
Blue Hall.

Daily press conference.

Wang Hongbin, Director of the Information Department, looked at the prepared speech.


The news exploded one after another.

"Boss Huang! When did we have weather weapons? Why don't you give us some ventilation!"

Wang Hongbin on the phone was slightly complaining.

After seeing this speech.

He called the boss immediately.

There is no other reason.

The description of the observation missile in the speech was too explosive.

"Stop talking about you.

Before finding out.

I don't know either. "

Listening to Mr. Huang's slightly apologetic answer.

Wang Hongbin was speechless.

I feel like you are going too far with this investigation.

When I used to say hello, I was talking about touching civilian technology.

Carbon fiber will come out in a while.

After a while the stealth coating comes out.

Even the bomber clusters were found.

Wang Hongbin thought these were all going to explode.


You found a weather weapon!


You touch it further down here.

Can Nantianmen be discovered?

Your stuff is so outrageous that I can’t even make it up. "

It is customary in diplomatic speeches to not tell the whole truth.

Face most questions.

The spokesperson mostly did Tai Chi in circles.

To put it bluntly, it’s editing.

But Wang Hongbin couldn’t even edit the contents of the manuscript!

"Thank you, Director Wang!

You consider your answer carefully.

In short, we can't just tell people that we have weather weapons.

Sorry sorry!”

Wang Hongbin couldn't help laughing while listening to the phone call.

Extremely helpless.

Are you sorry?

You almost laughed out loud!


After all, Wang Hongbin is a professional foreign affairs personnel.

No matter how tricky the problem is.

What a tricky situation.

Got on the podium.

Facing foreign reporters

He always has the expression that someone owes him a million.

Holy crap.

“Let’s start today’s press conference.

If you have any reporters who want to ask questions, please raise your hands. "


The crowd under the stage stretched out countless claws.

Usually reporters are pretty enthusiastic.

But it has not reached the level of zombie siege today.

The past twenty-four hours.

There was so much going on.

Every piece of news is enough to make the front page.

"Then let this reporter from CNB ask a question."

Wang Hongbin randomly selected someone.

A reporter stood up.

"Just now, a serious natural disaster occurred in the island country.

Typhoon Senrak makes landfall in Saga City.

The central wind created the strongest speed ever recorded in human history.

As of now.

The message we received is displayed.

The typhoon has caused more than 2,000 casualties.

Four thousand homes were damaged.

The strongest tsunami this year occurred along the coast.

What do you think about this?"

Wang Hongbin: "I express my regrets."


Reporters are still waiting for Wang Hongbin’s next words.

Never expected it.

Four words and that’s it!

Before everyone enters the press hall.

Reports are flying all over the place.

This typhoon is already the strongest in history.

The disaster caused is no weaker than an earthquake.

The whole world is watching.

Rescue teams from some allies have already set off.

Even sticks that have never been dealt with.

Rescue teams were dispatched to provide support.

as a neighboring country.

Can you just say sorry and be done with it?

The reporter said in disbelief: "Is it just an expression of regret?

Seventeen countries have already sent humanitarian relief teams.

Doesn’t your country have this plan?”

Wang Hongbin said nothing.

Looking at this reporter, the corners of his mouth suddenly raised and he sneered.

There are some things that are difficult to say on the stage.

If it's in private.

Wang Hongbin will give a clear answer.

Humanism is meant to be used on people.

No need for beasts.

"Next question々||!"

The cnb ​​reporter sat down reluctantly.

He didn't get the answer he wanted.

There was no chance to ask further questions.

Another reporter from Bangzi stood up.

“Earlier your General Assembly issued a statement.

Indicates that your country launched a weather observation bomb.

Can the Secretary-General explain it in detail?"

Wang Hongbin nodded.

Start reading the manuscript in a straight and clear tone.

"Yes, our country successfully launched a weather observation missile today.

This observation missile has achieved the technology of penetrating the spiral cloud wall for the first time.

And equipped with the highest level sensors.

