[Ding, congratulations to the host China Construction Bank for receiving 2 billion yuan.


Jing pinched his thigh, grinning in pain.

[Host, please be focused.

"I'm shocked

, two billion!" The system said that it would give two billion, but unfortunately there was still a little bit left to deduct the points, and it hurts.

I don't know when the next upgrade will be!

Now that the funds are in place, the next step is to buy the mountain.

One thing in my heart finally ran aground.

When he reappeared in front of Chen Kang, Chen Kang had already packed up, revealing his upper body.

Chen Jing noticed that the scar on his back had disappeared.

Her skin is delicate and smooth, just like a woman's.

It's a great way to deal with the scar.

Chen Jing's eyes kept staring at his back, and after realizing the fiery gaze behind him, Chen Kang turned around and immediately covered the position of his chest.

"Brother... I'm a serious person.

"I'm also a normal person!"

"Hehe, just kidding, hehe..." Chen Kang has always been thick-skinned, and the way he laughs is very funny and funny.

"Pack up and go back.

Chen Jing said.


After Chen Kang, who was dressed, came out of the cave, he was light, and once again sighed that soaking in the hot spring was really beneficial.

It was something he had never felt before.

Chen Kang, who was walking on the road, noticed the contents of Chen Jing's back basket, and he stared curiously.

"These things in there... It looks like herbs, and some of them are wild vegetables? Brother, can there be herbs in the mountains?"

"Otherwise, how could it be a mountain?

Chen Jing's mood was very happy.

Along the way, I recalled all kinds of things on the map in my mind, and owning this mountain is equivalent to owning a big gold mountain.

What we need to do now is to take the whole mountain into our pockets.


No one at home responded.

Chen Jing went to Coco's house, the quilt was neatly folded, and the child was not inside.

Chen Kang outside: "It should be going out to play, but Coco has been playing with that guy Huzi." "

Probably, come with me to the city. "


Chen Kang said in surprise.


, then I'll go find the car now, let's drive, I haven't been to town for a long time, we can also take the opportunity to buy something and come back." "

Seeing that the end of the year is approaching, it is essential to prepare New Year's goods.

"No, it's not the town this time. "

Huh, where is that?" Chen

Kang asked suspiciously.

"Deer City. "

Lucheng, our big provincial capital here, brother, what are we going to Lucheng for? After living so big, I haven't been to our city here, so I'll go directly to the provincial capital?" Chen Kang's

heart was extremely excited at this time.

Big cities,

not to mention the far, far distance from the provincial capital.

First of all, they can't do it on the same day,

"What are we going to Lucheng for?"


"I'll go prepare the baggage." "

Hmm. "

Chen Jing is going to Chen Zhenfa's house now, and after arriving at his house, Chen Zhenfa is not at home, but Wang Guixiang is.

After listening to Chen Jing's narration, Wang Guixiang soothed: "Don't worry, with me, I will definitely take care of Cocoa, if you have something to do, go and be busy with yourself, go out, pay attention to safety."

"I will. "

Are you going by yourself?"

"I'll go with Chen Kang."

Wang Guixiang nodded: "Chen Kang's kid is okay, this time you go so far, you pay more attention to safety." "

Hmm. After

Chen Jing went back, Coco happened to have already returned.

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