


Ning Yu was pacing back and forth in a small dark room.

"You're a fucking repeater!"

Xie Chao's mentality was about to collapse.

?They just got up in the morning.

A group of soldiers rushed directly into the company and brought the two here.

How have stupid college students ever seen this?

Immediately frightened.

"I'm the only one in the family. If something happens to me, will my parents have to take care of me?"

"One more."

Ning Yu looks cool on the surface.

The reality is fucking fictitious.

If something happens, it will cause internal friction.

This formation.

He even thought about his will.

Xie Chao still has a little bit of sense left.

I thought about all the regrets in my life in my mind.

In my senior year of high school, I peed in my deskmate's iced tea.

During my freshman year, I downloaded small movies over the wall.

In my sophomore year, I wrote my love rival’s phone number on a small card.

"These are not illegal!"


"Old Ning, could it be that the foot-washing incident happened yesterday?"

Ning Yu also thought of this.

But he didn't believe it.

"The boss swore yesterday that it is not illegal to wash clothes!"

"What? You Wenzai?"

"Hmm, are you Wu Ze?"

Thanks to Superman for feeling numb.

Lao Ning, you are such a fucking talent.

You actually failed in the 998 project!?

"It doesn't matter whether you are civilized or martial."

Ning Yu quickly looked embarrassed.

He finally realized the unevenness of life.

Xie Chao is a martial artist, and he is a literary scholar.

What does it mean?

It means the technician didn’t like him!

"It's just a foot wash. We shouldn't alert the army, right?"

Xie Chao shook his head.

"It's hard to say. When they came in the morning, I clearly saw a gun..."

The two of them spent a whole afternoon together.

emo is dead.

Finally, just after twelve o'clock.

The door to the dark room opened.

An older officer came in.

Before he could stand still.

Ning Yu spoke immediately.

"Chief! It's none of our business!"

"It was ordered by our boss!"

"He insisted on taking us to wash our feet. We don't know anything!"

Lu Ze entered the room a few seconds late.


Then his right leg that he had just stepped back went back.

The leader didn't even start to ask.

Are you going to betray me?

Fortunately, I treat you two as individuals and take you to experience the happiness of a man.

I have you in mind.

You kicked me into the ditch!

"Commander Qin, I don't want these two anymore."

"Shoot him."

Qin Ren was far away and immediately grabbed Lu Ze.

"Little ancestor! Stop joking."

"Come in quickly!"

It’s not just Lu Ze and Qin Renyuan.

Several leaders in military uniforms also entered the office.

Qin Renyuan introduced them one by one.

"Xiao Lu, this is Rongfei's Chief Master Yuan, you have seen him before.

"This is Staff Officer Zhang of our theater air force."

"This is our war zone supervisor, General Zhu."

"This is Director Zhao of the Rongcheng National Security Bureau."

Lu Ze nodded.

and shook hands with each other.

To be honest, this lineup is not big.

Lu Ze has held several pairs of hands higher than this one.

But Ning Yu and Xie Chao were completely stupid.

There was a dead silence in my heart.

"Old Ning, it's over. The more leaders there are, the bigger the problem will be."

"We are both going to be shot!"

Xie Chao really won over this idiot.

I wasn't that scared originally.

As soon as he said it, he fast-forwarded to shooting.

"It would be considered a compliment for us both to have the director of the village committee supervise our execution..."

These two are almost dying.

Lu Ze was unhurried.

After shaking hands with the leader, I still had time to chat with Chief Yuan about his daughter.

"My living daddy!"

Qin Renyuan couldn't stand it anymore.

"You're still laughing! Please tell me what's going on!?"

A surprise missile appeared at the bomber test flight site.

At the same time, there are also UFOs intruding the airspace.

No matter how you say it, it is a major classified security incident.


Qin Renyuan is ready to serve as the team leader himself.

He led people from the army and national security to investigate to the end.

Now Lu Ze is here.

He was much more polite to Ning Yu and Xie Chao.

But things have to be made clear.

Lu Ze smiled and waved his hand.

"Damn it! It's not a big deal. Why don't I just take an order?"


All the leaders present were stunned for a moment.

Is it nothing serious?

What's the big deal?

Good guy!

The theater air force is at level 1 combat readiness.

Two fighter squadrons.

Plus all the radars in the White Tiger Military Region.

There is also a H-61.

With this configuration, it can handle the level of Yingjiang!

It almost became the biggest military accident since the reorganization of the Baihu Military Region.

Isn't it a big deal for you to let this matter go?

