


It turned out that I was thinking too much!

I dare say that Manager Feng thinks the seats in the lobby are poor, and he is not willing to let their big boss sit in the lobby, so he reserved the seats for them!

at this time,

Looking at that Manager Feng, he took the boss away with hospitality,

After Zhao Lusi couldn't laugh or cry,

But the appearance of the boss appeared in his mind again.


"Why is the boss behind Fengxianju?"

"Looks like a big brother in society!"

She didn't speak just now,

It was because he was intimidated by the other party's appearance.

that looks,

That aura, 0.4

Compared to the actors who played the villains in the crew, they were a hundred times more terrifying!

think here,

Zhao Lusi suddenly tapped the manager next to her with her small hand.

"Sister Wang, that boss just now looks so fierce!"

"Tell me, if you can invite him to play the villain in the crew, what will be the effect?"

Hearing Zhao Lusi's unconstrained thoughts this day.

Manager Sister Wang almost spit out a sip of water!

"Ruth, don't talk nonsense!"

"He is the big boss of Fengxianju!"

"At first glance, he looks like a big boss!"

"That aura is scarier than any director's aura I've ever seen!"

"How could it be possible to go to the filming crew with you!"

"Oh, that's what I said!"

"Just tell me if the effect is good or not!"

...The effect is definitely good!"

"Let's talk about it, just because of his appearance, just standing there, I'm worried for the protagonist."


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