Weidun is a huge group.

Up and down.

The total number of employees is several thousand.

But there are only three who really mean what they say.

Ning Yu and Xie Chao are in charge of technology.

Lu Ze made the final decision.

Even so.

This is not the ultimate form of Power Shield either.

Because Weidun is only responsible for terminal R&D and manufacturing.

The manufactured product is a visible and tangible aircraft.

It's hardware

But to get these planes in the sky.

Software support is also needed.

This part of the business was spun off by Lu Ze.

An independent company was formed.

In addition to supporting corresponding software for drones, there are also some external information technology maintenance services.

This company is called 886.

The full name is Juhu 886 Information Technology Co., Ltd.

Lu Ze turned back and looked at Ning Yu.

"Where's Cao Zihua?"

"He asked for leave, didn't he tell you?"

After hearing this answer, Lu Ze took out his mobile phone.

These days because of the bottom line.

There are too many things going on.

Cao Zihua's messages were flooded on the phone.

He is one year older than Ning Yu and Xie Chao.

Studied in information engineering at the University of Technology.

Have graduated now.

Full-time management of Juhu 886.

[Boss, something happened at home. I need to take a week off. Thank you!]

Look at the messages on your phone.

Lu Ze couldn't help but feel worried.

Something happened at home, it’s only been a week...

Think about it.

The only situation left is the death of a relative at home.

Lu Ze felt a little distressed.

"No wonder I haven't seen him for so many days since I came to Chengdu.

Do you know where his home is?"

Ning Yu nodded.

Lu Ze asked Ning Yu and Xie Chao to take him there without saying anything.

Although Ning Yu and Xie Chao were a little dazed.

But technically it is one of the best in the country.

But Lu Ze doesn't just have these two sleeping dragons and phoenix chicks.

There is also Cao Zihua, Youlin.

He won two hacking competition championships in his own name that year.

Participate in the third year.

Because there was some quarrel with the organizer.

Then he withdrew from the competition.

Instead, it attacked the organizer's network.

Then he was discovered by Lu Ze.

With him as the core, 886 was established.

developed to the present.

He is a general under Lu Ze.

Even if it wasn't for this reason.

As a friend.

Cao Zihua's family suffered changes, and Lu Ze never looked back.

After half an hour's drive.

The three people came to an ordinary residential area in Chengdu.

Knocking on the door went unanswered.

Ning Yu only received the security door password from Cao Zihua after notifying him on WeChat.

"You don't open the door at home? Pfft 447..."

Once inside the house.

The three of them were choked by the smell of smoke and couldn't breathe.

"Where the hell are you burning the kang?"

Although Lu Ze also smokes.

But the pm2.5 concentration in this room is simply unbearable.

Visibility is below 5 meters!

Cao Zihua was nestled at the computer desk in the bedroom.

The ashtray in front of me contains about two and a half kilograms of cigarette ash.

On the table.

There were four or five empty 1L ice tea bottles on the table.

Lu Ze stood at the door of the bedroom, grinning.

I thought that this pussy would be even more difficult to deal with than a sleeping dragon and a phoenix chick!

This is the most disgusting business executive he has ever seen!

But think about it carefully.

I feel relieved.

Something happened at home.

It is understandable that people become decadent.

Lu Ze has not forgotten his original intention of taking photos.

He stepped forward and said comfortingly: "Brother, people have good and bad times, and they will eventually pass. I am here, if you need anything, just tell me."

While talking.

On one side, Cao Zihua's cigarette was quietly hidden.

Cao Zihua was noncommittal.

Just stared blankly at the computer screen.

The screen theme is a WeChat chat box.

The taskbar below is full.

Basically it is some programming software and 886's backend.

Even if something happens at home, don't forget to take care of the company's business.

Lu Ze said in her heart that you are worthy of me.

He sat on the bed.

He continued to comfort him:

"Xiao Cao.

I know this kind of thing hits you hard.

But you are still young.

Cheer up!"

A few sentences.

It seemed to have touched Cao Zihua's fragile mentality again.

Two small pearls popped out of the corners of his eyes.

"I know.....…"

"Tell me, who is missing in the family?"

"My wife…………"

Lu Ze was stunned for half a second.

Then he looked at Ning Yu and Xie Chao standing at the door of the bedroom.

There was some blame in his eyes.

It seems to be saying that Cao Zihua is married, why didn't he tell me?

"This...sigh! Sorry! Brother, life is unpredictable..."

Lu Ze didn’t know what to say.

He thought it was Cao Zihua's grandparents who passed away.

I didn’t expect it to be a spouse.

This kind of blow is too big for him.

Who can bear it?

In fact.

At this moment, Cao Zihua can still sit firmly in front of the computer.

It’s already considered mentally strong.

