
Meng Chang saw that Xie Zhun didn't seem to understand very well.

Explained patiently.

“A typhoon is a tropical cyclone.

A typhoon occurs in the Western Pacific.

When they occur in the eastern Pacific and Atlantic Ocean, they are called hurricanes.

Such weather systems can be both beneficial and harmful to human activities.

Especially in offshore areas.

It is more likely to turn into a disaster.

But currently our knowledge of typhoons is limited.

Detection equipment goes deep into the eye of the storm.

Only in this way can it provide us with more effective observations..."

Meng Chang kept talking.

Zheng Zhun's whole face was full of question marks.

"Did I ask you this?"

"You looked in disbelief, I thought you didn't understand typhoons.

Looking at this somewhat cute director of the Figure Office.

Zheng Zhun's heart is full of mmp.

“I can’t believe it! We are now in Chandok!”

"That's right."

"This place is two to three thousand kilometers away from the sea! Are you monitoring typhoons in Changde?"

Zheng Zhun found it difficult to communicate with them.

One is deliberately not telling the truth.

The other person thought he was telling the truth, but in fact he was unable to do anything.

Meng Chang explained: "Because I am also a doctoral supervisor at Changde University, and the research group I am in is researching..."

Zheng Zhun shouted directly: "Who cares!

This is inland!

I want to know how you monitor typhoons. "

The missile equipped with a detector is now next to him.

It is thousands of miles away from the sea where typhoons can occur.

You can't have clairvoyance and ears in a missile, right?

It seems that it is more difficult to communicate with Meng Chang.

Zheng Zhun turned to look at Lu Ze.

"Xiao Lu, tell me!

Although your mouth is not reliable.

But at least you're on to something. "

Meng Chang:???

Let’s just chat, why should we pay attention to people?

When a scholar encounters a soldier, he cannot explain why.

Zheng Zhun: "What is the range of your missile?"

When asked this sentence.

Zheng Zhun was mentally prepared.

Want to monitor typhoons here.

The range of the missile must not be that close.

Juteng's fire bomb had its counterweight removed, which would violate international conventions.

The technology must be there.

Lu Ze Feng Qingyun Dan: “The range is 298 kilometers.”

"Don't come here! There are no outsiders today. Tell the truth!"

The number 298 is just on the table.

The scene was full of people from the Army and the Weather Bureau.

Lu Ze is still secretive.

Zheng Zhun was a little angry.

"True 298!"

"Shit! 298 can't even leave the province, how can it monitor typhoons?"

Lu Ze scratched his head and said weakly: "Commander.

You know.

We are a private enterprise.

R&D technology is very poor…”

The more Lu Ze said this, the more Zheng Zhun wanted to complain.

These words are almost becoming the Bible.

“It’s precisely because our technology is not up to par.

Therefore, the missiles developed have relatively large errors.

Our missile has a calibrated range of 298 kilometers.

The error is 3000 kilometers. "


Just after finishing speaking, everyone turned back to look at Lu Ze.

Especially those air defense force commanders who met Lu Ze for the first time.

It was like seeing something strange.

Is this human language?

It is normal for missiles to have errors.


It is normal to be wrong by tens of meters or a hundred meters.

Even in countries with inadequate technology, the error can be several kilometers.


What the hell is the error of 3,000 kilometers?

Your error is further than your range?

"The error is three thousand, plus the range itself, it's exactly 3298, right?"

Zheng Zhun suddenly understood something.

As the commander of the Qinglong War Zone, he understands it very well.

The distance from Changdeok City in his jurisdiction to Tokyo is exactly 3300!

"This is called an error!"

Zheng Zhun also seemed to have drank intestinal tea.

Clear way.

"You clearly want to take back Tokyo!"

"Commander, you don't understand. There are more typhoons over there in the small days. It's a matter of scientific observation.

"I believe you ghost!

Your calibration is 298.

How to say?

Do you also want to export weather missiles?”

298 kilometers.

It happens not to be governed by the ABM Treaty.

But if you add errors.

3300 kilometers.

These are no longer medium-range missiles.

This is a standard long-range missile.

?Zheng Zhun looked back at the artillery position of the Meteorological Bureau again.

80mm, 92mm, 120mm...

Available in large, medium and small calibers.

Anti-aircraft guns, rocket launchers, missiles...

Both medium and long range.

