After Lin Kun threw the taming pill into the killer whale's mouth, the killer whale that had stirred up the turbulent sea surface suddenly became quiet.

Almost at the same time, a somewhat silly voice suddenly sounded in Lin Kun's mind.

"Master, please stop beating me. My head is dizzy!"

On the vast sea, there was no other human being except him.

Where did this voice come from?

Suddenly, his sight fell on the killer whale in front of him, and the special effect of the master's taming pill sounded.

‘Giving the pill to the creature that needs to be tamed will establish a mind link with the target, and make the target absolutely loyal to the feeder! '

Is this what mind link means?

So he looked at the killer whale tentatively, and at the same time silently said a sentence in his heart

"Are you this killer whale?"

Just as he asked this question in his mind, Hanhan's voice sounded in his mind again.

"Yes, Master! It's me, the super powerful overlord of the ocean!"

Just from this voice, why did Lin Kun feel that this killer whale didn't seem very smart?!

But now that he had confirmed what he was thinking, Lin Kun became bolder.

He turned over and rode on the killer whale's back, holding its dorsal fin with both hands!

"Take me for a ride on the sea!"

Lin Kun silently recited a command in his heart, with a look of anticipation on his face!

As the order was issued, the killer whale sprayed a column of water and began to swim quickly on the sea with Lin Kun on its back.

"What's going on?! Wasn't Kunzi still fighting with the killer whale? Why is he riding on it now?!"

"Interesting! Brother Kun is indeed Brother Kun, the killer whale knight!!!"

"Could it be that Brother Kun has tamed the killer whale?"

"It’s not that it’s impossible. After all, Kunzi’s shovel just now showed no mercy!"

"Will it be like a bullfight, where you need to ride on the killer whale first and then conquer it completely?"

Soon, the viewers in the live broadcast room were surprised to see Lin Kun riding on the killer whale steadily.

The killer whale under his crotch did not seem to move around like a bullfight as some viewers said!

At this moment, the situation in the live broadcast screen looked like the killer whale was willing to be ridden by Lin Kun!

Even the popular science expert Wuxian Daliang, who had seen many magical biological phenomena, couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw this scene!

"Oh my God, this scene is so incredible. How did this anchor manage to tame a wild killer whale?"

"I must visit him when I have time, there may be knowledge that I don't know!"

Teacher Daliang, who is very eager to learn, gave Lin Kun several gifts in the live broadcast room and left him a message in the background to add a contact method.

Sitting on the back of the killer whale and feeling the speed of this ocean overlord, Lin Kun showed a touch of comfort on his face!

He communicated with the killer whale in his heart

"I'll give you a name. Seeing your intelligent color combination, I'll call you Erha from now on!"

After a while, the killer whale's response rang in his mind.

"Master, does Erha represent wisdom in the human world?"

Faced with the killer whale's naive question, Lin Kun nodded confidently without blushing.

"That's right, you have to believe me, Erha represents wisdom!"

Obviously, the killer whale, who knows nothing about the human world, has no idea what the word Erha means.

It even called out excitedly!

"Great! From now on I will be the dumbest killer whale in the ocean!"


However, only Lin Kun knew the meaning of the killer whale's cry!

After riding Erha on the sea for a while, Lin Kun smiled and greeted the live camera.

"Brother Kun’s mission has been completed, this killer whale will be my mount from now on!"

"Brothers, what do you think of calling it Erha?"

As soon as Lin Kun finished speaking, he saw the enthusiastic replies from netizens.

"I don't believe it! The anchor is not the real Aquaman. No matter how street-smart a killer whale is, it is still a carnivore!"

"I don’t know why, but I believe everything Brother Kun says now!"

"Erha? Kunzi, please be a human being. Killer whales may not be human, but you are a real dog!"

"In fact, killer whales are quite consistent with the image of a Husky. It is said that they always love to roam the sea, and will kick a great white shark when they see it passing by!"

"Brothers, you don’t really think that Kunzi has tamed this wild killer whale just because he rides on it? Unless Kunzi calls it, it will respond to you!"

Seeing that some netizens still don’t believe it, isn’t this challenging his credibility?

As a public figure, he can have nothing, but he must have credibility!

So he patted the killer whale on the back and shouted

"Erha, say hello to the brothers in the live broadcast room!"

As Lin Kun finished speaking, the killer whale Erha sprayed out a stream of water in a very humane way and called out, as if he was really responding to Lin Kun's order!

"This time I am really convinced! Kunzi, you are my god!"

"Damn it, he really got it!"

"Brothers, I unilaterally declare that from now on Kunzi will be promoted directly to the top treasure hunter in the sea, and will be awarded the title, Killer Whale Knight!"

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