"Hey! Boss!"

In Mr. Huang’s office.

He was still a little confused when he received the call from the dedicated line.

"Nie Qiao? What's wrong? Is there something wrong with the drill?"

For Mr. Huang.

This is just an ordinary afternoon.

He had just made jasmine tea.

Waiting for the news of the launch of Lu Ze’s new boat.

“There were no surprises in the exercise.

"That's good."

"It's just that we sank one of Eagle Sauce's submarines."


Mr. Huang squirted out a mouthful of scented tea.


The next second.

Within the Defense Department.

The alarm suddenly sounded.

The boss held the phone and walked out the door.

Seeing everyone in the corridor running.

The squeaking sirens are endless.

Mr. Huang knows it very well.

This is a Defense Agency readiness alert.

Once the alarm is raised.

All personnel in combat and strategic positions must be on duty within one minute.

"What's wrong with Xiao Zhu?"

The secretary rushed to the boss at almost the speed of a 100-meter race.

He concluded without even taking a breath.

"Yingjiang Pacific Command is making large-scale deployments!

The Foot Pot Chicken Self-Defense Force also followed.

All other military bases were also moved.

The specific reason is unknown.

But Beibu Gulf is frequently mentioned in communication channels at all levels!

The superiors judged that they were going to take action against us!

Boss, please come to work immediately!"

Hear this.

The boss only felt a little numb in his back.

He looked at the phone.

"Nie Qiao?"

"Here we are. The National Defense Agency should have responded, right? The information is correct! Yingjiang is indeed anxious!"


"Nonsense! The submarine was sunk. Can you not be impatient?"

Mr. Huang is going crazy.

Who the hell would have thought of this?

Eating hot pot and singing songs in the office.

You told me that World War III is about to begin?

"Boss, I just came to apologize to you.

An F-class submarine broke into our territorial waters without any provocation.

In order to protect the fighter plane, I opened fire without asking for permission.

Please take this seriously.

"Get out! You've sunk the submarine, what should I do?"

The surprised boss immediately regained his composure.

As the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces.

The responsibilities of the job require his mind to be clear at all times.


Enemy submarine appears in our waters.

There is simply nothing to consider.

Even if the information reaches the General Staff.

The first reaction of the bosses was to order to fire.

"This F-class submarine has disappeared for a long time. How did you find it?"

"It's a bit embarrassing to say."


"The navy didn't find it, but Weizhou Intelligent's ship did!"


The boss immediately thought of Lu Ze.

How could I forget this!?

Something is wrong.

There must be Lu Ze.

This matter seems to be the handiwork of Lu Ze, a reckless man.

"You mean Lu Ze was involved in this?"

“More than just participating, we lead the entire process. Their new boat, Shanhe Fishing, has excellent performance.

First, traces of the F-class submarine were discovered using towed sonar.

Then a sea-to-air missile was fired, targeting civilians accurately.

The F-class submarine has been confirmed to have been sunk. "

Even the most mentally strong boss.

Hear the news.

He also held on to the table and waited for two seconds.

After Hu Chengwu's investigation.

The boss knows that Lu Ze’s Weizhou Intelligence has something to offer.

Two large ships are being built simultaneously.

But he never expected it.

Lu Ze pulled two big ones!

The results of the battle were achieved so quickly.

at this time.

Lu Ze's voice came from the phone.

"Hehehe, Mr. Eye is good.

"I'm so shit! I'm about to have a heart attack!"

The boss walked quickly.

Walked from the office to the command hall.

The situation map on the big screen has been clearly marked.

Eagle Sauce's fleet is located on the northwest defense line.

Spread out in a fan shape.

There are also a large number of ships and aircraft supporting the rear.

The ships participating in the exercise of the Northern Fleet confronted it in the southeast.

Only Shanheyu went deep behind enemy lines.

Divided by Hawk Sauce's fleet.

The only ones that can provide effective support are the navy's three frigates.

"Nie Qiao! Your situation is not optimistic.


"How long can you hold on?"

"long time!"

Nie Qiao on the other end of the phone didn't sound like he was in an extremely critical moment.

On the contrary, it was somewhat relaxed.

He went on to explain.

“Shanhe fishing has relatively high mobility.

I judge that it is not that easy for Yingjiang to sink Shanheyu.

We'll try to stall for as long as possible. "

"Okay! You held on!

We rescue immediately!

Remember! Take Shanheyu home to me at all costs!"

Hang up the phone call to Nie Qiao.

The boss has no time to think about the Fu-class submarine.

A submarine that invaded territorial waters was sunk.

They deserve it.

Now he just wants to return the jade from Shanhe Yu to Zhao.

"Where's the Chief of Staff?"