This is the first time in the history of global meteorology that a sensor has reached the eye of a typhoon!

It can be called a miracle in the meteorological world.

In this regard, we sincerely congratulate this unit that develops weather missiles!

It's their efforts.

It brings mankind’s understanding of weather systems into a new era!”


The reporter is thinking, am I asking you this?

What we want to hear is not your showing off.

But what do you mean by launching Typhoon missiles at this time?

he continued to ask.

” according to the Octagon.

This typhoon took a sudden turn.

Occurs after your weather missile enters the eye of the storm.

They highly suspect that you are conducting experiments similar to weather weapons.

in the case of.

Is your country responsible for the disaster in this island country?"


Wang Hongbin showed off his signature smile.

He already knew there would be a pit here.

"Zi is nothing!

This missile is for civilian use only.

Simply used to monitor typhoon conditions..."

At this moment.

Mr. Huang turned off the remote control in his hand.

The scene of Wang Hongbin answering and remembering was cut off.

Colleagues at a press conference.

The Defense Agency also held a high-level video conference.

Attending the meeting were the heads of various equipment outlets.

The video is from the chief officers of the military services in each theater.

But the boss's eyes were only on the center screen at the moment.

"Xiao Lu, have you seen that because of you, the Foreign Affairs Department's lies can no longer be rounded out?"

Lu Ze on the screen scratched his head sheepishly.

The supervisors on site were also a little confused.

Such a high-level meeting.

The lineup is almost at war level.

But today they are all supporting characters.

Only Lu Ze, the boss of a private enterprise, is the protagonist.

The reason.

It's because what I found out this time is a bit scary.

Carbon fiber, stealth technology and so on in the past.

Talking about breaking the sky is also a conventional technique.

As powerful as a bomber, it is only a tactical weapon.

But this weather missile.

But it’s at a strategic level!

It not only ignored the extremely harsh launch conditions.

It is also unblockable

It is equivalent to combining the excellent characteristics of all missiles together.

Just change a warhead.

The latest express delivery system!

Lu Ze looked at the generals on the screen.

Somewhat embarrassed.

"Boss, I'm just an ordinary missile..."

Not a word is finished.

The chief officer of the Rocket Force said.


Ordinary missiles almost destroyed the ashes of the island nation!

Your missile is more powerful than the maximum yield of a mushroom egg!"

The general was not exaggerating at all.

To achieve such a blow effect.

Unless you have to endure a dozen nuclear bombs together.

The current situation in the island country is even worse than that of the little boy back then.

The best part is.

Launch a nuclear bomb and hit it.

The other party will consider it as aggression.

Fight back immediately.

Lu Ze fires this missile over, and the impact is the same.

But they will think it is a natural disaster.

Even if someone doubts it.

It’s also a good way to take the blame.

The typhoon moves its hands, what do you think I do?

Faced with the general's doubts.

Lu Ze scratched his head.


What equivalent?

We are a missile engaged in scientific research.

It’s not calculated by equivalent amount!”

at this time.

Those in the Zhuque War Zone were speechless.

asked while staring at the screen.

“Who can do scientific research and kill thousands of people?”

Lu Ze: “It’s scientific research.

There are times of failure.

This time it failed!

Now we kind of know.

Silver iodide cannot weaken typhoons. "


Everyone looked at Lu Ze's smile.

It’s not like he regrets that his scientific research failed.

Why are you secretly happy?


You know that silver iodide cannot weaken typhoons.

But you know that silver iodide can strengthen typhoons.

“This time it was a fluke.

Typhoon made landfall in Saga.

In case the typhoon moves further down..."

He didn't even finish his words.

Lu Ze interrupted the general.


We do science on a certain basis.

It was decided that he could only go that way. "

Looking at Lu Ze's determined expression.

Everyone understood instantly.

This is not scientific research at all.

Lu Ze is not a scientist either.

Pure hell.

"Anyway, this missile was a bit sloppy.

Have you ever thought about it?

