Live Broadcast: I, Social Terror, Scare My Blind Date Partner

93, This Is The Industry Ceiling! You Are So Cool, I Like It So Much!


Seeing these two barristers swearing here,

Duan Kun was stunned.


It's a bit different from the lawyer I imagined!

As for Tian Sheng and Tang Qi,

After scolding for a while,

And finally realized his gaffe.

Looking at Duan Kun's astonished expression,

Tang Qi hastily explained with some embarrassment,

"Mr. Duan, cough cough, maybe you don't know our brothers' personalities very well...

"Both of us are people who hate evil like enemies, and our temper is relatively straightforward..."

"So, after hearing what you said just now, I couldn't hold back!"

"Mr. Duan really made you laugh."


So this is ah!

Duan Kun waved his hand.

Not only did he not feel that the performance of these two people had lost their composure just now, but he also developed a good impression of them.

Compared with the stereotyped lawyer,

Duan Kun thinks,

Lawyers like Tian Sheng and Tang Qi,

He prefers it!


Duan Kun went on to speak.

"At that time, I couldn't get used to that kind of people, so I went over to them!"

"I think you can understand."

"That kind of scum is really annoying."

"If you don't beat them up, you won't be able to calm down at all!"

"I smashed their heads and knocked out their teeth..."

"Mr. Duan, you are right!"

"Yes, well played, well played!"

"It doesn't hurt to kill them!"

"Hahaha, vent your breath and feel comfortable!"

When Tian Sheng and Tang Qi heard that Duan Kun made a move,

Feel comfortable right away!

treat that kind of person,

It should be hit!

If you don’t fight, why are you still reasoning with them?!

Do not make jokes!


At this time, Tian Sheng and Tang Qi,

It's really not a deliberate compliment to Duan Kun,

but from the bottom of my heart,

Good job Duan Kun!

Duan Kun's eyes lit up, and he looked at the two with satisfaction.


Duan Kun thought,

After I finished speaking,

These two barristers will educate themselves about the law,

Tell yourself that hitting people is wrong,

Learn to use the weapon of law to punish that kind of person!

after all

When those lawyers on the Internet judged such incidents,

Isn't that what they all say?


What Duan Kun never expected was that,

Tian Sheng and Tang Qi,

Instead of teaching myself a lesson,

On the contrary, he very much agrees with his approach,

This made Duan Kun suddenly feel,

These two are very angry with themselves!

"Yeah, I think it's a good fight too!"

Duan Kun said with a smile as if he had found a like-minded friend,

"It doesn't make sense to reason with that kind of person!"

"Only fists can subdue them!"

"As a matter of fact, they did give in!"

"One mouthful and one wrong, please let them go!"

"Of course I couldn't really beat them to death, after a lesson, I was thrown out.

Tian Sheng and Tang Qi nodded.

This time he didn't interrupt.

Instead, they waited for Duan Kun's next words.

after all,

The Duan Kun story is all over,

but not yet said,

Why do you want to buy Shengtang.

Duan Kun didn't give a damn either,

Instead, he said bluntly,

"After throwing them out, I was thinking about one thing."

"That is, will they really know to repent?"

"Obviously, this is impossible!"

"If a beating can make people get lost, then there won't be so many prisoners in the prison."

"Those guys admitted their mistakes on the surface, but I know that after they heal their scars and forget the pain, they will continue to seek trouble, and even secretly take revenge on that girl!"

"I just thought, is there any solution once and for all......"

"Or, in other words, how can they be punished more severely!"

"So, I thought of the law!"

"If I can have a group of very powerful lawyer friends by my side, even I don't need to do anything, and the lawyer friends can send them in directly!"

"It is also because of this that I chose to acquire the shares of Shengtang Law Firm!"

"After all, Shengtang Law Firm, as a ceiling-level existence in the industry, is also my best choice!"

Actually speaking,

Duan Kun is not lying to Tian Sheng and Tang Qi,

because at that time,

Duan Kun really thought about it,

Find a few lawyers with great cross points,

Send those two shameless people in!

But isn't this a coincidence,

Duan Kun hasn't put it into action yet,

As a result, the system sent the shares of Shengtang Law Firm,


What Duan Kun said at this time,

It's not all lies,

If you have to find a reason to acquire a law firm,

That's absolutely it!

And after listening to Duan Kun's words,

Tian Sheng and Tang Qi's eyes became brighter!

they did not expect,

The reason why Duan Kun acquired them,

It's that simple!!

just plain,

Wanting to use the weapon of law,

Give the bad guys a more severe punishment!!

after all,

before that,

The two of them still have some conspiracy theories in private,

Worried that Duan Kun made a sudden acquisition with some bad intentions......

