Since the show never allows him to eat lamb, eating lamb has become Gray Wolf's obsession. No wonder he loses his mind just by smelling lamb.


Jiang Fan bypassed Gray Wolf and came to the door of the food stall.

He gestured to the boss holding the knife:

"Boss, I'll buy all the stuff you have here. I'll pay later. You can leave now."

"Ah! Good, good!"

The boss was still immersed in the fact that the werewolf monster could actually speak.

After hearing Jiang Fan's voice, he immediately reacted. He didn't even ask for Jiang Fan's contact information, and ran away happily along the wall.


Jiang Fan picked up a large leg of lamb from the barbecue grill.

"What are you holding in your hand?

Gray Wolf swallowed hard, finally suppressing his inner impulse.

"This one?"

Jiang Fan shook the lamb leg in his hand:"This is the lamb you want to eat the most!"

"Sheep, sheep, sheep, mutton?!!"

As soon as these words came out,

Gray Wolf's eyes instantly turned green!


Just when Gray Wolf was about to lose his mind,

Jiang Fan threw the mutton directly over with one hand.


Gray Wolf subconsciously reached out to catch it.

But he found that the distance was not enough, so he simply threw himself forward and fell heavily to the ground.

But at the same time, he also caught the leg of lamb steadily.


""It smells so good, so, so good!"

When he smelled the tempting aroma of the lamb leg close to him,

Gray Wolf couldn't help it. He just buried his head and ate it with big mouthfuls!

While eating, he also shouted vaguely

"Delicious, delicious!"

"So... this is what lamb tastes like! I finally got to eat lamb!"

""Woo woo woo! I finally got to eat mutton!"

In just a few seconds, the whole leg of lamb was eaten clean by Gray Wolf. Even the little bit of meat left on the bone was licked carefully by it, without letting go of anything.

Seeing Gray Wolf's behavior, the fans who originally wanted Jiang Fan to kill him completely, as well as Li Yayun and others not far away, were all shocked at this moment!

: What's going on?

: No, isn't this a monster? Why does it look like a pet?

: There's nothing wrong with wolves eating lamb, but this wolf... How long has it been since he last had mutton?

: Hmm... This wolf-man seems to be a little different from the monster I imagined.

: Wait a minute, do you think that the monster's target just now was actually mutton? You see, this wolf-man monster seems to cherish mutton very much, and he won't let go of any meat!

: Don't say, it's really possible!


Just as Gray Wolf was still sucking on the lamb leg bone and savoring the taste on it.

Jiang Fan in front of him threw something over again.

"This, this is it!"

Grey Wolf bit the bone in his mouth, but caught the thrown thing accurately with his hand.

After getting it, he looked down... It turned out to be a piece of steaming tender lamb chop!

A touch of red chili powder dotted the surface of the lamb chop.

While impacting his olfactory nerves, it also triggered waves of greed!

Without any hesitation,

Grey Wolf ate it!


Jiang Fan fed it, and Grey Wolf ate it.

This behavior was repeated for more than ten times.

It finally stopped when all the lamb on the barbecue grill was eaten up.

The netizens who watched the whole process were talking about it at this time.

"Come, drink some water."

At this time,

Jiang Fan, who had come to the side at some point, promptly brought a large bottle of cola.

At the same time, he activated the ability of the ice fruit, which instantly covered the cola with frost.

Gray Wolf took a look.

Although he thought that this dark brown water with bubbles was a bit strange, he didn't think too much about it because he choked because he ate too much. After taking it, he tilted his head back and drank a few big gulps.

When the cool soda went into his throat,

Gray Wolf couldn't help but burp a long time:"Burp~"

After recovering from his shock, looking at the sheep bones on the ground under his feet, Gray Wolf suddenly slapped his thigh:


"I forgot to leave some for my wife and son!"

When hearing this sentence, countless question marks suddenly appeared in the live broadcast room, which had originally reacted calmly.


: Damn, a wolf also has a wife?

: No, isn't the point of this sentence that after eating the mutton, does the wolf still remember his family?

: Outrageous! This wolf can not only talk, but also has a high IQ!

Looking at the annoyance on Gray Wolf's face,

Jiang Fan smiled secretly in his heart.

Sure enough, it is still that Gray Wolf, who did not forget his wife and son when enjoying himself

"Thank you, thank you!"

"Not only did you let me taste mutton for the first time, but you also let me eat so much. You are a good person!"Suppressing the regret in his heart, Gray Wolf thanked Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan waved his hand, indicating that he didn't need to worry.

"Are you... broadcasting live?" Then, Gray Wolf looked at the camera curiously.

"Yes, there are a lot of people watching us now."

Jiang Fan nodded.

He was not surprised that Big Big Wolf knew about live streaming.

In the works of Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf, subsequent series such as Little Detective and Deep Sea Adventure have already shown traces of various smartphones, so it is not surprising that live streaming appeared.

"bring it on"

"Please introduce yourself to everyone."

"No problem!"

Gray Wolf nodded.

He wiped his greasy mouth with the back of his hand.

Then he faced the camera and grinned,"Hello everyone, I'm, ahem, Gray Wolf!"

"He is also the 250th generation descendant of Wu Da Wolf and the 77th generation Wolf King!" When these words came out, many netizens were extremely surprised and shocked!

Such a poor-looking wolf, whose hat even needed to be patched, was actually a wolf king?

: Gray Wolf?

: The 250th generation descendant of Wu Da Wolf... Who is this Wu Da Wolf?

: Damn, I can't tell, such a wolf that wants to eat sheep bones is actually a wolf king?!

: These days, even wolves have their own names, and even... a family tree!

Seeing Gray Wolf's expression gradually stiffen because of the doubts on the screen,

Jiang Fan hurried forward and interrupted the netizens.

At the same time, he patted Gray Wolf on the shoulder.

"What I just introduced is just some basic information."

"Next, I would like to introduce to you another identity of Mr. Big Big Wolf!"

"Mr. Gray Wolf is the most intelligent wolf in the wolf clan"

"At the same time, he is also the greatest inventor in the history of the wolf clan!!"


: Is there something wrong with you or me?

: The wolf clan has the highest IQ? No matter how high its IQ can be, it’s just a wolf!

: Hahaha, the greatest inventor in the history of the wolf clan? What can it invent?

: Don’t say, Brother Fan’s words really made me laugh!

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