"There was an unexpected incident and it was delayed for a while. Now we will continue to hold the summary meeting of the special action on the defense industry.

Mr. Huang had a smile on his face.

He was not like this during the meeting yesterday.

The officer below didn't understand.

Well-informed people already know.

Eagle Sauce launched Operation Sidewinder.

Large-scale attacks on the servers of our military and scientific research units.

The level and intensity are the strongest in five years.

The boss suddenly adjourned the meeting.

Definitely go and deal with it.

The issue is.

How could the boss still laugh about such a big deal?

Hu Chengwu continued to stand up and report.

“The first phase of research mainly focuses on the following domestic companies.”

"Juwei Fishing Rod, Qiwei Technology, Juwei Steel Lock, Laiyang Steel Pipe Factory, Juwei Agricultural Machinery, Weidun Group..."

Hu Chengwu read out the names of several companies in succession.

The representatives didn't pay much attention at first.

Listen further down.

The brows are getting tighter.

Are these companies all using the same master’s name?

The city is huge and powerful.

"The technologies of the above companies are being verified by relevant scientific research institutes. I believe..."

Hu Chengwu was thinking.

Mr. Huang waved his hand to interrupt.

"Let me sum it up.

“These companies all have the potential to become part of the defense supply chain.

All units can quickly connect with each other.

Buy when you need to buy, and cooperate when you need to cooperate.

Immediately incorporate them into the defense industry system. "

The person in charge of the relevant unit immediately wrote down the record.

What did Hu Chengwu’s report say?


What matters is the boss's instructions.

The boss opened his mouth.

This means that these companies will receive a steady stream of orders.

There is no need to worry about technology and funds.

To know.

There is no upper limit to our military's investment in the military industry.

"I have another idea.

The two local companies in Chengdu, Weidun and Juhu 886, were just mentioned.

Requires special care.

Rongfei and the Third Academy of Aviation Science took the lead in establishing a technical group.

Immediately enter the Weidun Group.

Carry out technical cooperation.

I want all of the drones in the Weidun Group to be equipped with our missiles.

There are as many hangings as there are!”

Mr. Huang looked at Yuan Ke and Yu Jing from the Third Academy of Aviation Science and Technology.

High hopes.

Experts from the survey team made preliminary conclusions.

Whether it's a two-tailed scorpion or a flying eagle, or even an arrow without feathers.

All have excellent military potential.

The only difference between them and military aircraft is that they do not carry express delivery.

According to Lu Ze.

There are currently more than 100 Twin-tailed Scorpions in stock.

Technological transformation takes place in the blink of an eye.

Less than half a year.

The boss will have four more bomber squadrons in his hands.

Who wouldn’t be greedy if I left it alone?

And the boss’s words are very broad.

Hang as much as you can...

In other words, mushroom bombs are also included!

"There's also Giant Tiger 886.

This matter is led by the war branch and the National Security Bureau.

Launch comprehensive technical cooperation with Juhu 886.

I said cooperation.

But you all know in your heart that you are here to learn!

Learn other people’s techniques well!

Eagle Sauce launched Operation Rattlesnake against me today.

Within three months, I want to see you fight back!"

Let's talk about normal.

Wu Hui and Kong Qi are a little arrogant in their running scripts.

But today they were convinced and nodded vigorously.

They even feel that the boss is being conservative.

With Cao Zihua's skills, he could fight back in less than three months.

People and children have already mastered the numerous loopholes of Eagle Sauce using civilian resources.

It’s hard to imagine what would have happened if the military’s resources and signals were fed to him.

Three months later.

It's possible that the boss wants to see Commander Yingjiang take a bath.

Wait until the boss finishes speaking.

Hu Chengwu continued to pick up the report.

"In addition, this survey also involves two foreign companies."


The previous operations are still routine.

Speaking of foreign companies.

Everyone was confused.

Isn’t it touching our own bottom?

Why are there still foreign companies?

How can we say that foreign companies are also involved in the national defense industry system?

Then nothing serious will happen?

"lorex and jutong drones.

After investigation, it was found to belong to a high-tech group with actual control in China.

Has made great contributions to the defense industry.

All ministries and commissions need to stop investigating these two companies.

Lift all sanctions.

and facilitate its overseas activities.

To safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the above-mentioned enterprises." "

This is the written official language.

Requires some understanding.

But the boss later gave his own explanation.

"Guoan, please pay attention and use your resources to help these companies gain a foothold in Yingjiang.

I know Yingjiang is also looking for the bottom.

It’s best not to let them find out!”

Kong Qi nodded repeatedly.

He knew why the boss wanted to single out these two foreign companies.

These two foreign companies, disguised as eagle sauce, actually have strategic significance.

