: Really, I have lived for decades, and this is the first time I feel that this world is so strange!

: Who says it isn’t! First there is the supernatural ability to freeze everything, and then a monster dozens of meters long appears! This world... I don’t recognize it at all!

: By the way, I remember there was a news yesterday saying that a sea monster appeared in the South China Sea. Host, is this true?

: Not only in our Kyushu, I heard that monsters have appeared all over the world now!

: Eh? Aren’t those all fake? Isn’t the sea monster in the South China Sea said to be in a movie?

: To be honest, I thought the previous news was just nonsense, but after watching this live broadcast today, I really feel that my worldview has collapsed!

: Host, host, please tell me, are these true?

Seeing the anxious questions asked by many netizens.

Jiang Fan did not avoid it.

Instead, he answered it directly.

"I understand your feelings."

"But what I need to tell you is that those monsters that appear in the news are all real!"


"Today's monsters are just the beginning!"

"There will be more powerful monsters in the future. In front of those truly terrifying monsters, let alone the sea kings that are thousands of meters long, even the entire blue planet will not be able to withstand their casual attacks!"

When he said this,

Jiang Fan's face also showed a trace of solemnity.

As a time traveler, he knew much more than ordinary people in the Blue Star world!

Like the monsters in Ultraman that weigh tens of thousands of tons and are hundreds of meters tall, and some monsters in anime that have the power to explode stars and shake the universe, those are the real scary ones.

What kind of sea kings are seen now are cannon fodder at best!

: My God! Just a casual blow can blow up the blue planet??? What kind of monster is this!

: Damn it, the official announcement yesterday said that these are fake!

: It's over! The end of the world is really coming!

: What should we do then? We are just ordinary people, how can we withstand such a disaster?

: Since the world will be destroyed in the future, what's the point of working for me? I quit now!!

: Delete it, I'm really sweating!!

Seeing the barrage in the live broadcast room began to panic, Jiang Fan realized that he might have said something serious, and he hurried to comfort them

"But my friends, don't worry too much."

"Although the arrival of monsters is real, it is also a huge opportunity for us and the entire Blue Star!"

: Opportunity? What do you mean?

: What other opportunities can this be? It's good enough that we are not eaten by these monsters!

: Wait, could it be the frozen fruit? Does the host have extra frozen fruits?!

: What? Extra! Host, please give me one! I don't want to die!

After reading these comments.

Jiang Fan had a hint of apology on his face:"I'm sorry, there is only one frozen fruit."

Hearing this, many netizens were immediately disappointed.

But then.

Jiang Fan changed his tone.

To everyone's great surprise:

"Although there is only one Ice Fruit, there are other Devil Fruits!"

: There are other Devil Fruits?!

: Holy crap! Host, please tell me, what are the other Devil Fruits?

: Hahaha! I know!

: How to get other Devil Fruits? Host, please tell me!!

: If there are other Devil Fruits, does this mean that as long as we find the Devil Fruit, we can also master the supernatural power of freezing everything?!

: Damn! I'll just fire ten rockets, host, please tell me! I'll go find it right away!

"There are other devil fruits?!"

At this time,

Zhou Hongwei, Li Yayun and others in the Supernatural Security Bureau looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes. They originally thought that there was only one such powerful supernatural power, but who would have thought that Jiang Fan actually said there were many more?!

Thinking of this, everyone in the conference room widened their eyes, not daring to miss any of Jiang Fan's words!

On the other side,

Jiang Fan has already started to popularize various information about devil fruits.

"I said it before"

"Devil Fruits come from the world of One Piece"

"In that world, devil fruits are called secret treasures of the sea. The reason for this name is that devil fruits can give people different abilities!"

"Generally speaking, devil fruits can be divided into three categories: superhuman, animal and natural!"

"The superhuman fruit refers to the fruit that can give people a superpower."

"And this superpower is divided into five categories: superhuman physique, creation, local ability, and domination!"

"The ability to manipulate specific substances is called domination, partial superpowers are the ability of part of the body, the ability to create unnatural substances out of thin air is called creation, and the so-called superhuman body is the real superpower, such as telekinesis, magnetism, etc."

"As for the animal system, as the name suggests, it allows people to transform into different animals according to different fruits, and possess the animals' unique wild power and enhance their physical qualities and abilities!"

"As for the so-called natural system, everyone has actually seen it. The frozen fruit I possess belongs to the natural system!"

"This type of fruit is the strongest of all devil fruits because it has the power to control elements and even transform into elements!"


After Jiang Fan's patient explanation, many fans gradually gained a detailed understanding of the devil fruit.

When Jiang Fan stopped, the barrage in the entire live broadcast room refreshed several times faster!

Various gifts were flying everywhere as if they were free!

: Superman series! Animal series! Natural series!

: Damn! The natural series can actually control various elements? Frost! Lightning! Fire! Isn't that just like the magicians in novels?!

: The superman series fruit is too scary! Free flight? Manipulation of magnetism? It can even shatter the sky!

: Oh my God, there are actually devil fruits that can turn people into animals? And not just ordinary animals, there are even legendary phoenixes, nine-tailed foxes, and blue dragon beasts?!

: Damn, no! I have to go to the fruit store to buy goods! I want to buy all the fruits!

: I'll go too, I'll go too! I must find a natural devil fruit!

At this moment,

I don't know how many fans are excited.

And some fans who know the source of Jiang Fan's frozen fruit have even started to move.

Go to the fruit store to look for the so-called devil fruit!


At this time.

A golden rocket suddenly rose in the live broadcast room, instantly attracting everyone's attention!

And behind the rocket.

There was also a very conspicuous barrage!

: Anchor Anchor!

: I, I bought a bag of pears this morning, and one of them suddenly glowed!

: And the shape has changed dramatically!

: Can you, can you help me see if this is a devil fruit?

When seeing such a barrage appear.

The other water friends in the live broadcast room were quiet for a moment, and then completely exploded!

…… ps: New book released, begging for flowers, monthly tickets and evaluation tickets!!!! All your support is the author's motivation, thank you very much!!!!

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