Just when Lu Ze didn't know what to say.

Cao Zihua brought up the WeChat interface of his computer.

A chat box.

The note is [White Moonlight].

Bai Yueguang: Don’t give me coffee in the future.

Cao Zihua: Why (cdac)?

Bai Yueguang: I'm afraid my boyfriend will misunderstand me.

Cao Zihua: Then I’ll give you two cups.

Bai Yueguang: You idiot! I will never be with you in this life!

Cao Zihua: Does your boyfriend want cappuccino or American style?

The other party has turned on friend verification, but you are not his (her) friend yet...

"Boss! My wife is gone!"

Looking at the WeChat interface, Cao Zihua cried.

Ning Yu:???

Xie Chao:???

"I'm so fucking impressed with you! You asked for leave because you were dumped? Are you a human being?"

Lu Ze was confused and wanted to kill someone.

This guy asked for leave, saying he had something to do at home.

It made the three people extremely worried.

When Lu Ze arrived, she was thinking about whether to buy a wreath.

Sorry, what you said about losing your family is this nonsense!

“You got fucking dumped….


This isn't even a fucking dump.

You are a licking bitch!"

Cao Zihua seemed to have dysmenorrhea.

"Boss, my heart aches."

"Why don't I hurt you to death!"

"Boss, I have been chasing her for three years! I even found a kindergarten for my child."

Lu Ze was numb.

This is not dog licking.

This is Wolverine, Diamond Tongue.

Having a sleeping dragon and phoenix chick already gives me a headache.

There is another Youlin

Lu Ze sighed in his heart, this boss took more care than his father.

But then I imagined.

If I gave birth to such a top-notch licking dog, I might as well shoot it against the wall.

"You take a shower and change clothes."

"Where to go?"

Lu Ze sighed: "I will take you to heal."

What to do? You can't ignore it even if it happens.

The most important thing is that Cao Zihua's responsibilities as a dog coin cannot be replaced by others.

The shield could barely function for a while without Ning Yu and Chao.

But 886 is going to lose Cao Zihua.

That would be equivalent to losing one's soul.

Ning Yu and Xie Chao forced Cao Zihua to change his clothes.

He was forcefully pulled out of the room.

Before leaving, Lu Ze also looked at Cao Zihua's computer and silently wrote down Bai Yueguang's WeChat ID.

Half an hour later.

The taxi stopped at Shui Hanqing's door.

"Remember all three of you."

"You can't lick anything but a woman."

"You can't talk about feelings when talking about anything."

“There is nothing that a 998 package cannot solve!”

Ning Yu and Xie Chao were still dodging. After all, they were put in solitary confinement after the last 998 incident.

Although there is no necessary connection between the two.

But a psychological shadow has been formed.

Cao Zihua is different.

When I walked into the hall, I looked like an eggplant beaten by frost.

But the moment the technician walked into the room.

It was as if he had been given a new lease of life.

Lu Ze knew that the reason why Cao Zihua was so miserable was because he had added too many filters to Bai Yueguang in his brain.

So he needs some other women to help him get rid of the charm.

Shui Hanqing is professional in this regard.

After all, the technicians here are of the highest quality in the city.

After three hours.

Cao Zihua's mood was obviously better.

Lu Ze took him to the night snack stall again.

He was supposed to go to the company for inspection, but Cao Zihua was not in good condition and it was very late.

I could only make do with checking my work at the late night snack stall.

"Have you finished the protection system you built for Weidun?"

"Happy, it will take about another week."

Lu Ze was furious.

I thought it would be nice if you didn't know how to take this week off?

Weidun is not big even if it is said to be big.

But the business is relatively high-end.

The terminal data of drone flight are all deployed on the server.

With the enrichment of product categories.

A firewall that only serves Weidun is imminent.

Lu Ze had already given this task to Cao Zihua.

"Is there any difficulty?"

"I don't have one here."

Lu Ze heard it, but there was still a problem: "Where is it? What do you need me to do?"

"You can't do that either."

Cao Zihua took out his mobile phone while speaking.

The above are some records of recent attacks on company servers.

“Recently, some major domestic companies have been attacked by hackers.

Premeditated and systematic.

I guess it's an official action organized by Yingjiang. "


Lu Ze almost slammed the table and stood up.

"If you didn't tell us such a big thing earlier, why would you just leave it at home and treat it like a corpse?"

Let’s talk about the past.

Hacker attacks are also attacks.

Lu Ze has nothing to be afraid of.

But in the past two years, he has been closely associated with several of Ying Jiang's rivals.

This would allow them to break through the firewall.

It's like taking off Lu Ze's underwear.

"Don't worry, they tried to attack but failed."

Cao Zihua looked around and lowered his voice.

