North Sea Maritime Authority.

Wang Xingbang looked at the real-time navigation chart on the big screen.

asked his subordinate.

"Has the no-sail notice been implemented?"

"It has been announced on the official website, and ships on the voyage are being notified one by one!"


Early in the morning.

The Xuanwu War Zone notified the Maritime Safety Administration.

The theater will conduct live-fire exercises in the Gulf.

A large no-navigation area has been delineated.

Covering almost the entire bay.

The subordinates complained somewhat.

"Director, the country has somewhat treated us as human beings this time.


"The exercise was notified only a few hours in advance. How could we have time to prepare?"

"Military regions also have difficulties, long live understanding.

It is normal for subordinates to have complaints in their hearts.

As the director of the Maritime Safety Administration, Wang Xingbang has a longer-term consideration.

Yesterday, Yingjiang teamed up with Tiaopanji and Bangzi to launch a maritime exercise codenamed [Sharp Sword].

The Eagle Seventh Fleet is dispatched in full force.

The stick and foot pot chickens also cooperated fully.

The exercise area is located just outside the Gulf on the high seas.

no doubt.

This is to inflate the weather pop-up from before.

To this.

The theater also responded quickly.

Immediately mobilize part of the Northern Fleet to conduct live-fire exercises.

Return color.

At the same time, Duosou 052 was dispatched for surveillance.

Two exercises were held simultaneously.

The shipping lanes in the northern seas are almost completely blocked.

The most miserable one is the Maritime Safety Administration.

It’s peak shipping season.

The Maritime Safety Administration not only has to coordinate the prohibition of large numbers of ships.

Ships that have already set sail have to be called back.

The Maritime Safety Administration's intercom was almost smoking.

at this time.

A subordinate came over.

In hand is a satellite phone.

"Director, Wei Zhou intelligently wrote something.

Upon hearing this name.

Wang Xingbang frowned so hard that he could kill a mosquito.

He didn't answer the phone right away.

"What's the matter?" "620" "It's still a matter of sea trial application. They hope to start the sea trial immediately.

"Nonsense! I don't agree!"

Wang Xingbang had no intention of connecting the phone.

Weizhou Intelligent made a report in advance.

It should be approved according to the process.

But it just so happened.

Military exercises were carried out.

Wang Xingbang stopped the sea trial activities.

He thought about launching a fishing boat into the water for a trial run, there was no need to be in such a hurry.

After the exercise in the war zone.

They try as long as they want.

I kept getting harassing phone calls.

That's a bit much.

"You tell them that everything must be done according to the rules!

The new ship is launched into the water for trial sea trials. Forget about the incomplete procedures!

There are also military exercises during these two days.

What are they anxious about?

If you continue to be so annoying, I won’t approve any subsequent trial applications!”

Wang Xingbang was angry.

The house was in complete chaos.

Weizhou Intelligent comes to cause trouble.

I don’t know what this bad company is doing.

It's just a newly established shipyard.

Very tough attitude.

Make it like a shipping giant.

Bincheng Shipyard, which can build aircraft carriers, is not so aggressive.

The subordinate could only convey Wang Xingbang's words to the person waiting on the phone.

Wang Xingbang saw it clearly.

The subordinate didn't say a word.

It seemed like she was already being cursed on the phone.

Wang Xingbang was also angry.

He stepped forward, grabbed the phone and hung up.

"What's wrong! I have a very bad temper!"

About two minutes later.

Another phone ringing directly to the military area.

"Hello! I'm Wang Xingbang..."

"You guys are so big, why don't you hang up on me?"

"Who are you?"

"Nie Qiao!"

"Commander Nie, I didn't hang up the phone on you."

Wang Xingbang looked at his subordinates.

A confused group.

"Fart, I didn't even finish what I said just now. Hang up. What do you mean?"

"Ah! That's you?"

"Stop talking nonsense, Shanhe Fishing is leaving the port now. Please coordinate the channel."

Wang Xingbang seemed to have been struck by lightning.

Shanheyu is Weizhou Intelligent’s new boat.

I applied for sea trial permission several times.

If you don't pass, you can understand by looking for connections.

But the relationship between Shanheyu is so hard?

Go directly to the theater commander?

But Wang Xingbang thought about it.

Even if you are the commander, you are not the commander of my Maritime Safety Administration.

Why did he say: "Commander Nie, there are currently military activities outside the port. The notice was issued by the military region..."

"Nonsense! Doesn't the commander-in-chief of my first military region know about the military activities?"

"What I mean is that it might be a bit dangerous to go fishing in the mountains and rivers now."

"Don't worry about that. Just coordinate the channel. This is not a request, but an order."

Wang Xingbang immediately lost his mind to refute.

Any time.

The military has the greatest sea power.

He could only nod.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away, but what mission is Shanheyu performing?

"What other tasks can Shanhe Fishing perform? Fishing!"

Commander Nie was obviously a little angry.

After saying that, he immediately put down the phone.

Everyone at the Maritime Safety Administration was confused.

Why is it so urgent?

There's a fire drill outside.

