Live Broadcast Selling Fishing Rods, Asking Me If The Air Force Can Use Them?

60. All-In-One Pest Control And Pesticide Spraying Machine!

From fixed-wing drones to loitering bombs...

Then shoot the drone from the loitering ballistic gun...

"How come your toy has formed a family system?"

Qin Renyuan wasn't too surprised before.

He felt a little numb.

But now, he couldn't hold it any longer.

The reason.

This artillery-launched drone reflects the strategic vision of Weidun's entire factory.

Cannon fire.

As the name suggests.

Shot out by cannon.

Let’s not mention the lethality for now.

The adaptability of gun-launched drones is very high.

An individual soldier has a portable rocket launcher that can be fired.

Installing a launch tube on an armored vehicle can also launch it.

There are also large drones, which can also carry cannons and shoot drones at once.

"Hey, darling, I just said that your twin-tailed scorpion is perfect when paired with loitering missiles."

Qin Renyuan learned about it later.

“You even have cannon-launching drones.

Isn’t this seamless?

One plane brings a dozen..."

Not a word is finished.

Lu Ze waved his hand: "Only five or six?"

"if not?"

Lu Ze looked back at Xie Chao and winked.

Everyone can see it.

Among these two college students

Ning Yu is responsible for mental activities.

Xie Chao is responsible for physical activities.


Xie Chao launched a strange device.

On the surface, it looks like a Patriot missile launch box.

But the craftsmanship is relatively crude.

It's just steel pipes welded together.

“We have cluster gun launchers.

4 joints with 24 tubes!

It can launch 24 Flying Eagles 3.0 at one time!"

Mr. Huang:

Qin Renyuan:

Hu Chengwu:


So damn convinced.

Lu Ze’s little brain is always ahead of them!

Cannon-shooting drone swarms!

Isn't this ready-made?

I'm going to kill you!

When Qin Renyuan returned to the 640 Office, he remembered the investigation of Laiyang Steel Pipe two days ago.

I thought I was being abrupt.

People can make self-propelled rocket launchers.

Isn’t it just a matter of minutes to get a swarm cannon-shooting drone?


Technologies are all connected.

Chief Master Yuan, Chief Master Liao and Chief Master Gu stepped forward one after another.

Before 1.0 and 2.0, they were not particularly tempted.

Because they can also use the technology of loitering missiles.

but now.

They can clearly feel that the industrial level of Putian Diao 3.0 is different!

This is clearly a high-end product.

Even Mr. Huang, a layman, saw the clues.

"Xiao Lu, isn't this bad?"

Mr. Huang looked unpredictable.

The corners of his mouth trembled slightly.

"You said your plane was exported to the Middle East.

But we have the situation under our control.

Hamas and Houthis do not have such high-end equipment!”

That shitty place in the Middle East.

The mess is really messy.

Especially the local armed forces headed by Brother Ha Zi and Brother Hu Sai.

A tough move.

But they are local armed forces after all.

I don’t have a fanny pack and I can’t afford high-end equipment.

According to the intelligence, Brother Hazi used gas tanks and other equipment for his sneak attack.

That's it.

Yingjiang couldn't resist it.

If these 24 cannon-shooting swarm drones really get into the hands of Brother Ha Zi.

The picture is so beautiful that no one can imagine it.

Lu Ze also nodded: "Yes, yes!

The customer group of PuTianDiao 3.0 is Persian lion.

Children in their country like to play with this stuff. "

One sentence.

Chief Yuan was reminded of a terrible fact.

"Dare to love... Dare to love...

Did the Persian Lion’s Witness Drone come from you?”

When he first saw PuTianDiao 3.0, he felt familiar.

I always feel like I’ve seen it somewhere.

The case is now solved.

This is what the Persian regular army uses!

You can’t go wrong!

Everyone suddenly realized it!

The Persian Guards are different from Brother Husse.

They are a serious national armed force.

The equipment used is naturally of a higher level.

Lu Ze was stunned for a moment and directly denied Sanlian.

"No! I didn't! You slandered me!"

"Why not? It's clearly the same!"

"No, that witness of theirs copied me!

I don't agree!

I'm thinking of filing a lawsuit with Persia, but they might not tolerate me.

So I just had to swallow it. "

Everyone was a little surprised.

The serious armed forces of a country......

Caught a technical copy from a toy factory.

A bit fantasy.

But if you think about it carefully, if it is Lu Ze, it is still reasonable!


Chief Yuan was a little envious when he saw this technology.

"Xiao Lu, what are the parameters of your drone?"

Lu Ze said familiarly: “The maximum range is 15 kilometers.

Maximum take-off weight is 9.5 kg.

Cruising speed is 100 kilometers per hour.

The top speed is 180 kilometers per hour.