There are a few more similar missiles.

What should the island nation do?”

Lu Ze spread his hands: "What else can we do? Let's go over and issue ID cards one by one..."

The generals on the screen who did not recognize Lu Ze frowned.

Use the most normal tone.

Say the harshest words.

The murderous aura in this boy is stronger than those of their generals.

It was difficult for them to get used to Lu Ze's way of speaking.

Qin Renyuan, Wei Jiang and Zheng Zhenzhen, who are familiar with Lu Ze, have comfortable expressions on their faces.

At the same time, I was a little surprised.

They could guess that Lu Ze had something up his sleeve.

did not expect.

He hid a big one!

A missile not only has countless technologies that can be borrowed.

The direct strategic effect is comparable to that of a nuclear bomb.

How fragrant!

Now it seems.

It's an understatement to ask him to do carbon fiber and stealth coatings.

々Are you done asking questions?”

Mr. Huang suddenly looked at several generals.

They all nodded.

"I think Xiao Lu is right.

It's just a weather detection technology.

What's the big deal?"

The boss’s words sealed the deal.

The generals also instantly understood the boss's intentions.

Say no more.


The boss looked at Lu Ze.

"But Xiao Lu, don't give your meteorological skills to the Meteorological Bureau for the time being.

Give it to the Rockets.

Let them study it.


Everyone smiled bitterly in their hearts.

Including the commander of the Rocket Force.

"In addition, give the Meteorological Bureau that captured the Yingjiang pilot this time some collective third-class merit.

The stenographer on the side immediately recorded the boss's order.

Although written very quickly.

But avoid muttering.

The last time foreign military prisoners were captured domestically.

Or a few decades ago.

Moreover, it was the municipal meteorological bureau that received the combat meritorious service.

Full of martial virtue.

That's all.

"Besides, Xiao Lu, you have to hurry up.

This time I found you a Juteng Fire Factory again.

I hope these technologies from Juteng.

It can be reflected in Juwei Defense products as quickly as possible.

Whether it's yesterday's fire-fighting equipment.

It’s still today’s weather bomb.

The boss wants it all.

Before, he was still worried about Juwei Defense entering the military industry.

Will it be acclimatized?

Now it seems.

It's just a waste of worry.

The factory building over there hasn't been completed yet.

The missiles here are already in the sky.

(Zhao Qian's) even.

Juteng Fire's products can seamlessly become the first batch of Juwei Defense's products by changing the warhead and affixing a label.

Lu Ze nodded.

He originally thought so too.

Technology is all figured out.

Even if Party B is anxious.

He can make Juteng become Juwei's foundry.

Just at this time.

A general in navy uniform stood up.

He looked at the boss.

Look at Lu Ze again.

He said a little aggrievedly.


The Army touched it!

The Air Force touched it!

The Rocket Army also touched it!

When are you going to touch our navy!?"

Of course the Navy will be unbalanced.

The Army came up with electromagnetic guns and all-terrain vehicles.

The Air Force took out the bombers.

The Rocket Force even has weather weapons.

What about the navy?

There is only one blocking rope that cannot be directly counted as a weapon.

The admiral instantly felt like he was born to a stepmother.

Lu Ze looked at the jealous navy admiral.

Xin said, do you usually behave like this in meetings?

Touching and touching.

Where do you put these 18 touches?

The boss listened to the navy’s complaints.

Looking at Lu Ze with a smile.

"Lu Ze, did you hear that?

Stop pretending!

I know your Weizhou Intelligence has something!

When are you going to touch the navy?"

The boss is not idle these days either.

He asked Hu Chengwu to sort out Weizhou Intelligent's business.

Surprising discovery.

Weizhou Intelligent has a large ship about to be launched.

"Your so-called Weizhou Intelligence doesn't just make toy boats, right?"

Lu Ze saw that the boss knew it.

No more hiding it.

"Weizhou Intelligence can be touched..."

Just two days later.

During the launching ceremony, I invited the chief of the navy to come over!"

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