His Royal Highness Qiao was slightly stunned.

She didn’t understand why pressing F to enter the tank asked her to download a piece of software.

Although she didn’t understand why, she nodded in agreement.

“Big guy, you can share the software directly with me. ”

Soon, she received a private message from pressing F to enter the tank.

Her Royal Highness Qiao clicked on the link to enter the Hundred Dogs network disk that the tank shared with her, and then clicked to download.

After the download is complete.

His Royal Highness Qiao saw the familiar name——

Su’s Meitu Show!?

Isn’t this the exclusive naming method of Su Su Su, who has been particularly popular recently?

Is it another virus?

His Royal Highness Qiao doesn’t know much about Su Ziang, who has been very popular recently, she only knows that Su Ziang is a big guy who does viruses.

She hurriedly and cautiously groped around, and found that this Su’s Meituxiu did not block her files, and there was nothing out of the ordinary.

It seems that this time it’s not a virus, it’s just ordinary software.

This made His Royal Highness Qiao breathe a sigh of relief.

After groping around with Su’s Meituxiu, she smiled.

No wonder!

No wonder press F to enter the tank boss and ask her to download this software.

I have to say that the compulsion of this software is still quite high.

The photos that come out with Su’s Meitu P give people a sense of luxury in the movie.

But just in case, His Royal Highness Qiao said: “Press F to enter the tank boss, I still don’t know how to use this software, I’ll just take a picture, I won’t use this software,”

“Let’s just take a picture for everyone, okay?”.

Press F to enter the tank and see His Royal Highness Qiao will install the software, and his purpose has been achieved, of course, he agreed.

The audience watched this scene and suddenly thought of something.

“This brother, it’s a bit of a manipulation…”

“Haha, let’s see through it, this is a chance to enter the tank boss by pressing F, and give everyone a chance to win. ”

“Su Da is really everywhere. ”

“Su Dada’s face is here!!”.


His Royal Highness Qiao didn’t look at the barrage at this time, she made a cute action and took a picture with the camera.

Then, she hurriedly opened the PS beautification software specially made for her by the team behind her.

This is a private customized appearance software for her, which can directly increase her appearance by a hundred times, or even a thousand times, and there is no trace of loopholes, and people will not see any weird pictures such as space distortion.

In a word.


His Royal Highness Qiao is very skillful in exporting the photos just taken to the PS beautification software, starting to P here and there, and trying to P to look the best.

I have to say that His Royal Highness Qiao obviously has a lot of P pictures, so he moved very fast, and he P out the photos in just a minute or two.

On the way, in order to prevent the audience from guessing that she was in the P picture, she casually made an excuse, just saying that her photo was not taken well, she took the wrong one, and took a few more photos.

“Just for His Royal Highness Qiao’s quality of being good at treating people, I will reward you again


He was very moved to press F to enter the tank, and he swiped another 10,000 yuan super rocket.

The audience watched as the rockets soared into the sky.

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They all gasped and exclaimed:

“Super boss, oh my God. ”

“The big guy is arrogant. ”

“I’m dumbfounded, the big guy is recharging money again. ”

“Big guy, don’t charge it anymore, one is 100,000 yuan, one is 10,000 yuan…”

“Sure enough, it’s the big guy who is domineering, and the big guy is awesome.”

There is also a barrage that is not the same.

“Hehe, I’m a fan of Su Dada, and I already understand the true intention of pressing F to enter the tank boss, but I won’t say it. ”

“I understand, too, but I don’t say either, hehe. ”

“We all understand that it’s good to watch it for a while, whether it’s a real-value anchor or a fake anchor, we will know in a while. ”

In the live broadcast room of His Royal Highness Qiao, there are still many fans of Su Ziang.

They all understood what the software Su Ziang had just made had and what functions it had, but they didn’t plan to say it in the live broadcast room.

After all, they were also very curious about what His Royal Highness Qiao’s true appearance was.

His Royal Highness Qiao, the anchor, has always claimed that she is a good-looking anchor, but she has never shown her face, her real appearance is not easy to say, the photos she sent out are very beautiful, but her real appearance, or how much can she have without makeup?

The audience thought to themselves, even if His Royal Highness Qiao P picture, it is impossible to P too much, it is impossible to P is not the same person.

It’s okay if it’s just a face, then it’s barely okay.

Thinking so, His Royal Highness Qiao’s voice came from the live broadcast room.

“Press F to enter the tank boss, ladies and gentlemen, I’ve done it, my photo has been taken. ”

I was excited when I pressed F to enter the tank on the spot, and hurriedly said: “Send it quickly, just post it directly in the comment area, let’s take a look together.” ”

His Royal Highness Qiao did not hesitate and sent the photo directly.

After she sent the photo, she smiled at the camera again.

“Hehe, don’t do anything bad to my photos. ”


Press F to enter the tank and rush to the comment area as soon as possible, opening the latest top post of His Royal Highness Qiao.

At a glance, you can see the first photo in the post.

After clicking on it, others are stupid!

Suddenly confused!

Stunned and dumbfounded!

He quickly rubbed his eyes and looked over with wide eyes.

When he looked at the picture again, he suspected that he was blind.

I saw that in the photo, it was an aunt in her forties and fifties, who was full of youthful smiles, and the wrinkles on her face could already be clearly seen…

Press F to enter the tank and be stunned on the spot.

He suddenly felt sick to his stomach.


This post instantly had more than 100,000 likes.

But strangely, no one replied. All the audience remained unanimous in their silence.

The barrage in the live broadcast room also stopped.


In order to write His Royal Highness Qiao, the author Jun went to look for the video again and watched it again, and felt that he was already blind.

Don’t you vote, comfort the poor author?

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