"What artillery cluster?"

Mr. Huang looked at Hu Chengwu eagerly.

Other heads of the military industry are also like ignorant college students.

"Didn't I ask you to touch on high-tech industrial technologies for both military and civilian use?"

The purpose of the big dip is very clear.

It mainly depends on the progress of private enterprises in materials science.

Because it is similar to the field of materials science.

Technology is one aspect, and a little bit of luck is also involved.

Just like room temperature superconductivity.

Everyone knows the principle.

But it just can't be synthesized.

Juwei’s achievements in carbon fiber and stealth coating are all related to materials science.

These are all high-tech.

One of a kind on the market.


What the hell is artillery fire?

Yang Chengwu took another sip of water.

"Yes, I went there for high-tech materials.

"We visited three factories today."

"Laiyang Town Juwei Steel Pipe Factory, Juwei Coal Chemical Industry and Juwei Agricultural Machinery."

“These three factories don’t have any high-tech.

The people in charge all showed doubtful faces.


Listen to the names of these three factories!

Could this be a place with high technology?

Their industries have long fallen behind.

It sounds like the industrial structure that aided the third tier in the early years.

What can you find when you go to this place?

Mr. Huang also complained: "Who asked you to touch these? I let you touch his high-tech..."

The words are not finished yet.

Hu Chengwu's eyes were burning.

"Boss, please let me finish."

"They don't have any high-tech, but they do have a lot of military technology!"


Do you want to listen to what nonsense you are saying?

What technologies are available in steel pipes, coal chemicals, and agricultural machinery?

Even if there is!

At most, it is the raw material at the most downstream of the industry.

"Boss Lu's industrial chain is very complete."

The people in charge acted like they were listening to scripture.

I was wondering how much Minister Hu had drunk today, and he was talking drunkenly?

these industries.

There is no connection anywhere.

What is the industrial chain?

Hu Chengwu was extremely sure of his words.

He nodded while talking.

"Laiyang Steel Pipe Manufacturing Promotion Department. "

"Juwei Coal Chemical Manufacturing Warhead."

"Juwei Agricultural Machinery Shipping Department."

"Together, the whole thing is a self-propelled rocket launcher!"

Immediately afterwards.

Hu Chengwu asked himself to project the ppt he made on the plane onto the screen.

this moment.

Everyone in the conference room was shocked!

The ppt contains pictures, videos, and text descriptions.

Mortar shells made from gas cans!

Rockets made of flower pulp steel pipes!

Self-propelled mortar!

Multiple rocket launchers!



This is the industrial chain you are talking about!

Those who knew it thought they were trying to find out about the steel pipe factory.

Those who didn’t know thought that Hu Chengwu went to the arsenal!

"Isn't this just arms?"

Feng Han from Sichuan Airlines Power pointed at the screen and said with warm eyes.

Good guy!

The boss has been emphasizing just now.

When private enterprises operate well, they can play the role of military enterprises.

The boss will not deceive me.

"The carpenter makes the handle for the grenade, the blacksmith and the hand make the shell...

Feng Han thought this was just a joke in cross talk.

I thought of it!

Cross talk is a bit conservative!

He is the head of Sichuan Airlines Power and specializes in artillery equipment.

He could see the ingenuity of these steel pipe gas tanks at a glance.

Aerodynamics, energetics...

These seemingly unrelated high-end sciences are reflected in the gas tank!

They even welded a fin to the gas tank!

Hu Chengwu shook his head repeatedly.

"Mr. Feng, please don't jump to random conclusions."

"These things are assembled like munitions..."

Feng Han thought mmp, is that something like that? That’s right!

“But Juwei exports agricultural products, so there is no threat at all.


Hu Chengwu looked at the top leader and was still speaking for Lu.

"I went on a field trip."

"It's a bit far-fetched to say that someone else is manufacturing arms."


Everyone looked at Hu Chengwu blankly.

Do you want to listen to the bullshit you are saying?

How the hell is this far-fetched?

How much benefit did you receive from going down to do this to Lu Ze?

If these things were not arms, none of us here would do anything.

The boss did not rush to conclusions.

He stared straight at Hu Chengwu.

"What about the output? How many tons can these gas tanks export?"

Hu Chengwu shook his head: "Boss Lu didn't tell me how many units or tons to sell."

"He just said."

"Almost 600,000 bases can be sold in a year."

Everyone: "


Are these all human words?

Sell ​​gas tanks by base!

And you said it’s not arms?

The heads of these military enterprises know very well that only their own industries will use the quantifier base.

Depending on ammunition caliber and troop carrying capacity.

The definition of base is also different.

