As soon as he entered the seabed, Lin Kun discovered that although there were indeed a lot of golden lights, most of them were at a distance from him, and the closest one was the golden light under his feet.

After locking the target, Lin Kun swam faster and swam towards the golden light below.

"Oh my god! Brother Kun dived too deep this time. Even in this situation, he didn’t bring an oxygen tank!"

"Brother Kun has always been fine with his conduct, so you don't have to worry about it!"

"I feel that Kunzi’s speed in the water is comparable to that of Aquaman!"

"Are there really good things at such a deep bottom of the sea?"

After diving to more than 90 meters, he finally touched the bottom of this sea.

Compared with the depth of the offshore waters, this place is obviously much deeper!

Even though he used two skill stones, he felt a little pressure when diving to such a deep bottom of the sea.

However, his actions were not affected much. He took out the old military shovel and started digging in the mud on the seabed.

After two shovels, a dark stone appeared in front of him.

【Special Skill: Enhanced Diving Ability! 】

Very good!

Another skill stone!

Lin Kun's eyes lit up, and he immediately smashed the stone with the sharp edge of the military shovel.

As a warm current flowed into his arms, Lin Kun felt that the slight pressure that had appeared had now disappeared without a trace!

"What did I say? Kunzi's luck has run out. The first shovelful he used up was just a piece of broken stone!"

"Thanks to Brother Kun, my roommate doesn’t have to be single for twenty years!"

"It’s too early for you to say that. This is just Kunzi’s first shovel. Maybe there will be more chances later!"


A series of teasing comments were rolling in the live broadcast room, and the atmosphere began to become more and more heated.

At this time, the popularity of the live broadcast room has reached 134w!

After being strengthened by the skill stone, Lin Kun's eyes fell on a piece of golden light not far away!

It's not that this piece of golden light is so dazzling, but because this piece of golden light can actually move?!

The golden light encountered all day yesterday was all things that would not move and were fixed in one position.

How can these golden lights move today?!

With a little curiosity, Lin Kun swam towards the golden light that was shaking.

As he got closer and closer to the golden light, with the light transmitted from the sea surface, Lin Kun finally saw clearly what the objects under the golden light were!

It turned out to be a group of golden sea fish!

The sunlight refracted from the sea surface, shining bursts of golden light on their scales.

Lin Kun, who grew up by the sea, instantly came up with the name of this fish in his mind!

Big yellow croaker! It is also usually called yellow croaker.

However, the yellow croaker bought in the seafood market is basically not big.

But in the group of yellow croakers in front of Lin Kun, each one was at least as thick as an adult male's forearm!

Some were even as thick as a calf!

He knew that the price of yellow croakers was directly related to their size.

【Wild yellow croakers*7, total value 35,800! 】

Through the identification function of the treasure hunting eye, Lin Kun learned that the total value of these seven yellow croakers was as high as 35,800!

Although for Lin Kun, this amount of money is nothing.

But anyway, it is a good start!

After two system enhancements, Lin Kun's flexibility underwater is no less than these fish.

He was seen holding a net bag in one hand and a military shovel in the other hand, and he swam silently behind the group of yellow croakers.

The next moment, he raised his hand and shoveled, accurately hitting the head of a yellow croaker!

Then a string of bubbles surged upwards, and the yellow croaker hit by Lin Kun's black hand turned belly up and fainted.

Lin Kun put it into the net bag familiarly, then caught up with the school of fish and began his behind-the-back knocking action!

"Kunzi, you are so sinister! You even didn't let go of the fish and just knocked them out and took them away?!"

"They couldn't hold it any longer. These fish probably never thought in their lives that they could be hit by a club while swimming in the sea!"

"Fish: Although I am not a human, Kunzi you are a real dog!!!"

"Get new fish catching skills, knock the fish unconscious first, then catch it!"

"666, worthy of being Brother Kun, catching fish is so simple and crude!"

After seeing Lin Kun's operation, the fans in the live broadcast room all gave 666!

With a few shovels from Lin Kun, the seven yellow croakers were all put into his net bag.

As the net bag was full, Lin Kun had to swim back to the surface and put the yellow croakers back on the fishing boat.

After he returned to the fishing boat, the true appearance of the seven yellow croakers in the net bag appeared clearly in the live broadcast screen.

Seeing the true appearance of these big fish, someone in the live broadcast room immediately recognized them.

"These are wild yellow croakers. It is rare to see such a large size. The anchor is really lucky!"

The one who sent this comment was the popular science celebrity Wuxian Daliang who spoke in the live broadcast room yesterday!

Seeing his comment, the viewers in the live broadcast room were excited again!

"Wild yellow croaker?! This big one must be worth at least a thousand!"

"With seven pieces this big, it would take at least a few Ws to get them down!"

"My family is in the seafood business, and the big yellow croakers that the anchor brought online are estimated to be worth between 30,000 and 40,000 yuan!"

"If the anchor is interested in selling, we can come to your door to buy it back!"

"Brother Kun's luck is simply amazing! Just by catching a few fish, he can earn three or four thousand yuan?!"

After taking a look at the comments, Lin Kun smiled.

"Besides, it's just a few fish, not worth much, not worth much~~~"

After saying this, Lin Kun could even hear the sound of his fans gnashing their back teeth through the screen!

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