Xie Kun is someone I have met before.

He had seen the chief's guard several times.

These soldiers are all top soldiers drawn from various special forces and secret services.

I would never wear a military uniform on a normal day.

I wear a black suit every day.

Once these soldiers appear.

No matter where you are, no unreported people are allowed to appear within ten meters.

This is true even within the National Defense Agency.

"Yes, it's the end of the year, and the chief may come to inspect the work."

Xie Kun could only wait outside with the participating entrepreneurs.



Several big guys in military uniforms walked over from the other end of the hall surrounded by the chief.

Entrepreneurs naturally cannot suppress their loneliness.

He stretched his neck to get a glimpse of the chief's true appearance.

Xie Kun stopped him immediately.


"Don't even look around!"

"This is the National Defense Department, not a vegetable market!"

The bosses turned around angrily.

They could see clearly that except for the leader, the team was all from the Air Force.

A lot of generals and lieutenants.

The lowest rank is a major general.

After the leaders left, Xie Kun and the entrepreneurs were able to move on.

The secretary just dialed his cell phone.

This time.

The phone number of the person in charge of Juwei Grimlock finally no longer read [The number you dialed is not in the service area].

Twenty meters away.

In the chief's team.

A sudden voice sounded.

[The vast horizon is my love, at the foot of the rolling green mountains...]

Listen to cheerful cell phone ringtones.

Wei Jiang's scalp was numb.

Lu Ze you boy!

Did your phone stop muting as soon as you left the conference room?

The chief wants to treat you to dinner!

But the chief turned back and showed a kind smile.

"The meeting is over, don't be so tight."

"Xiao Lu also has such a big company to manage, so he should be busy."

"But Xiao Lu, your phone ringtone needs to be discussed."

"You are only in your twenties, why do you have the same ringtone as my wife?"


The leaders all smiled heartily.

"Come on, answer the phone quickly."

Lu Ze then left the team and pressed the answer button in the corner.

"Hello! Lu Ze?"

Without waiting for Lu Ze to answer.

The other end had already begun to complain.

"Boss Lu, what's the matter with you? You promised to attend the meeting, why didn't you come?"

Lu Ze: "I suddenly have a meeting to hold..."

He didn't even finish his words.

That head looks like a resentful woman.

"What meeting can be more important than the meeting at the National Defense Agency? You, Boss Lu, have so many things to do? How about meeting foreign heads of state?"

Lu Ze said truthfully: "It's not the head of foreign countries, it's the head of our own country."

"Do not make jokes!"

The voice on the phone was a little more serious.

"Boss Lu, our leader is very angry. You went too far this time."

"The meeting is over now, you delayed me."

"Let's do this. I'll send you a summary of the meeting and technical parameters, and you can get some snacks!"


The other person hung up the phone angrily.

Lu Ze held the phone and thought to herself, I didn’t tell any fucking lies, why don’t you believe it?


Lu Ze received the document from the secretary.

The meeting minutes are stinky and long.

Lu Ze didn't see anything useful.

There is also a technical parameter table, which looks like the parameters of some kind of Grimlock.

Lu Ze didn't have much involvement in Juwei Grimlock's business.

He really doesn't know if this parameter exists.

Only by asking Yang Lian after returning home would he have an idea.


Whether it's the secretary or Xie Kun.

I didn’t have much hope for the giant rigging either.

During a meeting.

The faces of several giants were so embarrassed.

The combined market value of the companies they control can account for one-tenth of the country's GDP.

There is nothing they can do.

Count on a county-level enterprise?

That means blowing the light.

The only hope may be this research team composed of the pillars of the national steel industry...

Two days in the capital.

After all the debriefing on carbon fiber and paint.

Lu Ze flew back to Shanhe City without stopping.

Then he immediately came to Qingshui County with the parameters given by the navy.

Conveying the spirit of the meeting is secondary.

The main thing is to inspect and inspect Juwei Grimlock.

I've been busy with the Air Force these days and haven't had time to check on Juwei's situation.

Just take a look together.

In the conference room of Juwei Rigging.

The old mahogany tables and iron filing cabinets exude a strong atmosphere of the last century.

The people who came to attend the meeting were also old people with great power.

They have deep feelings for the boss Lu Ze.

Everyone remembers.

When Juwei Rigging could not pay wages.

It was Lu Ze who pulled a cart of cash and solved the crisis.


In the workplace, all senior executives regard Lu Ze as a single-minded leader.

In real life situations, they regard their boss as their best friend.

"Yang Lian, it's time to repair your conference room."

before the meeting begins.

Lu Ze said every word.

Yang Lian pouted his mouth.

"We can't afford to fix it, boss. The performance isn't that good. We deserve to suffer a little."

Lu Ze glanced at it.

You just have a mouth.

It was among the gifts Yang Lian brought to him last time.

Two bottles of vintage Moutai.

The office can’t afford to repair it, but Moutai only costs two bottles per gift.

"I just read your report. Yingjiang has placed another order, bringing in millions of dollars. Why are you just complaining about your poverty?"

Yang Lian chuckled.

"Boss, how was the result of your meeting in the capital this time?"

Lu Ze shook his head.

"Not so good. I met an acquaintance before the meeting and was dragged to another meeting."


Several other executives started biting their ears.

"Did you hear that, Mr. Lu has acquaintances in the capital?"

"That's right, haven't you seen that the head office has put up a sign saying it is a model enterprise integrating military models?"

"Did you receive the text message? It's the boss you're talking about!"

"They also call on us to learn from others!"

All executives know it.

The boss's talent is one of a kind.

Everyone has expected it since Lu Ze took over the company.

Gold will always shine.

The only thing I didn't expect was that the boss's light was not a candlelight, but a powerful searchlight with tens of thousands of watts.

Yang Lian also immediately looked proud and said to the executives next to him.

"Look, the boss has acquaintances all over the capital. What can I say? The boss's connections are unfathomable."

An executive who was far away from Yang Lian and Lu Ze asked.

"Old Li, what did Mr. Yang just say?"

"He said the boss has acquaintances in the capital and his connections are unfathomable."

"Ouch! The boss has a lover in the capital, and his connections are unpredictable! Amazing!"

"What? The boss keeps a lover in the capital and uses his connections to get models?"

"Damn it, did you hear that the boss went to the capital to get a lot of models! One of them is named Ren Ai."


Chirping for a long time.

Lu Ze said loudly: "Okay, take me to the warehouse to have a look, don't be blind!"

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