Across the ocean.

Eagle Sauce Commerce Department.

Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS).

This is an unlucky place.

Controls the so-called export control list.

It is also one of the most highly regarded departments in the country in recent years.

Every time they update the export restriction list.

There will be a large group of filial sons expressing their loyalty under the official website, bowing three times and kowtowing nine times.

But at home.

BIS's export control list has some golden meanings.

Especially domestic engineering universities.

Once it is included in the control list, it is more convincing than any school ranking in the world.

this day.

Director Rosenberry sat behind the desk.

This hawk sauce is currently preparing for a new control list.

Before he could think of anything.

The subordinate walked in hurriedly.

"Director, Toray is reporting."

"Recently, a large number of low-grade carbon fiber downstream manufacturers in Longguo announced that they will no longer import carbon filaments from Toray."


This was Rosenberry’s mantra.

It's also the stupid pig's favorite saying.

"Tori can't figure it out either."

In its early days, Toray had the largest production capacity of carbon fiber in the world.


Half of it was used to honor his father, Taka-chan.

Therefore, Eagle Sauce can acquiesce in Toray's existence.

Rosenberry didn't understand.

They do strictly control Toray's high-end carbon filament exports.

But low-end carbon filament poses little threat.

These carbon filaments can only be used as raw materials for some ordinary light industrial supplies.

They don't make restrictions.

On the contrary, relying on Toray's monopoly position, it can still make a big profit.

The assistant said cautiously.

"I heard from the intelligence community."

"Longguo Rongfei Group has been undergoing frequent changes recently."

"Based on these two things, can we speculate..."

"Dragon Kingdom has conquered carbon fiber technology?"


Rosenberry showed off.

"Absolutely impossible!"

"Fighters use the most advanced and high-grade carbon fiber materials."

"How can the Dragon Kingdom break through?"

Rosenberry has conducted research on several sensitive industries.

Carbon fiber is certainly one of them.

The last news he got was that Longguo's carbon fiber industry chain was lagging behind.

We don’t even have the technology to mass-produce low-grade carbon filaments.

But he thought hard and couldn't find a reason why Long Guo didn't buy carbon wire from Toray.

"You ask the Intelligence Bureau to investigate and find out what the reason is."

The assistant nodded.

Then he took out a fax.

"Director, received the report from Ingalls Group."

"They said that a raw material factory in Longguo refused to provide them with materials and unilaterally broke the contract."

"Ingalls Group wants us to sanction this company."

This is a small thing.

This is similar to what happens when hawk sauce companies suffer losses in international trade.

Businesses will report on BIS.

BIS takes action at the national level to sanction opponents.

The methods are limited to a few tricks, such as freezing overseas assets and restricting legal persons from leaving the country.

Rosenberry agreed without thinking.

"Okay, you can do it."


"Didn't Ingalls say what raw materials that factory provides?"

The assistant's face looked a little ugly.

Once again, he pushed forward the fax he had brought.

"You'd better see it for yourself."

"Ingalls said that the factory provides aircraft carrier arresting cables..."

! ! !


Rosenberry grabbed the fax.

His eyes were almost bleeding.


Ingalls also wanted to hide it from his superiors.

After all, it is illegal to outsource the aircraft carrier arresting cable component.

Now Lu Ze has cut off the supply.

Ingalls was completely worried.

I can only tell the truth and ask Rosenberry for help.

"These stupid pigs! They actually outsourced such an important component!"

Rosenberry also found out today.

I bet the key components of the aircraft carrier that they are most proud of are supplied by Longguo.


The assistant continued.

said Ingalls.

"Because the blocking cables have been outsourced for so long, the supply is very stable."

"So all relevant domestic manufacturers have canceled their production lines."

"If we have to look for sources of supply again, we won't have enough time."

"Too long a delay."

"It will affect the service of several aircraft carriers in service..."

Rosenberry was numb.

Of course he knows the importance of aircraft carrier arresting wires.

Eagle Sauce currently has no ships under construction.

But they have 11 aircraft carriers in service at the same time, and each of these ships needs maintenance.

The component in greatest demand is the arresting wire.

Rosenberry couldn't imagine it.

Wait until the next time the aircraft carrier returns to port to prepare for renovation.

He told the navy that there was no blocking rope...

The navy can empty its own magazine in no time!


Rosenberry quickly swallowed several painkillers.

"Super invincible bastard!"

"They swore to me before that Long Guo would never learn the technology of aircraft carrier arresting cables!"

"I actually believed it!"

Rosenberry's face hurt on both sides.

It was like someone slapped me in the face.

That's it.

Public intellectuals funded by BIS also post on the Internet every day.

[Dragon Kingdom cannot make ballpoint pen refills...]

[Dragon Kingdom will never have a blocking rope...]

The drug takes effect.

Rosenberry finally calmed down a bit.

"Fortunately, maybe it's just a business thing."

Yingjiang doesn't know about blocking cable outsourcing.

Same reason.

The rabbit should not have noticed either.

It's just that the company decided to cut off the supply independently, not that the customs refused to release the goods.

This leaves room for maneuver.

"Contact this Longguo factory immediately and ask why the supply was cut off."

"If it's because of money or something."

"Immediately meet their requirements, don't make any noise, and just continue to supply."

But the assistant shook his head regretfully.


"They replied."

"It is impossible to continue supplying. If there are any problems, let us send warships to their territorial waters to discuss them."

Rosenberry slumped in his chair.

The assistant's words completely sentenced him to death.

If it were placed twenty years ago.

Just go and go.

But today is different from the past.

Now, if you drive a warship to conduct a theory, you will be hit by several missiles before entering the territorial waters.

Rosenberry didn't dare.

The navy even dared not do so.

Then think on.

Rosenberry's whole body went numb.

The key production capacity of the blocking rope is in the hands of the rabbit, so they will have to trap themselves to death.

This is a lesson learned from the past.

In any industry, rabbits will not be okay.

Once they know how, the most complete industrial system in the world will come into play.

They release new products one after another.

High quality and low price, and the craftsmanship is leading!

Mobile phones and electric cars are all bloody examples.


This is where Eagle Sauce gets stuck...


"It's broken, our necks are stuck!"





ps: New book uploaded, please give me flowers~Please comment~

The author is in the code words~~

As long as the data is in place, updates will be added from time to time~

thank you all!

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