Supervisor Zhu was very disgusted with this young man who seemed to be very stubborn.

If Commander Qin hadn't blocked it.

This guy should be sitting in the dock like Ning Yu and Xie Chao.

"Little comrade, you have to know that this is a matter involving national security, so be serious!"

Inspector Zhu just finished reminding.

Qin Renyuan waved his hand.

"Hey, Lao Zhu, please be polite."



Qin Renyuan looked at Lu Ze.

"What order did you take?"

Lu Ze then said truthfully: "Didn't I tell you?

Logistics terminal equipment. "

"I still don't quite understand."

"It's a drone."

Qin Renyuan nodded.

The doubts dissipated slightly.

Lu Ze continued.

“Our Party A said he wanted a drone to deliver express delivery.

There are still a lot of requirements.

It requires nationwide land coverage.

Delivery is required around the clock. "

Hear this.

Qin Renyuan and Yuan Ke's eyebrows were twisted like twine.

Full coverage of the country......

Delivery around the clock...

They are familiar with these two professional terms!

When testing the bomber two days ago, Yuan Ke kept talking about it every day.

This is a necessary quality for missiles and bombers.

Qin Renyuan: "Xiao Lu, what kind of express delivery are you sending?"

"Fair wind!"

Yuan Ke finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Shit! What you sent was the east wind!"

Good guy.

Drones delivering express delivery take to the sky.

The theater radar didn't see it.

Moreover, the express plane dropped a missile-like thing in the warning airspace and escaped.

It doesn’t sound like express delivery!

"Chief Master Yuan, you are slandering me.

You have known me for more than a day or two.

You know I am just an ordinary private entrepreneur.

How dare I send Dongfeng Express?

That thing you saw.

It's actually my express delivery box. "

Yuan Ke: “…………



You talk the hell out of me.

Half of the materials for aircraft carriers and aircraft are provided by you.

Use a hammer!

Same thing.

Yuan Ke was shocked and strange.

But Qin Renyuan came in from another angle.

Was hit a level one combat readiness level.

Not only was he not angry.

On the contrary, I was a little happy.

At the same time, he winked at Yuan Ke.

It took a while for Yuan Ke to suddenly realize.


Damn it!


Express delivery!

That’s what it is!

Yes, you can steal express delivery.

But what if I replace the express box with a missile?

Think of this.

Yuan Ke also smiled and stared at Lu Ze.

Supervisor Zhu and Director Zhao were both dumbfounded.

I thought to myself, what happened to the two leaders? They took fake medicine.

Why are you laughing at such a big case?

"Xiao Lu, please elaborate on the situation of your drone."

Lu Ze nodded.

I checked my phone and found out part of the report I sent to Shunfeng.

“Party A said it wants to cover the entire territory.

We did the math carefully.

It can cover almost 4,000 kilometers.

That is to say.

The drone has a range of 8,000 kilometers.



Qin Renyuan and Yuan Ke looked up at the same time.

There is light in the eyes.

My mind is buzzing.

"How many?"


Qin Renyuan remembered it clearly.

Yuan Ke said this two days ago when he was bragging to himself.

The H-6I has modified engine and auxiliary fuel tanks.

The range has been greatly increased to a full 9,000 kilometers.

Yuan Ke himself was dumbfounded.

I worked hard for five or six years on this problem.

It was hard to get Mr. Liu’s voyage to 9,000.

You - the drone is only 8,000?


Lu Ze noticed that the mood of the two leaders was not right.

But he didn't care either.

“You know the plane that delivers express delivery.

The main thing is to pull more. "

"How much more?"

“This drone has twelve hardpoints.

The maximum load capacity is 2.8 tons!”

Qin Renyuan lowered his head and looked at the document.

"Hey! This isn't right.

It says load capacity 1.5.

Lu Ze said with a wink.

"Harm, this is my hidden ultimate move.

Didn't tell Party A the truth.

Prepare to blackmail them again when the time comes.

Of course I am telling you the truth. "

"Yeah! Yes!"

Qin Renyuan and Yuan Ke listed smiles at the same time.

I don’t care how many tons you have!

No matter 2.8 or 1.5.

It’s already exploded!

To know.

The military currently maintains only a few thousand kilograms of fixed-wing drones of the same size.

Supervisor Zhu and Director Zhao looked more and more something was wrong.

What happened to these two?

What are you laughing at?

"Any more?"

Lu Ze: "The flight time is 36 hours..."

"Yeah! Hahaha! Keep talking!"

