Even Einstein showed up!

Brother M's eyes widened.

Is he the person I thought he was?

The top figure in human history?

Misan, you did a great job!


"Inverse Entropy, Einstein"

"This guy is a big shot, a master."

"What about a red-haired crayfish?"


St. Freya's School Principal's Office

"What! They actually teamed up with Anti-Entropy?"Kiana gritted her teeth.

She still remembered what happened with Anti-Entropy!

Last time, Kokolia from Anti-Entropy wanted to do something to her.

She remembered everything!

"Oh, that's it! So they are cooperating with Anti-Entropy."Theresa put her hands on her hips and looked very proud.

She was really smart.

Cooperating with Anti-Entropy was an option.

Especially when she and Destiny began to oppose each other.

As the saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Everyone wants to deal with Destiny.

So they must unite.

Besides, Anti-Entropy is not weak.

There are also two genius-level figures in charge.

Now, their chances of winning are far ahead.

"By the way, Principal, what was I doing at that time?"Raiden Mei asked, with a trace of struggle on her face.

For so long, she hadn't appeared in the plot.

Could she be unimportant at all?


Perhaps she was even less important than she thought.

After all, the story so far has almost always revolved around Kiana.

She can only be regarded as an ordinary Valkyrie beside Kiana.

"Mei, no matter what your role is, you are my good Mei!" Kiana smiled and hugged Mei. It was so unexpected.

She was almost thrown down by Kiana.

It was too sudden.

Looking at Kiana's smile, Mei felt warm in her heart. She met her when she needed it the most. If she hadn't met Kiana, she would still be lonely and unable to come out.


The plot continues.

In addition to Einstein's first appearance,

Dr. Tesla also appeared with his mecha.

"What is this? A mecha? What is this?"

"This is crazy!"M jumped onto the chair and fell down.

The pain of falling to the ground was nothing.

The mecha was the real deal!

It was a man's toy.

He wanted to drive a mecha to show off since he was a child...

No, to train.

Use the mecha to defeat the monster and win.

"You said this mecha was developed by anti-entropy?"


"I remember that almost all of them were developed by Dr. Tesla."

"Don't mess with Tesla, the hot-tempered woman hacked into your computer to demand patent fees"

"Wow~ It's so scary~"

According to netizens' understanding, is this Dr. Tesla very fierce?

Brother M doesn't think so.

But after all, this is a new character other than the Valkyrie.

It would be a lie to say that I am not excited.

"Are you kidding me? Isn't this new character pretty? She has twin ponytails and a girlish face, how can she be so fierce?"

Can a 2D girl be fierce?

Brother M has already tried his best to imagine.

How fierce can you be at best?

Idiot, Hengtai, no way to win?

Until the moment Dr. Tesla opened his mouth.

It was simply earth-shattering.

Brother M twitched for a while, and it seemed that the stool leg was broken, and the whole person fell backwards.


"Are you really frightened and fainted?"

"I think so"

"Does the anchor need an ambulance? Send me the address"

""It's a noise."

Brother M struggled to get up, his face twitched, and he brought a new chair over to sit down.

"I'm fine, my butt hurts a little bit."

Dr. Tesla on the screen finally ended the conversation

""This Dr. Tesla's words are really shocking."

Brother M sighed.

It was the first time he had seen such a character.

He didn't want to admit that he was actually scared for a moment.

He didn't feel anything when others shot guns next to him. But he was actually scared by a red-haired lobster with a bad temper. Would n't it be a shame to tell others about this?

At least he would lose his status in the family, right?


"Dr. Tesla is so scary."Kiana scratched her head. To be honest, she was a little scared when she saw him in person for the first time. She envied his ability to spit out sweet fragrance!

If she wanted to become his disciple, was it too late now?

But she might need to learn this ability for a lifetime.

But soon Kiana calmed down. After all, she had seen many big scenes.

The characters of Anti-Entropy appeared one after another.

They stood in the same camp as Jizi and others from Saint Freya.

The blue sky, without even the clouds, made people feel like it was an unreal world.

In the Third Skyport of Destiny, a pair of golden eyes suddenly opened.

A giant blue dragon landed on the deck.

This is!!!

Theresa's eyes trembled.

The Judgment-level Honkai Beast that collapsed for the second time ten years ago!


The chapter ends here.

Brother M exhaled deeply.

This chapter is too novel and worth remembering.

But the time for the live broadcast is almost up again

"The Valkyrie appreciation session you all wanted is here! Today we will meet and appreciate our protagonist"

"But after the two previous appreciations, my vision is now very high."

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