Looking at the caliber of the gas tank in the picture, it should be similar to a large-caliber artillery.

The base number of general large-caliber artillery pieces in China is almost 60.

After Feng Han did the mental arithmetic, his jaw dropped.

"More than 30 million coins a year?"

Hu Chengwu nodded: "Yes, yes! Almost!"

Feng Han:

Are you still nodding?

This is not a private enterprise.

Its production capacity can even compete with Sichuan Airlines Power, the country's largest rocket launcher manufacturer.

I am not convinced that there will be no Lu Ze among the top ten arms dealers in the world next year!

Mr. Huang has been listening to the two people arguing with each other.

No comments were made.

According to its reasons.

The boss was also shocked.

It seems so.

What Hu Chengwu just said was a bit conservative.

What kind of artillery cluster can count ammunition at the base of 100,000 levels.

That's all the firepower.

Eighty percent of the world’s small countries don’t have one.

I remembered the question Geng Ming asked himself just now.

The boss just felt like there was a stone hanging in his heart.

"Minister Hu, where are these gas tanks from Lu Ze mainly exported?"

Hu Chengwu: "Report, Boss Lu said that they mainly serve the Middle East.

Fellow fellow!?

The others stared at Hu Chengwu.

You go down there and check it out.

Why can’t you speak human language anymore?

Do you call Hamas a fellow countryman?

Whose fellow throws rockets into the sky every day?

The boss breathed a sigh of relief.


I don't know whether to sigh or feel comfortable.

Really hammered!

"I say that Hamas has become more independent in the past two years."

The problems that had troubled Mr. Huang for many years were solved.

Standing in this position, they often have to think strategically.

The rise of Hamas is what he least understands.

There is almost no industrial capacity in that place.

How can we supply troops that can always tremble with Eagle Sauce?

The rest of the world is also puzzled.

As a result, some misunderstandings occurred.

Eagle Sauce shamelessly threw the dirty water on the rabbit.

It is said that Rabbit secretly aids Hamas in private.

The boss said to himself that I am the leader of the equipment department, but I don’t know about it!


The case was solved.

He really provided it himself.

It’s just that he, the head of the equipment department, doesn’t know!

Hu Chengwu didn't care at all about the doubts of other people in charge.

Just looked straight at the boss.

"Originally, I was planning to report to you after we finished working together."

"But I thought about it."

"This matter is not a big deal, so I rushed back to the capital as soon as possible."

Mr. Huang nodded repeatedly.


"Well done!"

Thank you for coming!

Otherwise I would be kept in the dark and wouldn’t even know.

Good guy.

Lu Ze supplied an army by himself and defeated Ying Jiang until he could not find the north.

He doesn't even know.

Keep it up like this.

One day when the three wars are over, we may all be rich.

"But the boss!"

Feng Han stood up.

He has not met Lu Ze.

Today is also the first time I heard about the company Juwei.

But something just didn't feel right to him.

Especially their boss, how can he be an entrepreneur?

He is clearly the kind of living hell that even Satan has to tattoo on his back!

"This company violates the rules!"

“Forget about the international missile limitation treaty.”

"Even our domestic export controls are violated by them!"

Feng Han's mind is very simple.

Think about the problem in a unified way.

In his opinion.

This is a serious export of arms.


Mr. Huang's eyes glanced at him with something strange.

"Violation? Where is the violation?"

Feng Han: "Boss, you have also heard that tens of millions of gas tanks are sold a year..."

The words are not finished yet.

The boss interrupted directly.

"You said it yourself, they are selling gas tanks!"

The boss stood up.

Pointing to the ppt brought by Hu Chengwu.

"The way I look at it, there's nothing wrong with Lu Ze!"

"He was selling steel pipes, gas cans and tractors."

"I didn't sell any explosives."

"What's illegal about this?"

Feng Han was still a little unable to turn around.

"But...this will give Yingchan a handle.

The boss sneered.

"What a joke, what qualifications does he have to catch me?"

"Besides, what's the point of this?"

"For example, a few days ago, you all know that Yingjiang police kneeled to death, right?"

"Can you say the pants he's wearing are incriminating?"

Everyone: "..."


The boss wants to protect Lu Ze!

After wanting to understand this issue, Feng Han stopped talking.

He's just curious.

Is this guy Lu Ze related to the boss?

Why is the boss so protective of his calf?

Usually Sichuan Airlines Power wants to export some old equipment.

This approval, that assessment.

At the end of the process, the day lilies were cold.

But it is a private enterprise.

Tens of millions of shells were sold.

The boss smiled slightly.

very sour!

The boss also has his own plan in mind.

This guy Lu Ze is really a talent.