The fishing boats are anxious to get out.

Are you asking the theater commander to contact the Maritime Safety Administration?

Eager to go fishing for Kun?

Wang Xingbang did not come to a conclusion.

We can only follow Nie Qiao's order to coordinate the departure of Shanhe Fishing.


at the same time.


Northern Fleet Command.

Commander Xu Zhongming picked up the phone and cursed.

"Nonsense! Why are there still civilian ships leaving the port when you are told to ban navigation?"

After Xu Zhongming saw Shanhe Yu leaving port.

I immediately called the Beihai Maritime Safety Administration.

It doesn't matter if the management is usually lax.

But today is a live-fire exercise.

If a civilian ship accidentally enters the exercise area and causes accidental damage.

The consequences could be disastrous.

Wang Xingbang on the other end of the phone was also a little innocent.

I was scolded by two commanders and deputy commanders in one day.

Who can bear it?

"Shanhe Fishing has an urgent fishing mission..."

"What a fucking joke! What a fucking fishing and housing service!"

"That's what they said!"

"Stop talking nonsense with me and bring Shanheyu in. I personally say it's outrageous!"

hang up the phone.

Xu Zhongming was so angry that his blood pressure was high.

There was gunfire outside.

Fishing still has a fucking mission.

He looked back at the chief of staff.

"The entire fleet of Waihai Yingjiang is placed there, and my own fishing boat doesn't obey the command. It's surrendered."

"Commander, please don't be angry. After the exercise, we will file a complaint with Commander Nie and ask him to rectify the Maritime Safety Bureau."

"Well, how's Commander Nie doing?"

"Commander Nie is currently conducting reception activities, and he probably won't be able to take any time off for a while."

"Okay, it's just a few broken ships of the Seventh Fleet. There's no need for a commander."

at this time.

Shanheyu accessed the military's call channel.

[This is the Northern Fleet Headquarters. There are currently important military activities in the Beibu Gulf. Please return your ship immediately and return to port to wait for notification!]

[Repeat! Your ship will return to the port immediately! Do not leave the port without permission!]

The caller from the headquarters said expressionlessly.

Any call from Fleet Command.

All are unconditional commands.

Not to mention civilian ships, military ships also have to listen.

But the next second.

[This is Shanhe Fishing! My ship has an important mission and needs to leave the port urgently. Please let me go.


The caller was stunned at first.

I suspect that the other party did not hear my call clearly.

So I repeated it

Still got the same answer.

What a fucking joke.

As a fishing boat, what important tasks do you have?

The tone is still so arrogant.

Do you think you are a warship?

The caller looked back at Xu Zhongming.

The commander's anger could no longer be suppressed.

He took two steps forward.

Pick up the microphone.

[Shan He Yu, this is Xu Zhongming, Vice Admiral Commander of the Northern Fleet and Deputy Commander of the Xuanwu Theater!

Listen to me!

Return to Hong Kong immediately! Don’t go anywhere!

If I advance another mile, I will endanger national defense security.

reply received!】


The corner of Xu Zhongming's mouth sank: "Fuck!"

[Northern Fleet Headquarters, this is Shanheyu, and I am Nie Qiao. Lao Xu, don't be so angry. 】



[Well, I'm on Shanheyu now. Shanheyu needs to go out now, please let me go. This is an order. 】


Just a few sentences.

The kindness is sonorous.

There is absolutely no doubt about it.

Everyone in the headquarters was stunned.

Why did the commander escape to the fishing boat?

[Commander, what are you doing out at this juncture? Are you still on the fishing boat?]

Xu Zhongming immediately called up the information on Shanhe Fishing.

This vessel is an ocean fishing vessel still under construction.

【Are you going fishing?】

[Stop talking nonsense, coordinate the departure from the port! In addition, let the fleet dispatch two ships to escort. 】


【Excuting an order!】

As soon as these four words came out.

Xu Zhongming’s DNA moved.

All doubts disappeared immediately.

Then three frigates were deployed to escort immediately.

at this time.

Shanheyu had just sailed out of the port not long ago.

Due to port closure.

There are many ships in the harbor.

Among them are some competitors of Weizhou Intelligent and Longyuan Shipping.

The port's radio channels were extremely busy.

[Oops, how long will this drill last? 】

[Just wait, the Maritime Safety Administration issued a no-sail announcement for six hours. 】

[I can’t stop fighting for six hours. 】

【How to say?】

[I saw that Yingjiang’s drill said it would take three days. 】

[Things that are forced to be raised hinder my ability to make money. 】

[Stop complaining, I see a few giant ships lying there in the south, so our small fishing boat can just wait in peace. 】

The captains were bored.

You can't leave the ship.

Perhaps the no-sail notice may be cancelled.

I can only wait calmly.

But at this moment.

[Damn it, the boat is moving!]

【Ah? The flight ban has been cancelled? 】

[No! I asked, the flight ban is still in effect. 】

【Then why is this ship?】

【Whose ship is it? Who can see the hull number clearly? 】

[Can't see clearly, it seems to be a new ship, at least tens of thousands of tons. 】

[Hammer! I saw the ship number, Shanhe Fishing, round fishing boat!]