Firepower batch configuration.

There are also satellite guidance in the sky.

"I underestimated you.

You cannot be counted as the third artillery of the Dragon Kingdom.

You are Asia’s top three guns!

That's the level of firepower.

Only second to the Rockets (cdbc), Maozi and Yingjiang!"

Fortunately, Salaman returned to the hotel to rest.

If he sees this.

Seven or eight weather synthesis brigades must be formed.

"Put your missile away and let me see!"

As two militiamen stepped forward.

The camouflage cloth covering the missile vehicle was removed.

Zheng Zhun on the side was speechless.

"They keep talking about missiles, and they even have anti-infrared camouflage work!"

Turn your head and look at the missile again.

Green projectile.

Red transmitter head.

Except for the wrong paint color, it's exactly the same as the military one.

“If you want to wear camouflage, put it on properly!

Anyway, they already have missiles.

Don’t even think about wearing civilian clothes!”

Zheng Zhun stepped forward and carefully observed the coating of the missile.

This wink is not the green color of our Army.

Green with a hint of yellow.

It looks weird.

Zheng Zhun had clearly seen this color somewhere.

"Hey! This is the painting of a stick!"

Zheng Zhun suddenly matched his memory.

This color is absolutely right.

The army color of the stick.

The K2 tank is this green.

Lu Ze nodded: "Commander has good eyesight. I think the color of the stick looks better..."

Not a word is finished.

Zheng Zhun interrupted directly.

"Is that a good thing?

You kid didn't hold back your good intentions. "

Zheng Zhun already felt confident.

I think this guy's brain was on the same level as Jia Xu in ancient times.

Typhoons mostly occur in island countries.

Your missiles can just hit there.

The paint is the color of the stick.

In case there are three long and two short.

Shouldn't these two grievances be fought like a hot kiln?

"Okay, okay, you're playing like this, right? I like it!"

Lu Ze was slightly startled.

I have known Zheng Zhun for two days.

This was the first time he praised himself.

Lu Ze introduced by saying: “The eye of the typhoon is different from normal atmospheric conditions.

Therefore, we made adjustments to the aerodynamics of the missile.

This missile, codenamed Sky Monkey, can easily pass through the inner and outer spiral cloud belts.

There is no problem in resisting strong winds of more than ten levels. "

"You finally said something humane." Zheng Zhun nodded.

Lu Ze is not too serious.

Everything is done on the fringes of international law.

As long as there is no excellent technology.

He has been court-martialed several times.


If you have the skills, you can walk sideways.

It is common for missiles to be blown away by the wind.

Stronger than express series.

R&D personnel also dare not guarantee that the typhoon will not affect it.

“Typhoons are always on the move.

The speed is sometimes fast and sometimes slow.

Therefore, our Flying Monkey also has a ballistic correction system. "

Lu Ze explained casually.

"This Monkey is guided by satellites.

Satellites pass through to detect the status of the eye.

Send real-time data to the terminal.

The missile can revise its trajectory multiple times based on the location of the typhoon.

The maximum angle is 17 degrees. "

As Lu Ze spoke, Meng Chang's face already had a fatherly smile.

Juteng was originally commissioned to develop this missile.

You really found the right person!

People have conducted a lot of technical research based on the characteristics of typhoons.

The missile taken out was even super-military grade.

Ballistic correction technology like this is difficult to achieve for civilian ammunition.

But Zheng Zhun's expression was different.

His brows were locked directly.

"Trajectory correction?"

"That's right."

"That means your ballistics have regular turns?"

"No, our technology currently cannot do it regularly."

Lu Ze said with some regret.

“The current trajectory can turn.

But how many times and at what angle should you turn.

They are all random and can only guarantee reaching the target.

We are a private enterprise and there are still gaps in technology, but we will work hard. "

"Can you stop pretending!"

Zheng Zhun was completely stunned.

"Irregular turns!

Isn't that just an erratic trajectory?

Is your missile uninterceptible?"

All the military personnel looked at Lu Ze blankly.

Even if he is not a general of the Rocket Force.

We also know how powerful the erratic ballistics are!

The ballistic trajectory of this thing is unstoppable and completely impossible to intercept.

That is to say.

Once launched, the mission will be achieved!

Lu Ze opened his big watery eyes.

Circuit de Versace: “Huh?