Lu Ze has always been worried about being found out by Yingjiang.

That's because he is always fighting against Eagle Sauce alone.

With the addition of Guoan.

At least it won't be that difficult.

The boss is also playing a long game to catch big fish.

Lorex and Jutong continue to lurk on Yingjiang's side.

It will definitely surprise them.

"Lu Ze!"


The boss looked at Lu Ze in the audience.

Very earnest.

"Do you have anything to add to these arrangements?"

"No more! Whatever you say, boss, is what it is!"

Everyone turned back to look at Lu Ze.

Extremely envious.

A private enterprise attended a military meeting.

And he's still sitting in the middle.

The boss was looking at Lu Ze's face the whole time he was talking.

Lu Ze yawned.

The boss thought he was going to speak.

"I don't believe you have nothing to say. You usually talk a lot. If you have any opinions, please tell me immediately!"

Lu Ze looked at the generals beside him.

In fact, I still have some stage fright.

Lu Ze is not an e person after all.

It takes a while to warm up slowly.

"Boss, I have no objection to cooperation or anything like that.


I wonder if it would be inappropriate to do what you asked me to do in the name of a steel pipe factory?"

"Why is it inappropriate?"

“What do you think, if you are building missiles or something, you can’t have the name of my steel pipe factory printed on it, right?

If we fight this, the enemy will be confused. "

"Oh, you know it's inappropriate."

"There are also quite a few rockets exported in the name of your steel pipe factory."

Only then did Lu Ze understand.

The boss was making fun of him.

But sarcasm is good.

Hu Chengwu and Qin Renyuan, who knew everything on the sidelines, said to you that you would get an advantage and behave well.

This is you, others will be sentenced to life imprisonment later.

Mr. Huang and several big guys from the general assembly whispered a few words.

Finally made the decision.

"Go down and get ready.

Let some of the business involving weapons be independent.

I'll give you a Class A and B weapons license. "

Mr. Huang's calm words.

The people below were all confused.

Lu Ze didn't understand either, so he turned around and asked Qin Renyuan in a low voice.

"Commander Qin, what is A-B?"

"It's a very high-end license. With this thing, you can make guns and cannons.

Everyone in the circle knows it.

There are many types of military industry.

Some are responsible for downstream raw materials, some are responsible for disruption technology, and some are responsible for end products.

When these things come together, they are weapons and have lethality.


Downstream and midstream companies receive lower-level licenses.

Only represents the level of confidentiality.

But the terminal.

That is, those companies that can export goods in the form of weapons.

Qualification requirements are high.

"Oh! So there is still A-a?"

Without waiting for Qin Renyuan's answer.

Mr. Huang heard Lu Ze’s whispers.

"You still want A?"

"May I?"

"No, I gave it to you. I'm afraid that Brother Hu Sai will suddenly take out mushroom bombs.

Only then did Lu Ze understand.

There is only one level above A and B - nuclear industry related qualifications.

"Oh! Then I don't want it!"

"Poor talker. Do you have anything else to ask for?"


Lu Ze just sat down.

Kong Qi stood up on the side.

"Boss, I have a small request and a small suggestion. I wonder if Mr. Lu and you can accept it?"


Kong Qi’s eyes were spinning throughout the entire meeting.

It seems like something is brewing.

"Juhu 886's technology is unique. I'm wondering if we should ask their technical staff to support us?"

"You want to poach someone?"

The boss knew the color of shit as soon as Kong Qi stuck his butt out.

As the domestic security department in charge of information networks.

Kong Qi was starving to death.

Especially Cao Zihua.

He dreams of having such a programmer.

The boss was unconvinced: "Then you have to ask Mr. Lu."

Kong Qi immediately begged: "Mr. Lu, either poaching people or letting Mr. Cao hold two positions and give him the title of consultant in our security bureau.

"I have no objection. What do you think Cao Zihua said?"

Kong Qi's eyes came to Cao Zihua.

At this moment, Lao Cao's head was shaking like a rattle.

"I won't go. I just want to die alone under the boss."

Kongzi is too young after all.

He also wants to poach people by his own means.

Mr. Qiangru Huang has already seen through it.

Others cannot poach the people in Lu Ze's hands.

He could see it clearly during the arrangement process.

Even though Lu Ze is laughing and joking, his subordinates are very impressed by him.

The cohesion of the enterprise is very high.

The boss doesn't want to break this harmony.

Talents are talents wherever they are, and they can be more effective under Lu's hands.

Mr. Huang smiled and said: "Do you think Lu Ze is so easy to dig out?"


He looked at Lu Ze.

There is a hint of comfort in the pampering.

"Lu Ze, do you have any other needs?"

"I do not have anymore."

Lu Ze ate and vomited.

"No! I don't have it, but Cao Zihua does."