The radio is full of question marks...


Everyone saw the so-called fishing boat leaving the harbor

Covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

There was a lot of movement.

If you didn’t look carefully, you would think it was some kind of super giant cruise ship.

【Are you kidding! Whose fishing boat is so big!】

[Put aside for the moment, how did they get out? 】

[There is someone up there. 】

【I’m so jealous!】

ten minutes later.

Northern Fleet exercise area.

Three frigates deviated from their original route.

Or return to the port.

This is an order from Commander Xu, and there is no doubt about it.

But the officers and soldiers of the three ships had complaints.

Emergency preparations in the middle of the night.

Three ships were mobilized to conduct live-fire exercises in the bay.

Just drove into the designated location.

Not even a few shots were fired.

Now let them go home again.

"Captain, what do you mean? You're torturing us back and forth."

The captain sighed helplessly.

"There is no way. It is said that there is an important escort mission, and the escort target has just left the port. Execute the order.

Eagle Sauce's Seventh Fleet is at the doorstep.

The entire Northern Fleet was also mobilized.

Maybe it's an opportunity to make a difference.

They were transferred to escort.

The morale of the officers and soldiers on the ship was extremely low.

“What ship deserves our three frigates to go with?

And that’s Ben City Port.

Our own harbor.

There are no pirates, so why bother?"

The captain looked down at the written order.

His eyes were fixed on the target ship's hull number.

Endless contemplation.

Two seconds later.

He spoke slowly.

"Our escort target is Shanheyu."

this moment.

The atmosphere in the command room was solid.

The first mate even thought the captain had mispronounced it.

The domestic ship naming rules are as follows.

The identity under jurisdiction + the purpose of the vessel.

Shanhe means that this is a ship from Shanhe Province.

The word "fish" is even more clear.

"You're crazy! Why are fishing boats escorting us?"

The captain and first mate have experienced escort missions many times.

But most of them are merchant ships.

Even though there are a few fishing boats.

The escort locations are also in extremely dangerous places such as the Gulf of Aden.

Now we are in Beibu Gulf!

At the door of your own home.

Not to mention pirates, not even thieves.

Meteorological conditions are also very optimistic.

How to say?

Is this broken fishing boat underage?

"How fucking expensive is this fishing boat?"

"have no idea."

"Is this broken boat going out to fish for Kun?"

"Stop thinking blindly and go to the order."

After the captain confirmed that the order was correct, he could only keep his complaints in his heart.

After a few minutes.

The current Baozhou ship has almost reached its position.

[Zaoyang ship! Baozhou ship calls!]

[This is the Zaoyang ship, please speak!]

[Our ship did not see the escort target, but found a sailor on the flank of our ship!]


The captain immediately picked up his binoculars.

What a joke.

The Northern Fleet is a dual-carrier fleet.

But there are only two ships.

At this time, one ship was performing ocean training.

One ship is conducting live-fire exercises.

Where did Bincheng get its aircraft carrier?

"Are you kidding me? 5.3 is such a good aircraft carrier... Damn it!"

In the telescope.

A large ship came into view.

Several hundred meters of hull.

A long, narrow and empty deck.

There are also various weapon configurations on the ship island.

What an aircraft carrier!

The captain's first reaction was horror.

The fourth aircraft carrier has been launched?

"Captain, look at the side!"

After the first mate reminded, the captain immediately moved the telescope down.

On the gray paint, the white hull number is extremely conspicuous.

[Mountain and river fishing...]

"You call this a fishing boat!"

The officers and soldiers of the three ships sighed at the same time.

Everyone couldn't help but look at this giant ship.

The closer.

The stronger the sense of oppression.

Compared with the frigate, this fishing boat is as big as a mountain.

Everyone was shocked at the same time.

Shanheyu called.

[Baozhou ship, this is Shanhe Fishing, our ship is about to conduct fishing operations, thank you for your escort!]


The first mate has not been in the army for a short time.

What kind of fish has he never seen?

The largest fishing boat on the sea is just over 10,000 tons.

Even so, the performance is excessive.

The fish caught by this kind of boat out to sea is said to be hundreds of tons at least.

It is visually estimated that the ship in front of me has a displacement of at least tens of thousands of tons.

Just go online.

The fish in the entire Beibu Gulf are extinct!

[Shanhe Fishing, I am Baozhou Ship, I don’t understand, what kind of fish do you catch and what kind of business do you do?]

[Baozhou Ship, I am Nie Qiao. 】

【Hello, Commander!】

[You and the Zaoyang ship and the Huiding ship will escort each other according to the itinerary and keep a certain distance. Don’t ask any questions about the rest. Everything will be subject to Shanheyu’s command!]


Make it clear with your mouth.

Available outside of radio.

The captain's head was filled with questions.

Why is the commander still on the ship?

He glanced at the first mate solemnly.

"Could it be...

Does Kun really exist?

The chief will go fishing in person?"

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