Live Broadcast: I, Social Terror, Scare My Blind Date Partner

89, This Face Hurts A Bit! We Are Different! Guessed Right, But Not Quite Right!

And the result?

Looking at Duan Kun's jokes, of course they can't see it!

Under their schadenfreude gaze,


To their astonishment,


just saw,

When Duan Kun came to the door riding a small electric tricycle,

Several guards who were still on duty inside the gate,

They all ran out immediately!

after running out,

First, I saluted Duan Kun respectfully,

Then decisively opened the door!


Although Duan Kun almost forgot,

He has a real estate here,

But the guards here,

But dare not forget the identity of Duan Kun!

over a month ago,

When Duan Kun came here to visit his building,

At that time, even the property manager was alarmed.

It is the management who personally leads the property,

Accompanying Duan Kun to visit!

The guards also saw it at that time,

I know this is a big guy,

Enough to own an apartment building!


Duan Kun's fierce appearance,

Let people take a look, it will be hard to forget in this life,


At this time Duan Kun just arrived,

The guards recognized him immediately!

Facing such a proud owner,

Still need to ask?

Of course it's straight away!

that's it,

Duan Kun didn't stop,

He took Zhao Lusi smoothly and entered the apartment complex.


After seeing this scene,

The group of takeaway boys and courier boys waiting at the door,

But he was not happy right away!

Originally they thought Duan Kun would be stopped,

Get ready to see Duan Kun's jokes.


The joke didn't count,

People went right in?!

Look at these people again,

But I can only wait outside foolishly,

Of course they feel unbalanced!

"I said, didn't you let the couriers in!"

"Then why can that person go in!"

"Just because he looks fierce, don't you dare to provoke him!"

A Kuai 340 delivery guy stood up and said angrily.

"that is!"

Immediately, another delivery boy stood up.

"I always thought that your Nanyawan apartment is really under strict management!"

"Looks like shit now!"

"You are bullying the weak and fearing the strong!"

"If you see something that is not easy to mess with, just let it go!"

"When you see honest people like us, stop them!

"Is there anyone who manages the community like you!"

As soon as this statement came out.

Soon, another person stood up.

"So that's how you manage it!"

"Oh well!"

"Then since you think we are easy to bully, then we are not polite!"


"If an owner passes by later, we must tell the owner what we saw!"

"Let the owners here know that those who show them the gate are not reliable at all!"

"Put everyone in there!"

"In this way, how can the owner's safety be guaranteed!"


The safety of the owners here is not guaranteed,

It has nothing to do with these courier brothers and takeaway brothers.

They don't care at all.

The reason for doing this,

It's also purely to get revenge on the guards here.

Why let the courier in,

Don't let them in!

If the owners here know,

If the guard looks at the gate like this,

It is estimated that the doorman will have to be laid off and replaced the next day!


Faced with the booing of this group of people and the threat of Hong Guoguo.

Those big guards,

But he didn't panic at all.

Not only do not panic.

Instead, like a fool,

Look at these booing people!


They finally finished talking.

Only then did a brother doorman stand up.

"Ahem, are you finished?"

"If you're done talking, let me say a few words first."

The doorman looked at them like a fool,

"First of all, I want to say that you are too ignorant!"

"What are you yelling here if you don't understand the situation!"

"Who told you that the big brother just now delivered a courier?"

"Yes, he did ride a courier tricycle, but that doesn't prevent him. There is an entire apartment building in this community!"

"That's right, you heard me right!"

"Here he is, with a whole apartment building!"

"Did you see that, it is the eighth building, from the first floor to the twentieth floor, all belong to other people!"

"You said, is he qualified to go in?"

After the doorman finished speaking,

He just looked at the crowd with an expression on his face.

And those courier guys and takeaway guys,

then after listening,

The collective is dumbfounded.


The delivery guy has an entire apartment building?!

I go!!

real or fake!!

Soon a guy stepped up again.

"You're fooling a fool here!"

"If he really has an entire apartment, would he still need a courier?"

"You said he has it, does he have it!"

"It seems to me that you are making excuses for yourself and trying to fool us!"

"We're not that easy to fool!"

Not only does he think so,

After the rest of the people reacted, they thought the same way.

Think the guard is lying to them.


at this time,


The property manager came over,

There was still a hint of anger on his face.

"What are you arguing about here!"

"What a system!"