If carbon fiber and stealth materials can be used, forget it.


He also sold low-end products such as gas tanks and steel pipes.

…Please give me flowers…


This is all foreign exchange, and what increases is the domestic employment population.


Their client is still Brother Ha.

You can't say that you and I are close friends.

But at least.

The enemy of your enemy should be your friend.

This goes back and forth.

In other words, Lu Ze also indirectly solved some strategic assistance issues.

The boss hopes that Brother Hazi and Yingjiang will get more and more lively as they fight.

"Hey, Director Geng!"

The boss picked up the phone in front of everyone.

Geng Ming on the other end didn't expect the boss to reply so quickly.

Still a little touched.

"Mr. Huang, it's me. Seeing that you are so busy, you still called me back immediately...

"It should."

"Boss, is there any news about the matter I asked about?"

"Yes, I asked several heads of military-industrial companies under my command, and none of them exported weapons to Hamas."

Geng Ming had anticipated this situation a long time ago.

Very cheerful on the phone.

"It's harmful! I guessed it right away, and I bothered you to verify it..."


Mr. Huang interrupted.

"There is a private enterprise in Shanhe City that indirectly aids Hamas."


Everyone heard it clearly.

Director Geng on the other end of the phone was stunned for a few seconds.


Any individual would have to react for a long time when hearing such words.

The boss explained: "But don't worry, there is no problem. We are selling gas tanks and steel pipes, not houses.

"Just reply to Ying-chan like this."

"We cannot interfere with normal commercial exchanges between people."

hang up the phone.

The boss looked at the leaders with a smile.

"This kid Lu Ze can always surprise him."

"Fortunately, it's not a big deal. Just sell it. If there are any problems, let the Foreign Affairs Department handle it.

What a good protector!

This is not a big deal.

What's big?

"However, it is a bit dangerous for a private enterprise to tinker with these explosives all day long.

The boss pinched his eyebrows.

"How about this."

"Feng Han, after you go down, send some people over for technical assistance.

"Don't let his factory have any problems!"

Feng Han:????


Sichuan Airlines Power!

The largest rocket launcher manufacturer in China!

Should I help him?

Boss, you really have double standards!

Afraid of danger, tell him not to do it!

What the hell is technical assistance?

If I didn't help him, he would have already taken out the self-propelled rocket launcher.

If I help him again, do you believe he can make a nuclear bomb?

Hu Chengwu on the side smiled and said nothing.

He can completely understand the boss's thoughts.

This guy Lu Ze is a treasure.

Don't say that selling gas cans did not harm domestic interests.

Even if it is damaged, the boss must find a way to keep him.

"Hu Chengwu, don't worry about the gas tank."

The boss ordered.

"The main thing you should do is try out his high-tech skills."

"Boss, I can't touch it for the time being."


Hu Chengwu explained: "Boss Lu flew to Rongcheng and said that he had some production work to do in logistics terminal equipment."

The boss nodded repeatedly.

"Okay, the bottom line won't affect other people's normal operations."

"You can touch him again when he comes back."

think carefully.

The boss admired Lu Ze a little.

Gas tanks, steel pipes, paint, carbon fiber...

This guy’s property is quite extensive!

They were all done impressively.

"Yeah! He's a talent!"

"The only flaw is that it lacks some high-end industries."

Hu Chengwu also feels the same way.

Lu Ze's technology is good.

But the final products are all products such as fishing rods and all-terrain vehicles.

A truly high-end industrial product.

It's mobile phones, cars, large machinery, and even airplanes.

Regardless of other domestic private enterprises, their technology is not very good.

As long as you have some capital, you will start investing in these high-end manufacturing industries.

Some manufacturers.

After finishing the mobile phone, I started working on the car.

There is no technical accumulation, but if you press it, you can still make a lot of splashes.

in comparison.

Lu Ze's industry is too low-end.


Can't say whether it's good or bad.

Maybe they are just steadfast and willing to work hard.

"No matter high-end or low-end, if it can play a role, Lu Ze is a talent."

"When you do the second round of investigation, you have to give all the local departments a thorough investigation."

"Entrepreneurs like Lu Ze must be protected."

"Just say I said it!"


The boss turned back and looked at the other people in charge.

These people are exhausted now.

They have never seen their boss say anything like this to any of them.

"Don't be like eggplants beaten by frost!"

"Continue the meeting!"

The boss finally brought the topic back to the right track.

“You must cooperate with the industrial investigation. 17

"in addition!"

"The comrades in charge of the aviation port should pay attention!"

"Our military is now in urgent need of long-range strategic unmanned bombers for delivering missiles."

"I'm here to give you a mission today..."


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