"We are inspecting the eastern theater. The chief of staff asked you to take over the command position. He is cooperating on the front line!"

Got the news.

Mr. Huang put aside his last worries.


The long-range artillery groups in the northern theater immediately moved into combat positions!

Target: Eagle Sauce 7th Fleet.

Batch configuration to provide long-range fire support for the Northern Fleet!"


"Qindao and Guocheng air force airports immediately activated wartime status.

All aircraft at the two bases took off.

An airborne command platform is built by early warning aircraft.

All fighter jets of the Air Force immediately went into battle.

The carrier-based aircraft on the Liao aircraft carrier are limited, and we must not let them fall into an air disadvantage!"

"The Air Force understands! The first batch of J15s has taken off!"

"The Chief of Staff will command the Navy of the Eastern Theater Command to counter-encircle the enemy and approach Shanheyu.

"Command shared!"

"Order all missile bases along the coast and all launch silos to be on standby, prepare to carry out nuclear counterattack missions, and wait for the order from Unit 1!"



Shanhe Yujian Island.

Nie Qiao looked at the latest orders shared from the fleet base.

Keep sighing.

"Xiao Lu, you still have more face.

The boss heard that something happened to you.

Troops along the entire coast were mobilized. "

Lu Ze turned back and looked at Commander Nie.

He pursed his lips.

"Putting the blame?"

"You won't suffer any losses! What are you going to do now?"

Nie Qiao asked people to put the situation of both sides into the pilothouse of the ship island.

At the same time, Shanheyu was also connected to our army’s communication system.

"Ying-chan is so annoyed by you."

Nie Qiao pointed to the situation map.

"The two Burke-class ships rushed toward us like crazy.

It probably only takes a few minutes.

I have to warn you.

The Burke class is their main destroyer.

Performance is not bad.

Your nearest support is my three frigates.

But you were driving too fast.

The meeting will arrive with the Burke class. "

The situation at the scene is already clear.

The Northern Fleet contained most of the main fleet.

Only two Burke-class ships left the encirclement.

Come to wipe out the fishermen in the mountains and rivers.

Nor could the three frigates available to the Navy arrive before the enemy.

Shanheyu must at least resist two Burke-class ships on its own.

"Please speak!"

Seeing Lu Ze not expressing his position for a long time.

Commander Nie was a little anxious.

Lu Ze then spoke slowly.

"I do not really get it."


"I'm just catching fish, why am I so anxious?"

"How long has it been and you are still pretending to be like this?"

"There is no other way. There are too many ships on the other side, so we can only wait for reinforcements."


Lu Ze looked at the captain.

"Turn on the energy recovery system, keep within 700 meters of the enemy ship, and circle at full speed."

Nie Qiao heard Lu Ze's order.

He frowned.

"What are you going to do?"

"Walking the dog."

It's clear to everyone.

Shanheyu's maneuverability is extremely excellent.

Even the Burke class.

You can't even see Shanheyu's taillights.

This ship is indeed capable of running the Burke like a dog.

There’s no need to be so close!

Seven hundred meters on the sea, it's like being face to face.

"I understand dog walking, why is it seven hundred meters?"

“Because he can’t hit us.


"The Burke-class is equipped with the mk41 vertical launch system. The missiles adapted to this model have a minimum range of 700 meters."

"I'm convinced, you even figured out the minimum range of the enemy's missiles!?"

Everyone in the navy was numb.

What is professionalism?

This is it!

Minimum range is a common problem with guided (cdab) missiles.

Because the missile will produce a large overload when launched.

Targets locked before launch will be lost.

The missile had already flown some distance before locking on the target again.

This distance is the minimum range of the missile.

Nie Qiao was convinced.

The minimum range of missiles is a top secret among all military forces.

After all, this is the weak spot.

He scratched his head and couldn't figure it out.

How did Lu Ze master these things.

"Yeah! Occasionally we listen to things we shouldn't."


Finished speaking.

Ma Yan on the side had a somewhat arrogant face.

You have to be a little boss!

Due to the existence of Juhu 886.

Most of Yingjiang’s equipment parameters can be mastered by the mini-boss.

Although surprised.

But Nie Qiao was also relieved.

Lu Ze is not just a reckless man.

There is still a little subtlety in the recklessness, which is very scary.

over time.

Two Burke-class ships have appeared within sight.

As Lu Ze said.

Under the minimum range limit.

The missiles on the Burke class were completely useless.

But at this time Xie Qing raised questions.

"It's impossible to reach this distance, but what about naval guns?"

Xie Qing knew it very well.

The main gun of the Burke class is 12mm.

The range is dozens of kilometers.

700 meters is a restricted area for hanging hair.

But it is the comfort zone of naval guns.