"If the owners saw it, they would think it was a market!"

The doorman saw the manager coming.

He hurriedly told what happened.

The manager heard that it was because of this matter that he was arguing,

Immediately became angry again.


He was angry at the group of courier boys and takeaway boys.

"You guys, don't always use your own ability to measure the ability of others!"

"Who said the doorman lied to you!"

"That Mr. Duan really owns an entire apartment building!"

"When he visited the apartment last time, I followed him all the time, how can there be a vacation?!"

"If you don't believe me, I still have photos of that time on my phone!"

the manager said,

Just took out the phone.

Soon I found a photo.

on the photo.

Duan Kun stands at position C, with the management of the property standing on both sides.

behind the crowd,

There is also a banner.

The banner reads,

"Congratulations to Mr. Duan for mentioning an apartment!"

The manager showed the photo to everyone with a displeased face (dbcb)

After seeing the photo,

Those courier guys and takeaway guys,

Everyone is stunned!

Misty Grass!!

That guy actually owns an apartment!!

after all,

Duan Kun looks so distinctive,

He is the one who can recognize the C position at a glance!

And the words on the banner,

It is also very illustrative.

for a while.

These little buddies who originally felt unbalanced here have all become dumb.

Not just dumb.

And the face is red!

I don't know if it's because of being slapped hard in the face, or because of it.

"It's a lot now!"

"Now you know!"


"If you want to go in and deliver it, that's fine too!"

"You are not required to buy an apartment, if you can buy one, I will let you go right away!"

The manager angrily put away the phone,

After a few more words, he left here.

And with his departure,

Those courier guys and takeaway guys,

They all dispersed in embarrassment.

It is definitely unaffordable to buy,

Can't even afford a set!


Even if you get hit in the face by the manager,

They are also embarrassed to refute.

This time it was really embarrassing.

Never thought,

a colleague,

So rich.

This is really a difference in fate!


You are so rich,

They are still delivering couriers here,

What do you think!!

at the same time.

Of course Duan Kun didn't know that such a thing happened outside the door because of him.

at this time,

He's looking for the apartment building to deliver the courier to.

I searched for a long time,

Finally found the original location in the corner!


Duan Kun immediately passed by on a small tricycle.

As for Zhao Lusi sitting next to her,

On the other hand, he looked at Duan Kun's side face curiously.

As for,

Why be curious.

That's because when she asked Duan Kun just now why the guard let you in, Duan Kun told her that he would know later.

"I'll find out later..."

Zhao Ruth blinked,


Her eyes lit up!

"I thought of it!"

"Could it be that Brother Duan once bought an apartment here?"

"Yes, Riding is exactly like this!"

"During the delivery in the afternoon, Brother Duan said that this address looked familiar..."

"It should be because of this!"

"Hahaha, brother Duan is really a little fool!"

"There is an apartment here, he can forget it!

"No wonder the guard let Brother Duan in directly."

"Because Brother Duan is the owner, of course he can come in!"

A smile appeared on Zhao Ruth's face,

she thinks,

She should be right about this matter,

It must be because of this!


In her heart,

Also began to look forward to it.

Brother Duan bought that apartment, which floor is it on?


Preferably the floors above the thirteenth floor!

because in that case,

The lighting is better!

If it's the top floor, even better!

Because the view and lighting on the top floor are the best,


It is said that the top floor of the apartment here will give an attic as an audio-visual room,

It's romantic just thinking about it!


If Brother Duan didn't buy the top floor or a high floor,

That's not bad!

Low floors have the benefits of low floors too!

that's it,

When Zhao Lusi was thinking wildly,

Duan Kun has delivered the courier and returned.

I saw Duan Kun coming back.

Zhao Ruth immediately showed a sly smile.

"Hee hee, Brother Duan, I guessed it!"


"Guess what?"

"I guess you have an apartment here, don't you?"

Zhao Lusi said confidently.

Hearing Zhao Ruth's words,

Duan Kun froze for a moment.


I guessed it!


This kind of thing is not difficult to guess.

But what...

"You are really smart!"

Duan Kun smiled and said,

"I haven't said it yet, but you guessed it."

"However, although your answer is correct, it is not completely correct!"

As soon as this statement came out.

Zhao Lusi suddenly tilted her head in astonishment.

What do you mean?

What is it? Although it is correct,

But not quite right?

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