Built-in photoelectric infrared seeker. "

Mr. Huang immediately turned his head and looked at Yuan Ke.

He understood what Yuan Ke meant.

Our army is equipped with similar artillery-launched drones.

Yuan Ke is making comparisons.

"What? Compared to the 901 artillery drone we have on hand?"

Yuan Ke's Adam's apple trembled slightly: "The parameter difference is not bad!"


There was another terrible silence.

The parameters of civilian products and military products are almost the most damn terrifying.

Military industry is often several dimensions ahead of civilian industry.

When the performance of the two products is the same.

It shows that the military industry has stretched the crotch to the extreme.

Mr. Huang immediately asked with concern: "What about the price? Xiao Lu, how much does your gun-firing drone cost?"

Lu Ze was still a little hesitant.

After all, trade secrets are involved.

But after seeing the boss's burning eyes.

Lu Ze could only bite the bullet and said: “This is more expensive.

I sold a Persian Lion for 12,000 yuan, not including the launcher..."

Don't wait for Lu Ze to finish.

Yuan Ke seemed to have been kicked twice.

"What! Twelve thousand!"

"Yeah, is it expensive?"

Lu Ze asked.

“It can be cheaper to sell it to others, but not Persian lions.

I haven’t investigated the matter of them copying my designs!”

Everyone was speechless.

God is so damn expensive!

"Xiao Lu, our 901 costs 65,000 yuan!"

Upon hearing this.

Lu Ze was stunned for a long time.

Because the price was beyond his knowledge.

"How did you do it? Were you deceived by procurement?

This drone is not an advanced technology either.

I purchase some parts from Huaqiangbei and the price is very controllable!”

Lu Ze still can't figure out how the cost of more than 60,000 yuan came out.

These words.

Several leaders at the equipment department became autistic.

They sold it for more than 10,000 yuan.

It cost more than 60,000 to build it myself.

Quite a difference in performance!

This shows that there is a problem with our industrial system.

The boss also realized the seriousness of the matter.


The supply chain of military equipment is somewhat solidified. I dare not say that someone has corrupted the 65,000 yuan.

But at least it was wasted on some unnecessary links!

"You all open your eyes and take a good look!"

Mr. Huang said angrily.

"Look what Xiao Lu did!"


"Xiao Lu, your toy factory is so good! We want to learn from you


Qin Renyuan was going crazy.

My heart said to me, boss, are you still awake or what?

How about leaving this toy factory?

Look through the entire Weidun Group and you won't be able to find a single toy.

It's all fucking military stuff.

Do you still believe what Lu Ze says?

"Boss, I'm afraid this Xiaolu factory cannot be considered a toy..."

One word may not mean anything.

Mr. Huang retorted fiercely.

"Why doesn't it count?

Xiaolu produces toys.

Export declarations are also toys.

If you say it’s not, then it’s not?”

The boss asked Qin Renyuan whether he could handle it.

After three seconds of silence.

Hu Chengwu next to him gave him a look.

Qin Renyuan suddenly realized it!

If these things weren't toys, it would be a big deal.

Lu Ze has to bear the blame for exporting arms.

If Yingjiang knows about it, he will also take this matter to make trouble.

But if you insist that it is a toy.

Nothing happened at all.

One thing to say.

The things in this factory don’t even have ignition powder!

Qin Renyuan immediately stood at attention and saluted: "Yes! Chief! I understand! These are all toys!"

Mr. Huang nodded.

Standing in a high position, you have a higher vision.

No one knows the role of this factory better than him.

For toys, whether it’s Brother Ha Zi or Brother Hu Han.

It doesn't matter.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

To some extent.

Lu Ze also helped the boss.

"Xiao Lu, you can sell whatever you want on 1.02.0!"

It seemed that this was meant for Lu Ze.

But when the boss spoke, he was looking at the business leader.

It's more like giving them orders.

“If you have any trouble, report it actively and we will solve it for you.

Things like customers copying your designs.

If you don’t dare to file a lawsuit, if I dare to file a lawsuit, I’ll help you with it!”

"Is it so good?"

"One word and nine tripods!"

Other leaders may not keep their words.

Currently making a wish.

Afterwards, if we want to hold a meeting to study it, our superiors must agree.

But Mr. Huang is always spitting and nailing!

Because there is no one above him.

Mr. Huang could tell that Lu Ze suffered a loss when Persian Lion copied Putiandiao 3.0.


That won't happen.

Mr. Huang usually brings express delivery when he goes to litigate.

If the lawsuit cannot be won, it will be settled by the court as well.


Mr. Huang pointed at 3.0.

"This, please don't export it. First, play with the children in China."

It doesn’t matter how many units of 1.0 and 2.0 are sold.

But 3.0 is different.

The technical parameters are the same as 901.

Prices dropped fivefold.