The words have not yet finished.

The Burke-class seems to be aware of this.

High-intensity firing from naval guns.

There were constant sounds on the sea.

One shell after another fell on the sea.

The water splashes continued to explode.

"He has to be able to beat him."

The range of the naval gun is sufficient.

But it doesn't have fire control.

Shanheyu's super mobility makes it impossible for the Burke-class to aim.

Out of reach.

Only then did Xie Qing understand.

Lu Ze’s strategy has underlying logic.

It's like there was a plan drill.

As the captain of the 101st destroyer, he was a little ashamed.

If he were to command the ship himself.

Encountered such an unexpected situation.

It really may not be as perfect as Lu Ze's handling.

at the same time.

Shanheyu rear.

The Zaoyang ship took the lead in catching up.

The captain held a telescope and monitored the confrontation between the Burke class and Shanhe Yu.

"Shanhe Fishing is extremely fast, and all the shots were fired in the first round!"

"Fuck! What the hell kind of fairy ship is this!"

"Has it reached the effective range?"

Just watching the mountains, rivers, fishing and walking the dog.

The captain already felt very happy.

The first officer responded immediately: "Report, it has entered the effective range, the ship's radar has received target data, and can be launched at any time!"

The captain held a telescope.


"Order from the General Staff! Ensure the safety of fishing in mountains and rivers at all costs."

"The time has come for the motherland and the people to test us!"

This sentence has a special meaning for the officers and soldiers on the ship.

Everyone responded with burning eyes to the captain.

What kind of dog has a Burke level?

Just two paper tigers.

At this time, morale was completely on their side.

"Immediately launch the missiles and use naval guns to cover the mountains and rivers."

Give an order.

The Zaoyang ship's vertical hair module is turned on.

8 red flags were issued and 16 soared into the sky.

The 76mm naval gun also fired continuously.

The Burke class is still indulging in the hide-and-seek game with Shanheyu.

Their mission is to sink Shanheyu.

before executing the command.

Neither captain had any doubts about the order.

Isn’t it just a fishing boat?

One missile will do it.

But we actually arrived at the battlefield.

They were dumbfounded.

This fishing boat is always stuck on the minimum range and their axis.

Moreover, its speed and maneuverability can almost defeat the Burke class in an instant.

The naval guns are useless.

They have never seen such an opponent.

While the two captains were thinking hard about how to defeat the enemy.

One of the Burke-class ships was locked by fire control.

"Stop attacking immediately!"

Captain Harry suddenly panicked.

"Prepare air defense!"

To annihilate the target.

You have to ensure your own safety first.

How can Harry care about fishing in mountains and rivers now?

All efforts were devoted to air defense.

In terms of performance, the Burke-class is better than the 054.

The moment they were locked by the missile.

The terminal and middle air defenses are activated at the same time.

Anti-aircraft missiles intercepted five Haihongqi.

The close-in defense artillery destroyed all the remaining missiles.

But when their attention was completely focused on the missile.

The hull took a hit from a naval gun.

"Your Majesty Commander!

The deck of this ship was under shelling!

No casualties!

Some functions are damaged!

But it still works!"

Hear the battle damage reports from your subordinates.

Harry's heart dropped to his stomach.

This is the 76mm cannon of 054.

And the hitting position was a little off.

Otherwise you will suffer serious consequences.

“Looking at it this way, Shanheyu’s attack methods are limited.

The counterattack relied entirely on the arrival of three guided missile frigates.


Harry came to his senses immediately.

"Tell the Shiloh that we will work together to eat these three light ships first!"

The situation suddenly became clear.

There are only four enemy ships in this area.

Shanheyu has almost no striking ability, otherwise it would have fought back long ago.

The remaining three light escorts are different in size from the Burke class.

The caliber of the naval gun was off by more than half.

If the two Burke-class ships can work together to kill the light guard first.

Then it will be a matter of time to eat Shanheyu.

Harry's order had just been given.

Shanheyu's call suddenly came from the public channel.

"Wilbur, this is Shanhe Fishing. Our ship has observed fire on your ship. Do you need assistance?"


Harry stared blankly at the pager.

I thought Shanhe Yu had called the wrong person.

I've been chasing you here for most of the day.

You suddenly ask me if I need help?

Harry looked up at the bow of his ship.

The bow of the ship did indeed catch fire after being attacked by a naval gun.

But his men were already taking care of it.

Harry didn't understand why Lu Ze suddenly asked this on the public channel.

at this time.

I get up and never give up.

"Wilbur, our ship is equipped with high-pressure water cannons for sea rescue.

In line with humanitarian principles, we are now preparing to carry out emergency fire-fighting and rescue operations on your ship!

Please wait!".

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