"Boss, can you arrange for him to go to the Army General Hospital to see the neurology department? I suspect he has a serious illness.

Lao Cao is good at everything.

The disease of habitual licking needs to be cured.

Farewell Lu Ze.

The boss closed the door and held several more meetings.

It's all about military tactics.

Especially dealing with the aftermath of Operation Sidewinder.

Although this battle can be considered a defeat.

But the boss always has a way

It feels like the boat has passed the Ten Thousand Mountains.

“The equipment development strategy set at the beginning of the year is to accumulate steadily and develop steadily.

We still have to adhere to this grand strategy!

All departments must still hide their capabilities and bide their time to ensure the steady advancement of our military's equipment!"

The boss made a summary to his senior generals.

This is the military's grand strategic direction.

But just finished.

The boss looks at the members of the 843 planning team.

々I think the 843 plan you submitted can be studied and turned from a theoretical direction to practical exploration.

Qin Renyuan heard this.

He frowned.

Project 843 is a top-secret project team.

Led by Rongfei, various aerospace departments cooperated.

The original intention was to explore aerospace forces based on the concept of an aerospace carrier.

Only a few senior officials in the military knew about it.

This plan has been in the theoretical blueprint stage.

But today's words from the boss gave this plan substantial development.

no doubt.

This bottom-up has played an important role in promoting the progress.

Qin Renyuan felt his scalp numb just thinking about it.

Before finding out: develop steadily.

After the bottom-up: Nantianmen, start.

Just when he was stunned.

A guard ran in quickly.

"Report to the chief!

A rare and historic mountain fire broke out in Yunnan and Guizhou Province!

The General Staff sent an urgent message, requesting our department to immediately deploy large equipment for support!"

at the same time.

Lu Ze had just walked out of the White Tiger War Zone Agency.

Looking at the overwhelming news about wildfires on the news, I frown again and again.

"What's wrong, little boss? Are you feeling unwell?"

"Yes, I can't get better without you."

Cao Zihua rolled his eyes at Lu Ze, pouted and walked forward.

"I'm going back to Shanhe City in the afternoon.

Please cooperate with the military region.

Stop licking others.

Just now the boss said he would fight back against Eagle Sauce.

Did you hear everything?"


"Fuck you to death!"

Cao Zihua is particularly confident in two things in his life.

One is to lick others.

The second is to write code.

"Don't worry, I don't even need their cooperation. If the military region agrees, I will go back and install small pop-ups in the systems of Cai and fib."

Lu Ze couldn't understand that a good boy would remain an outstanding young man no matter what if he was separated from a woman.

You can't live without a woman, right?

But think about it.

God is fair.

While giving Cao Zihua skills, he also deprived him of his dignity as a man.

"I really envy people like you and Ning Yu, Xie Chao, who went to university and have excellent skills.

Unlike me, I only have a few bad money. "


After flying thousands of kilometers.

Lu Ze returned to his hometown.

"Father! Thank you for your hard work!"

"Can you have some level of fucking flattery?"

"Then you take a photo and let me see?"

"Great boss, what have you learned from this trip to Chengdu?"

Looking at Yang Lian and Wang Qi singing together.

Lu Ze rolled his eyes completely.

College students certainly have their own shortcomings.

But compared to these two old fritters.

It's as pure as a white lotus.

One thing to say.

College students are a little slower emotionally, as long as they find a way to get along with each other.

They are very easy to use.

These two guys are different.

The two of them combined have more than 10,000 tricks.

"If you fart, let it go!"

Lu Ze knew that these two men must have something to ask for when they personally picked him up at the airport.

"Report to the adoptive father! Yingjiang issued a sanctions list, and all our companies have been embargoed.

Laiyang steel pipes and gas tanks intended for export to the Middle East by Juwei Agricultural Machinery were both stopped at sea. "

Wang Qi also looked sad.

"Qiwei technology is not much better.

There were originally some low-end paint orders that were not shipped.

Customers have also canceled their orders. "

Lu Ze nodded calmly after hearing this.

"Sooner or later."

"My dear stepfather! Why aren't you in a hurry? No matter how small a mosquito is, it's still meat.

Wang Qi is okay.

Qiwei Technology does not have many foreign orders.

Sanctions and embargoes cannot hurt him.

Yang Lian is different.

The main revenue of Juwei Heavy Machinery and Juwei Steel Rope comes from overseas.

Lu Ze didn’t explain either.

After sitting in the car, we started talking about something else.

"Get ready and split the steel pipe cutting diagram.

Someone from the Third Academy of Aviation Science will be here soon.

We set up a new company.

I have already thought of a name, Juwei Defense.


"If the steel pipes are not allowed to be sold, we will replace them with missiles.

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