Is there any such thing as erratic ballistics?

I don’t understand.

We designed this to chase typhoons.

All for civilian use. "

"You were beaten last time because you spoke like that, right?"

Zheng Zhun really couldn't figure it out.

Each of your warheads is a missile with a detector.

What kind of unblockable technology is there?

Lu Ze didn’t explain much.

He took Zheng Zhun to the missile control station.

Usually the operating stations of medium-range and long-range missiles are integrated in the theater.

But Lu Ze’s Flying Monkey is simplified to the extreme.

There is only a device similar to a drone control console.

A screen.

Two buttons and two joysticks.

Lu Ze pointed to the two rockers and said: "Because they are detection equipment.

After reaching the eye of the storm, the speed and direction still need to be controlled manually.

The joystick and display are essential. "

Zheng Zhun looked at the two buttons on the console.

Suddenly he looked up.

"What are these buttons that say 1 and 2?"

Zheng Zhun also has a missile launch pad.

Usually just a button.

Some express delivery equipment has multiple buttons.

The purpose is to prevent accidental shooting.

Zheng Zhun guessed that the two buttons marked with numbers should have similar designs.

It takes two people to press it at the same time to fire.

But Lu Ze explained.

"Press 1 to erect the launcher, you can try it.

Zheng Zhun looked back at the missile lying on the truck.

I was also very curious.

No matter what kind of missile.

As long as it doesn't stand vertically.


They all look like logs.

He thought for a moment, then pressed the first button.

All of a sudden.

The car's hydraulic system activates.

There was a rumbling sound at the scene.

The missile launcher slowly rose.

Less than ten seconds.

The missile changed from 0 degrees to 90 degrees vertical.

It would be the first time to meet Lu Ze.

He will definitely be shocked by this hair-lowering technique.

But now he was numb.

All rocket launcher equipment in other factories are vertically mounted.

Look like this.

The fireworks fired during the Chinese New Year in their factory may be caused by the vertical hair system.

Just as Zheng Zhun was reminiscing in his heart.



There was a huge sound of airflow.

Smoke instantly filled the entire scene.

The missile's tail flame shot up.

The warhead skyrocketed!




"Why did it launch!?"

Zheng Zhun was almost overturned by the air wave.

When he reacted.

The missile has reached an altitude of several hundred meters and started a second boost.


Everyone looked directly at Lu Ze.

Hope to get an explanation from him.

Zheng Zhun: "Didn't you say that button No. 1 is to erect the launcher?"

"That's right! That's right, it will be launched when it is raised!"

?Zheng Zhun's nostrils were breathing heavily.

My heart says you are truly a top-notch talent!

Other people's missiles have two buttons to cock and launch.

You fucking make one!

"What about button 2?"

"No. 2 is to turn on the detection equipment."


"You made the useless button so big!?"

Zheng Zhun was completely convinced.

Buttons 1 and 2 don't look any different.

Just have different serial numbers.

But their functions are quite different.

This is like the engine start button and the wiper spray button on a car having the same appearance.

Pure mentality.

Lu Ze smiled lightly.

"It doesn't matter, it will be launched sooner or later anyway."

Only Pu Buting can understand this deep smile.

He said in his heart that the blame must be shouldered by military commanders like Zheng Zhun.

Just take your time and look at this missile.

No one said a word.

Lu Ze continued to explain: “After launch.

The missile will fly towards the eye of the storm at its fastest speed.

Before reaching the wind wall.

Speed ​​and track will not change.

This saves the most fuel. "

"Do you think I care?"

Zheng Zhun turned back and looked at Meng Chang.

Ask directly.

“Where is the nearest typhoon?”

"It is 60 kilometers northwest of the island country and is moving away from the island country.

Meng Chang took out the meteorological data.

This typhoon, codenamed Senlac, was generated more than ten days ago.

Sweeping all the way from the Western Pacific.

When we arrived near the island country, the wind had strengthened to level 12.

It's a pity.

It did not make landfall on the island nation.

Instead, it turned north.

"That is to say..."

Zheng Zhun looked at the movement of the typhoon.

My heart tightened.

"You think of the eye of the storm..."

"We are going to fly over the mainland of the island country!?"

Lu Ze's innocent eyes widened: "Yes."



you really!

No wonder your missiles have uninterceptible technology!

You didn’t go for the typhoon at all!”.

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