Lin Xuan just laughed it off and said,"It doesn't matter to me that the murderer is hiding on Qingfeng. The meat at home is almost gone. The little eagle and the big black bear have too big an appetite. I have to hunt more game today. Of course, I can also look for the three wanted criminals. If I find them, I don't mind giving them a taste of their own medicine."

After that, Lin Xuan went straight to Qingfeng.

"Damn, the anchor really dares to go up the mountain? Awesome!"

""Knowing there is a tiger in the mountain, he still goes there. The anchor is very skilled and brave."

Netizens couldn't help but secretly marvel. If ordinary people knew there was a wanted criminal hiding in the mountain, they would probably avoid him. However, Lin Xuan didn't take it to heart at all. This was really incredible.

"The anchor is so awesome! He is so brave"

"The host went into the mountains alone to find three murderers. He is so strong!"

"I began to admire the host. His spirit is worth learning from for every one of us!"

"Damn, I didn't expect the anchor was looking for a wanted criminal? How brave!"

"A man rushed into the mountains to find a murderer. The anchor is so tough!"

"No matter what, I admire the host very much. He takes risks alone. This spirit is worth learning and praising!"

"Comrades, please type the words"Praise the anchor" on the public screen!"

"Praise the anchor!"

"Praise the anchor!"

"Praise the anchor!"


In the live broadcast room, countless comments were posted one after another, and the entire room was filled with the words"Praise the host!"

Netizens were enthusiastic and kept posting comments.

They were looking forward to the scene where Lin Xuan and the three murderers would meet each other.

Many netizens even went out to promote it, spontaneously posting information about Lin Xuan going into the mountains to look for the murderers in Tieba, Weibo, and forums.

It actually attracted many netizens to come in and watch.

In just a few minutes, more than 100,000 netizens flooded into the live broadcast room.

These new netizens entered the live broadcast room and saw Lin Xuan carrying a bow and arrow up the mountain alone, and they couldn't help but be stunned.

"Damn, the anchor really ran into the jungle to look for the murderer?"

"I just checked, and there are indeed three wanted criminals hiding in Qingfeng Mountain where the anchor is now!"

"I just watched the news report that three murderers are hiding in Qingfeng Mountain. It's too dangerous for the anchor to be alone!"

"Oh my god, if the anchor encounters these three murderers, things will get out of hand!"

The hearts of the new netizens were lifted up.

Lin Xuan went up the mountain alone, and there were three vicious murderers hiding inside. They were all desperate criminals and they were likely to have weapons in their hands. How could Lin Xuan deal with three murderers with only a bow and arrow?!

At the same time.

Douyu live broadcast platform.

Li Xuemei went to work in the morning and clicked on Lin Xuan's live broadcast room as usual.

This is a habit she has developed. Every morning, she watched Lin Xuan's live broadcast for a while, and her mood would be relaxed a lot throughout the day.

After all, Lin Xuan's live broadcast is so beautiful and attractive.

But today, when Li Xuemei opened the live broadcast room and saw the dense barrage, she was stunned

"What? Lin Xuan is going to the mountains to find three murderers? This... Why is he so impulsive!"

Li Xuemei's face turned pale. She knew very well that these murderers hiding in the mountains were not easy to deal with. They were desperate criminals, and according to the news reports, they also had an old-fashioned iron barrel gun, which was very dangerous.

"What should I do?"

Li Xuemei was at a loss for a moment.

"Zhao Xing!"

Li Xuemei shouted

"Director, you're looking for me?"

Zhao Xing walked in from outside.

"Have you watched Lin Xuan's live broadcast?"

Li Xuemei asked

"What's wrong?"

Zhao Xing asked doubtfully.

"Lin Xuan went up the mountain today. There were three murderers in the mountain.……"

Li Xuemei briefly explained the matter to Zhao Xing, and then said nervously:"What should we do? If Lin Xuan gets into an accident, our platform will suffer a huge loss.……"

Zhao Xing was stunned when he heard this, and then he showed a look of surprise on his face, saying:"Lin Xuan is really brave.

He dared to go into the mountains alone.

This courage is really not something that ordinary people can have!

But Director, I think you don't have to worry.

You have watched so many live broadcasts of Lin Xuan, and you should know that this Lin Xuan is extraordinary.

He is very strong.

Not only can he tame a big black bear, but he can also kill a cheetah with one punch!

He can even fly on an eagle!

He can do almost everything he says! So, we don't need to worry about him. On the contrary, I think this is a good opportunity. We can give him a big publicity and publicize his heroic deeds. In this way, we will definitely attract more netizens to come to the platform, so that our platform traffic will soar again, and by the way, Lin Xuan's fans will also increase again!"

Li Xuemei heard what Zhao Xing said and calmed down a little.

She also understood that Lin Xuan was indeed very strong!

What he did before has fully proved this.

Since he dared to go up the mountain to find trouble with the murderer, it means that Lin Xuan must be sure of winning!

In this case, what is there to worry about?

She was just worried and confused.

But after hearing Zhao Xing's next words, Li Xuemei's eyes suddenly shone brightly.

"You are right! If we take this opportunity to vigorously promote Lin Xuan, we will definitely be able to attract countless traffic."

"After all, going into the mountains alone to look for three murderers is indeed a very shocking thing!"

Li Xuemei thought secretly, and then clenched her fists.

"Good, Director, you finally thought of this."

Zhao Xing smiled and nodded.

"Zhao Xing!"

Li Xuemei tapped the table lightly.


Zhao Xing raised his head.

"Promote it vigorously! All platforms and channels, promote it completely!"

Li Xuemei slammed the table and shouted loudly.

"Yes, Director!"

Zhao Xing responded loudly


Li Xuemei waved her hand.

Zhao Xing nodded and left the office.

Returning to his seat, Zhao Xing immediately got down to work.

Soon, shocking propaganda messages appeared on Weibo, WeChat, forums, Zhihu, Douyin and other platforms.

【Shocking! A certain anchor went into the mountains alone to look for three murderers in the mountains!】

【The DouYu anchor goes up the mountain alone to cause trouble for the murderer, everyone come and watch!】

【The Douyu anchor is so strong. He rushed up the mountain and challenged three murderers alone. It was so fierce!

As Douyu's promotional information was released, countless people and curious netizens clicked on the link and entered Lin Xuan's live broadcast room. In just over ten minutes, the number of online viewers in Lin Xuan's live broadcast room exceeded 5 million.

And as the promotional information expanded, the number of people was still growing rapidly.

Soon, the number of online viewers reached more than 7 million!

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