Live Broadcast: I, Social Terror, Scare My Blind Date Partner

70. Sand Sculpture Netizens Are So Happy! Boss, Do Me A Favor!

that's it,

After packing the courier,

Duan Kun set off in a Land Rover!

When driving to a traffic light,

Duan Kun also started the live broadcast by the way!

What Duan Kun didn't expect was that,

While starting the live broadcast,

I actually found that on the barrage, there are already 99+ - barrage messages!


What's the situation?

I haven't played yet,

Why are you all chatting!

out of curiosity,

Duan Kun briefly glanced at the chat-content on the barrage.


Duan Kun was directly amused!

The earliest barrage,

It was actually sent by Li Yi!

This guy showed off the meal with Duan Kun yesterday on the empty barrage in the live broadcast room early in the morning.

"I'm telling you!"

"Dinning with my eldest brother yesterday, I discovered a big secret!"

"Shocked me!"


"What do you mean buddy, what's the big brother's secret?"

"I'm envious, you actually went to dinner with big brother last night!"

"Tell me quickly, is it easy to get along with each other in reality?"

Amidst the envy and urging voices of netizens,

Li Yi also happily talked about the meal.

"Hey, listen to me slowly, don't worry!"

"Didn't I book a restaurant yesterday, but when my elder brother arrived, the business of that restaurant was too good, so my elder brother and I could only wait for a while, "It will only be empty when others finish eating."

"Fortunately, I didn't wait too long."

"But when I was seated with my elder brother, an accident happened!"

The manager of the hotel won't let me and my elder brother sit there!"

"I was so angry when I heard it!"

"I asked that manager what do you mean?"

"It turned out, good guy!"

"One word from the manager shocked me so much that I almost jumped up!"

"??? What did the manager say?"

"I wipe it, why don't you continue talking?"

"Don't bring such a tantalizing one, brother!"

"Sorry, I just dealt with the company's affairs, so I continued.

"The manager said, it's not that I won't let you sit here, but..."

"Let our boss sit in the lobby and eat, because of our boss' status!"

"So, please come with me and go to the boss's private box to eat!"

"That's right!"

"The restaurant I booked was actually opened by our elder brother!"

"Brother is the boss there!"

"My God, do you know how famous and awesome that restaurant is in our place? I couldn't even imagine that my eldest brother is the owner of that restaurant!"

"Besides, with the help of big brother, I also experienced the feeling of the boss's box!"

"I have to say, it feels really good!"

"Thanks to my big brother for giving me this opportunity and the honor!"

Following Li Yi's words,

The pot exploded directly on the barrage!

"Hahaha, what do you mean, the place where big brother eats is actually big brother's property?"

"I laughed to death, there is such a coincidence?!"

"Brother: You step on the horse and invite me to my house for dinner!"

"Manager: I'm stunned, this kid invited our boss to dinner in the lobby, isn't that a slap in the face!!"

"The invisible pretend is the deadliest, you Dafu will always be your elder brother!"

"Awesome, big brother is really not an ordinary person!"

"Congratulations, you have unlocked the identity of Big Brother!"

"Big brother yyds!"

After reading these barrages,

Duan Kun was also a little bit dumbfounded.

And at this time,

Netizens also found out that Duan Kun is on the air!

"Hey, brother is driving a Land Rover today, didn't you deliver the courier?"

Some netizens immediately asked.

Duan Kun also took the opportunity to explain.

"It's raining here, so I'm driving to deliver the courier today."


I also deliberately took a photo of the couriers in the back row with the camera.

Looking at so many couriers behind the car,

The live broadcast room, which was lively just a second ago, suddenly became quiet!

After several seconds,

Finally someone spoke up.

... Nima, I still underestimated the determination of big brother to experience life, and even drove the Land Rover to deliver the express, big brother, how dedicated you are!"

"That's right, I'm the first one to disagree with not all the dedication blessings of Zhifubao being awarded to the eldest brother this year!"

*6666, big brother "When you deliver the courier, don't let people secretly take pictures!"


"Think about it, if this was secretly photographed and posted on the Internet, some people would definitely say, do couriers make so much money now, and they all drive more than 5 million long-distance Land Rover!

"Pfft, hahaha, it makes sense, there might be some people who will just run over to read it quickly!"

"Land Rover: I laughed, my brother finally drove me out today!"

"Land Rover: I cried, "It turned out that I was asked to deliver the express delivery!"

"Hahaha, I can't do it, my stomach hurts from laughing!"

or how to say,

Sand sculpture netizens are much happier,

A trivial matter in Duan Kun's opinion, but it has been talked about by netizens for a long time.

...asking for flowers...


Thinking about it again,

Driving more than 5 million cars to deliver express......

It seems... It seems that it is indeed quite luxurious!

not only luxurious,


It is easy to be misunderstood!

For example,

half an hour later,

When Duan Kun came to the mall,

When preparing to start delivering the first courier,

I was misunderstood by a beggar who begs in the parking lot all year round!

Because of the rain today,

So there are very few people who come to the mall,

The beggar is very depressed!

The small number of people means that he may not get a few dollars today!

can't get money,

Of course he will be very depressed!

And at this time,

A brake sounded not far away,

The beggar heard the sound and looked,

Then suddenly it lit up!

as a beggar,

He is still very knowledgeable!

I recognized this car at a glance, it is a luxury car!


than the Land Rover he usually sees,

Be bigger, longer, more aggressive!

hardly any hesitation,

The beggar was lying on top of his small flatbed, dragging his legs and sliding past!

Can you open your business and make money today,

Depends on how much you can squeeze out of the owner of this car!

To know,

A person who can afford such a luxury car,

But they are very rich masters,

a given money,

Generally, they can stand up to dozens of those people,

The other party can give any point,

That's not a small amount!


The beggar was very excited and slid directly in front of the Land Rover.

And at this time.

It just so happened that Duan Kun also parked his car and got ready to go to the back to pick up the courier.


"Boss, please do me a favor!"

"Give me some money!"

"I haven't eaten for three days!"

"Boss, you drive such a good car, you can't see it as an ordinary person!"

"Just take pity on me, I would like to talk about your kindness every day in the future, and pray for you!"

The beggar started his performance in tears as soon as he opened his mouth.


What he said was very nice.

because he knows,

Rich people like to save face,

As long as you make the other party happy, they will pay you willingly.


It's raining now,

And the beggar was drenched all over again,

looking very pitiful,

He believes that this time, he will definitely be able to squeeze out a lot of money!

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