"The material pod can be intelligently and automatically...delivered?


Commander Yuan, Commander Qin, you two, stop laughing...

I felt so panicked. "


The more he talks, the less he laughs.

The two of them laughed more and more.

at this time.

They both clearly heard BGM in their minds.

Fold a paper crane and send a red ribbon to bring good luck to kind people every day.

A song called "Good Luck"!

Supervisor Zhu couldn't stand it anymore.

"Commander Qin, can we be more serious?

The National Defense Agency wants us to respond to this airspace invasion incident!

They are this

The main person responsible for the incident..."

The words are not finished yet.

Qin Renyuan turned around.

“The person responsible for the fart.

They are the nobles of our Air Force!

Hurry up and let the child go!

I’ll report to the boss!”

Inspector Zhu:???

Xie Chao and Ning Yu:????

The two of them were thinking, "Fuck, our boss is so awesome!"

In two words, the military region must give face!


In Mr. Huang’s office.

Sitting there were two aviation people in suits and ties.

One is Mr. Gu from Xifei.

One is Mr. Liao from Shen Fei.

"I've been thinking about it."

Mr. Huang said with a solemn brow.

“This time the airspace of the White Tiger Theater was attacked.

There is a high probability that it was done by the Yingjiang drone.

That's why I asked you two to come over. "

After the first level of combat readiness in the White Tiger Theater.

Mr. Huang paid attention to it immediately.

The loss is not big.

But the strategic problems exposed are not small.

"Think about it!

If not for drones.

How dare he enter my belly area so brazenly?"

The two leaders nodded solemnly.


The boss is always ordering them.

Our army's drones need to be strengthened.

“Rongfei’s side has a heavy task now.

The H-6L is in test flight and the H-20 is in pre-development.

It would be too tiring to leave the burden of drones to them again. "

Say this.

The two leaders had already stood up.

Qingzhan said: "Please give me the order, boss!"

XAC and Shenfei are also the pillars of the national defense aviation industry.

They both were holding their breath in their hearts.

"We must do our best to develop our own unmanned bomber as soon as possible!"

"Don't just express your opinion!"

Mr. Huang is used to people making wishes.

Already numb.

"Give me a timetable!"

Mr. Gu from Xifei thought for a while.

"Three years of pre-research, two years of verification, and we strive to have the model ready within five years!"

Not a word is finished.

Mr. Liao from Shen Fei said competitively.

“We have a similar project on hand.

Can be modified halfway.

Give me three years!"

Mr. Huang sighed softly.

Someone's drone is shitting above my head.

I will have another three to five years here.


What else can be done?

Xi Fei and Shen Fei are already the most powerful in this field in China.

They said three years to five years.

Then we can only wait.

"Okay, I'll give you three to five years to design and compete at the same time..."

The words are not finished yet.

1.9 The intercom phone on the table rang.

Mr. Huang looked at the call mark on the phone and became angry.

Picked up the phone unceremoniously.

"Oh, isn't this my Commander Qin?

Why did Ben call me when he had time?


Your White Tiger War Zone was beaten by Yingjiang again?"

Huang Han is full of yin and yang.

Qin Renyuan could only endure it.

In fact.

He was being polite if he didn't remove Qin Renyuan from his post.

"Boss, I know I was wrong.

But don't blame me yet.

I have something to report!"

Huang Han didn't even offer any hope: "Speak!"

"Is Minister Hu's special industrial survey team still there?"

"Here, what's wrong?"

"Then let them come to the White Tiger War Zone and touch it!"

Mr. Huang was a little impatient.

"Are you selling yourself off to me?

That was a project team working on private enterprises.

What can you touch in the White Tiger War Zone?"

Qin Renyuan showed off: "You'd better let them do it.

Our unmanned bomber has landed!"


Mr. Huang became more serious.

"What? Rong Fei has skills?"

"It's not technology! It's ready-made! Just paint it!"


Mr. Huang and the two managers were stunned.

They were still chatting for the past three or five years just now!

You took it out within five minutes?

"Speak to me properly!"

Only then did Qin Renyuan use the tone of reporting the battle situation.

shouted loudly.

"Report to the chief! The attack on the airspace of the White Tiger Theater has been confirmed! It was caused by a private enterprise in the jurisdiction of our army!"


Mr. Huang stood up.

Now he finally understood what Qin Renyuan meant by being settled.

He was getting dressed.

While giving orders.

"Just wait for me!

No need for Minister Hu!

I’ll do it myself!”.

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