Mr. Huang cried with greed.

Qin Renyuan also nodded.

"Yes, Putiandiao 3.0 plus some precision guidance equipment can definitely be used as the main force of our army..."

Not a word is finished...

Lu Ze looked at Qin Renyuan.

There seems to be some evil idea in mind.

"Precision guidance equipment?

Are you talking about the sensor?"

Qin Renyuan felt uncomfortable in his heart

of: ""

"I have!"


You are fucking Doraemon!


Move to another workshop.

“We also have a drone for agricultural use called Wuyujian!

Now everyone completely understands the naming system of Weidun Group.

I dare to suggest that Water Margin is the model for it!

You also said you are a civilian company!

Who is a good person who names civilian goods after bandits?


Xie Chao brought a featherless arrow. ?????????

Different from the previous Flying Eagle, Wuyujian is a rotary-wing drone.

Much larger in size.

The shape is 12-rotor type.

It seems to be similar to the mainstream rotary-wing drones on the market.

But after this day of repeated shocks.

Experts and bosses have learned this.

Nothing in this factory can be considered with normal people's thinking.

Lu Ze first demonstrated the product.

Then he gave a thorough introduction.

"The maximum load of an arrow without feathers is 70kg!"

Experts have already figured out some of Lu Ze's tricks.

He usually shows off gradually.

But this time, it was Wang Zha who opened his mouth.

For this volume, experts visually estimate that the maximum load is 25kg.

What the hell is 70 kilograms?

Qin Renyuan said in disbelief: "Guigui! Are you using this for agricultural purposes? What is 70 kilograms packed with!?"

"Pesticide! Can you pretend it's not good?"

"Okay...I think you can pretend!"

Lu Ze:????

I feel there is something in your words! Are you trying to yin and yang me?

He kept his doubts to himself.


"As everyone knows, there is a plateau to the west of Chengdu.

For the convenience of plateau fellows, no feather arrows can fly at altitudes above 5,000 meters.

Equipped with a three-light pod and thermal imaging ranging.

There are also automatic spreaders.

It can be added to insect-killing rockets, pesticide sprayers, fire-extinguishing warheads, and various other spreading materials!”

The introduction of Lu Ze machinery is like a stone, which arouses the hearts of the experts.

Every feature and configuration is top notch.

They've even gotten used to it.

The problem is that Weidun's products are not top-notch.

“These are conventional technologies.

The core technology of Wuyujian is its detection system.

The main system is a phased array radar!”


"No! Is there a phased array radar on your pesticide machine?"

Qin Renyuan's adrenaline is racing again!

Reasonable Lu Ze Chat.

There is always a feeling of ups and downs and an inability to stop.

Whenever you think this thing is awesome enough, he can always pretend to be awesome.

"Do you even have this skill?"

"Nonsense! How can we monitor pests without radar?"

"Check and fight together, you idiot!"

"Yeah, it's an all-in-one pest control and pesticide spraying machine!"

Lu Ze's big and bright eyes made Qin Renyuan a little doubtful about life.

[Check and type in one], is this word a word that can be used in agriculture?

Mr. Huang looked at Lu Ze.

5.9 didn’t speak for a long time.

His eyes were full of doting.

"Is the phased array radar technology your own?"

Lu Ze nodded obediently: "Yes!

In the past, killing insects was all done with the naked eye. To put it bluntly, it depends on fate.

The name of this Yuanyuan phased array radar is very auspicious!”


So what the hell is this?

Qin Renyuan was speechless. You kid can't speak well, right?

You have mastered phased array radar technology.

It’s still active!

Qin Renyuan had reason to suspect that the radar in Lu Ze's hand was more advanced than his own.

Mr. Huang is quite logical.

"I just said that you are so good at researching invisible paint.

You even have radar.

Isn’t that awesome?”

The stealth paint is the shield and the radar is the spear.

Lu Ze can produce radar, so it will certainly be convenient to research and develop it.

While talking.

Xie Chao didn't know where to get a controller.

This is the main control unit of Feather Arrow.

Divided into a display screen and control handle.

There are images from different sensors on the display.

Radar, thermal imaging......

See it clearly.


Mr. Huang looked at a map on the monitor and fell into deep thought.

Soon after.

He asked from the bottom of his soul: "How come you still have a map of the world? How can you export without arrows?"

"Boss, what you are looking at is a satellite map!"

"Then I don't understand, agricultural machinery and satellites...that's not right!

What's wrong with your pesticide agency satellite?"

Finished speaking.

Qin Renyuan also came over.

As a soldier, satellite image operations are an essential skill.

He could tell at a glance.

"Boss, this is not GPS or Beidou..."

All of a sudden.

All eyes came to Lu Ze.

After a while of silence.

"You kid...don't you have your own satellite?"

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