At the same time, countless netizens expressed their feelings.

Xiaotian: “I just changed countless industries because I worked overtime every day, but no matter how I wandered around in the private company, I still got 996 or 007.” ”

“Now that I’ve resigned, I feel that kind of life is really meaningless, and I don’t have time to spend the money I earn every day. ”

“Forget it, I don’t play anymore, I’m not afraid of others laughing at me. Prepare for various public exams full-time, and only when you become a meat eater can you have the opportunity not to work overtime, or go home to farm. ”

Jing Peng: “The essence of the problem is not ‘struggle or not’, but the exploitation and primitive accumulation of capitalists, brainless to let employees create more surplus value, so to solve the problem from the essence should be overtime at the same time, wage subsidies.” ”

I urged the change: “In the past, our ancestors dared to protest, demonstrate, fight, and confront the capitalists for the 8-hour working day, but now we only dare to silently lament the injustice of the world and the exploitation of the capitalists behind the screen.” ”

“Where did the bloody nature of the revolutionary martyrs go? Why did we not see the momentum of rights protection under the unfair treatment of 996, if it were not for the fact that Su Dada produced software that was enough to affect the whole country? Are we really moving forward? Or are we going backwards? ”

cxzdsa.. “In short, the country is awesome, Su is awesome!!”.



Gang Haibai, who was still speaking out against Su Ziang’s “Su Work Gang” before, is now frightened.

His boss hurriedly called and told him to go out and apologize.

Did he continue to speak out, he was scolded so badly, if he apologized, everyone could ride on his head, wouldn’t it be even worse?

His face was bitter, but he didn’t dare not listen to his boss’s words, and hurriedly posted on Weibo: “I was wrong, I am against 996, everyone is responsible.” ”

He had just finished posting, and the reply exploded instantly.

And then….

The entire Weibo was scolded because there were too many people scolding him, and he collapsed instantly!!

After an emergency repair.

Gang Haibai just glanced at the message, and spit out a mouthful of old blood.

These messages simply give full play to the spirit of the Zuan region!

“Woo woo woo, don’t scold anymore, I’ve become a sinner in the whole country!!”.

“I’m just a part-time worker, and my boss asked me to do this…”

“Just let me go. ”

For his words, countless netizens just replied: “Hehe.” ”

“Worker thief!?”.

“I hate people like you, the old people say that the ass determines the brain, and your ass and brain are not in the right position. ”

“I will fuck yours, the software in the world now, which is not rogue software, collect user information at will, and then take it out to buy money!!”.

“That’s right, I still want Su Dada to collect some of my information more than with you!!”.

As soon as Haibai glanced at it, he felt a tightness in his chest.

He was uncomfortable again.

Vomit blood directly.

Then he wept bitterly with great sorrow.

“Woo woo woo woo !!



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After countless official media and Internet giants spoke out, the battle was won by a big margin.

And the “Su’s Work Gang” has also been regarded by countless people as the company’s essential virus software.

If your company doesn’t have the Su Work Gang, you will be looked down upon by countless people, and even think, do you want to secretly want to travel 996?

It’s not that overtime is not okay, but that you should be paid commensurate with it.

This has become a common concept among countless job seekers.

Regarding the “Su Work Gang”, if it weren’t for the fact that it was a virus software, Su Ziang could even make a fortune by relying on the patent fees of this software.

It is also because the “Su Work Gang” produced by Su Ziang is not harmful to the society, but has made a great contribution to the society, so there is no government to prohibit the spread of the Su Work Gang.


At the same time, Xiong Da Live realized the huge energy contained in Su Ziang for the first time through this incident.

That night, Big Boss Xiong gathered all the high-level personnel and held a meeting.

Big Boss Xiong: “No matter what you do!”.

“I only ask for one thing, let Master Su come to our Xiongda live broadcast, no matter how much it is, even if it is 50 million, hundreds of millions, I will snatch him for me!!”.

“With Master Su, we can directly challenge the leading position of shark live broadcast, and in addition, it is even possible to directly IPO successfully, and our Xiongda live broadcast will be listed directly!!”.

“This goal, who these directors find their own way to accomplish. ”

“Whoever invited Master Su over, I will give him 10 million funds on the spot!”

Boss Xiong’s words fell, and all the executives present were taken aback.

While being surprised, they quickly reacted that the energy that Su Ziang showed at this time was by no means just an ordinary anchor, with his current name, he could definitely sweep all Internet celebrities.

In addition….

Ten million!

They admit that they are moved.

So they patted their chests one by one and said loudly: “Don’t worry, boss, we will do it!!”.


Tiger Live Boss : “All the staff move for me, hurry up and grab the front of other platforms, and pull Su Xiaoye together for our Tiger Live!!”.

“As far as I know, Master Su has only been live for two days now, and he has not signed a contract with Shark Live. ”

“As long as I can pull Su Xiaoye to our platform and win over his executives, I will directly give him three times his salary this year, with a minimum guarantee of 10 million!!”.

All the executives of Tiger Live were red with excitement, as if they had been beaten with chicken blood.


Fangs live broadcast boss: “Okay, you should all know everything, Master Su, he is a phenomenal anchor.” ”

“If you grab him, you will be able to grab the future, and I will not allow him to fall into the hands of other platforms. ”

“Whether our fangs can turn over or not depends on this battle!!”.

“Everyone, get moving!!”.

“The person who woos Master Su Su to come over, I will reward him with 10 million!!”.

The executives of the fangs live broadcast roared excitedly, and they all seemed to have become wild wolves, showing their fangs.

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