“I heard that the main targets of the attacks were the military and large scientific research institutions.

The intensity of attacks against private enterprises is not high.

Furthermore, it has high strength and cannot break the protective wall of 886. "

Lu Ze's eyes widened in surprise: "If you were so confident in women, you would have been single by now."

Cao Zihua didn't understand Lu Ze's theory at all.

He doesn't think confidence has anything to do with chasing women.

He firmly believed that Bai Yueguang left him because he was not warm enough.

He pursed his lips and looked at Lu Ze: "The commercial software you mentioned before has been online for three months.

"How's the effect?"

“Generally, user recognition is not high.

Lu Ze thought that since he had already made protective software for Weidun.

It is better to derive a commercial version from this shell.

For ordinary users.

To put it bluntly, it is computer anti-virus software.

One sheep is also being driven, and two sheep are being herded.

"Didn't you do what I told you? Didn't you do the pop-up windows, automatic installation, etc.?"

Cao Zihua felt a little aggrieved: "I did it.

I created a Trojan-like program.

It can be installed into the computer without the customer knowing.

And it can also bundle a lot of software.

The only thing is that it is easily detected by Penguin Security.

Should I write a program to attack Penguin’s vulnerability?”

Lu Ze shook his head like a rattle: "No! Stop causing trouble for me!"

I know you have good skills.

Just do this dirty stuff secretly.

You go and attack someone else's qq, but they turn around and don't sue me to death?

"In addition, I also tried pop-up windows and the like, and the click-through rate was average."

Lu Ze also glanced around like a thief.

"That's because the style of your pop-up window is not right. Find some pictures that are more eye-catching!"

"for example?"

"Elm head! A picture just like the big sister who gave you the project."

"Aw, are you talking about being lewd? Will you be banned?"

"Tsk! Just brushing aside! Who told you to be honest!"

Cao Zihua finally understood his boss's intention.

But I still have some lingering fears.

"I'll give it a try, but if something happens, can you cover it up?"

Ning Yu and Xie Chao on the side couldn't say anything.

Hear the question.

Just came alive.

"Why can't you protect me, little boss?"

"You haven't seen the battle in the past two days."

"Don't talk about popping up the user's window. You can also play the role of the National Defense Department's boss!"

Lu Ze: "Don't listen to their nonsense.

Just remember a little bit.

Technology is innocent. "

Immediately afterwards.

Lu Ze took out his mobile phone.

Showed Cao Zihua some of his boundaries.

Wolong, Fengchu and Youlin watched with great interest.

The stuff in the boss’s Douyin portal seems to be better than 998’s projects!

"Boss! Is everything okay over there at Juwei?"

Cao Zihua looked at it and felt tired of pressing the gun.

Quickly change the topic.

"Okay, what's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing. I saw some gossip about Juwei."

Lu Ze handed the phone to Ning Yu and Xie Chao. The two were like children who got toys and never spoke again.

Look at Cao Zihua seriously.

This guy is a technical geek.

Never care about other companies' affairs.

Unusually for today, Lu Ze was a little curious.

"What gossip?"

"I heard that Juwei is going to be sanctioned."

"Oh, who?"

"Eagle Sauce Defense."


Cao Zihua said it vividly.

"Didn't they attack us two days ago?

I called back.

I read some undisclosed documents by the way.

The new sanctions list includes Juwei Fishing Rods and Qiwei Technology. "

the next day.

White Tiger Theater Agency.

In the war conference room.

A high-level meeting is being held.

Except for several generals in the White Tiger War Zone.

There are also experts from the investigation team led by Hu Chengwu.

Premier Huang is sitting here as he should be.

"Xiao Zhang, show them the latest sanctions list."

The assistant did several operations.

A newly released sanctions list appeared on the big screen.

Most are old faces.

It is nothing more than some military-industrial complexes and some engineering universities.

Only two private enterprises, Juwei Fish Tank and Qiwei Technology, are very conspicuous among them.

"You see it."

Mr. Huang emphasized.

"This is why we need to carry out industrial investigation."

Juwei was sanctioned, which shows that Yingjiang is also scared. "

Not so much the sanctions list.

Rather, it is a list of praises.

Anything that makes it onto this list.

Those are all high-end companies that master core technologies.

After integrating information channels from all parties, Yingjiang learned about carbon fiber and blocking cables.

Responded immediately.

Qin Renyuan was a little worried: "Boss, do you want to help Lu Ze?

Other companies are military industry giants, backed by the state.

Lu Ze is a private enterprise and may not be able to bear it. "

Qin Renyuan also has good intentions.

I am afraid that Lu Ze will suffer a loss.

But the corners of Mr. Huang's mouth turned up in a strange arc.

"Do you think Lu Ze is someone easy to bully?".

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