But at this time,

After listening to Duan Kun's reasons,

They finally let go of their hanging hearts!


Feel ashamed too!!

I am ashamed that I thought of Mr. Duan as a person with malicious intentions and evil intentions before!

At this time, I understand the cause and effect,

The way Tian Sheng and Tang Qi looked at Duan Kun was even more different!

If you just admired it before,

then now,

That's a little more respect!

"Mr. Duan, to be honest, after I met you, I realized that you are completely different from what I imagined!"

"how to say!"

"I admire you very much now, and I respect you very much!"

"Moreover, I want to leave a promise to you here, that is, it is definitely a wise decision for you to choose to acquire Shengtang!"

"Because the prosperous Tang Dynasty exists exclusively for the pursuit of fairness and justice!"

"The two of us will always work hard for this goal!"

this moment,

Regarding Duan Kun's acquisition of Sheng Tang,

Tian Sheng and Tang Qi,

It can be said that I am completely relieved.

after all

As the founder of Shengtang,

Sheng Tang is like a child conceived and cultivated by the two of them,

If it really falls into the hands of people who don't know right from wrong,

Then they will be very heartbroken.

There is a saying,

The law is like a double-edged sword,

Can cut out justice and fairness with one sword,

But at the same time,

You can also cover up evil with a single sword!

It depends on how you use it!

Tian Sheng and Tang Qi,

Of course it is hoped that the former,

I don't want anyone to use Sheng Tang as a sharp edge to excuse and wash away crimes in the future.

at this time


After understanding the reason why Duan Kun acquired Sheng Tang,

Tian Sheng and Tang Qi were completely relieved,

Mr. Duan,

Not the latter!

As for Duan Kun,

After hearing their words,

Also smiled.

"You guys are different from what I thought before."

"I thought you guys would be that rigid type."

"But I didn't expect... Hahaha, I just said a few swear words to you just now, so I don't have to leave at noon today!"

"Let's have a good meal!"

"no problem!"

Tang Qi stood up immediately, and took out two bottles of wine from the pile of gifts behind:

"Also, we don't intend to leave either!"

"Look, we even brought wine!"

"I'm just waiting to have a few drinks with you, Mr. Duan!"

"Haha, that's great!"

that's it,

Whether Duan Kun,

Or Tian Sheng and Tang Qi didn't expect,

It was a meeting that I thought would be awkward and cramped,

It turned out to be like this.


Each other's personalities will be difficult to get along with.

But actually,

don't talk don't know,

After chatting, the three discovered that

They are so friendly with each other!


There is quite a kind of like-minded, meet and hate late taste!

Duan Kun belongs to the kind of character who says what he has.


Tian Sheng and Tang Qi,

They are also people who are jealous and outspoken!

The three communicated,

Almost hassle free!


After Duan Kun said he cared about Yana,

It opened up the topic completely,

Tian Sheng and Tang Qi also showed,

They are different from other lawyers,

That's one word...just!


Just now!

they think,

right is right,

wrong is wrong

If you make a mistake, you will be beaten,

If you are beaten, you must stand at attention,

After finishing playing,

Give you another law class!

If everything comes up, we have to rely on the law,

Then what's the fist for?


They also said,

If sometimes, even the law can't protect you,

Then even if it is a crime,

It's not shameful either!

For example, there is a case in a foreign country,

A pregnant woman was walking on the main road and was molested by some gangsters. Because the pregnant woman didn't obey them, she was beaten by those gangsters in the street, and she was beaten to the point where she was pregnant.

The pregnant woman's husband also happens to be a C.

Looking at his wife (Zhao's Zhao) who was dying in the hospital,

This JC chose silence.

He believes that the law will eventually give him fairness and justice, and punish those gangsters.


The results of it?

In the end, the law only sentenced those gangsters for disrupting social order and imprisoned them for half a month.

That is, at that time,

That JC was angry.

He rushed into the cell, and wiped out all the gangsters who were yelling at him with an iron rod.


He was also arrested,

But in court,

He showed no regrets!

He only left one sentence: If I could do it 10,000 times, I would kill them 10,000 times!


When the law fails to protect you and those around you,


Not shameful!!

For this point of view,

Duan Kun immediately agreed after listening to it!

What is a profession?

This is the profession of riding a horse!

That sums it up so well!!


These words,

It can be said from the mouths of Tian Sheng and Tang Qi, two industry ceilings,

It really surprised Duan Kun!

Being as transparent as a lawyer can be,

Absolutely absolutely rare!

And their point of view,

It also coincides with what Duan Kun said before, "々. Promoting the good with the good, the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, and the evil is brought to justice". It almost coincides with it!


The three of them chatted more and more speculatively.

between us,

There is a feeling of sympathy!

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