As a parent, the issue of whether to allow children to eat snacks has always been controversial. Chen Aijun's approach is one-size-fits-all, and he firmly refuses to allow children to eat snacks, believing that this is for the good of the children.

But many viewers believe that childhood without snacks is an incomplete childhood!

Who hasn’t had snacks as a kid?

When I think back to my childhood, the joy of eating snacks is simply the best memory in my life!

When I grow up, I will eat it, but I will never have the same feeling as when I was a child.

It's so pitiful for someone like Tiantian, who is six years old and has never eaten chips, lollipops or chocolate!

While the audience was discussing endlessly, the camera was naturally switched to Lu Yu, the father of the post-90s generation.

However, after seeing this scene, the audience was instantly dumbfounded!

Then I saw Lu Yu, hiding behind a tree at the entrance of the kindergarten, looking around like a thief, as if he was afraid of being seen.

"Hahaha, what is Lu Yu doing?"

"I do not know"

"Is he playing peek-a-boo?"


In fact, not only the audience was confused, but even the cameraman was confused. He and Lu Yu came to pick up Tongtong from school. Unexpectedly, as soon as they arrived, the post-90s dad actually hid behind a tree.

The camera guy doesn’t know what he’s doing!

Seeing so many people asking questions on the barrage, the cameraman had no choice but to ask,

"Mr. Lu, what are you doing? Why don't you go there?"

Hearing the cameraman's curiosity,

Lu Yu took a deep breath and pointed to the kindergarten door with some embarrassment,"Look over there, there are a lot of parents!"


The cameraman glanced at the door and nodded honestly.

Sure, it's time for school to end now.

Parents have come to pick up their children. There must be a lot of people there.

"That's right, there are so many people over there, and you are following me with a camera. If I go there, I won't be directly watched by people!"

Lu Yu said resistingly,

"I don’t want to be watched, Taishe is dead!"

Lu Yu's character is actually very homely. He doesn't like to deal with strangers. To put it bluntly, Lu Yu has some social fears.

Perhaps it is because of this that Lu Yu worked as an online writer after graduation. Occupation, I stay at home and write novels every day. Although I don’t earn much, it’s enough to spend, and I don’t need to interact too much with outsiders.

Hearing Lu Yu’s explanation, the cameraman almost fell down laughing. He didn’t expect that this The rebellious dad born in the 1990s is actually a terrorist!

"Hahahaha, it turns out that Lu Yu is a social phobic. This is so true!"

"Laughing to death, no wonder he refused to go there!"

"After passing by, he will definitely be watched by parents like the 80s-born dad!"

"To be honest, I'm also afraid of social problems. I'd be embarrassed if you asked me to parade around the city with a camera guy."


The audience can understand Lu Yu's social fear, because many people are also afraid of society, and even if they are asked to shoot with their mobile phones, let alone a big brother with a camera behind him, they are embarrassed.

But at this moment, Lu Yu was discovered!

"Ah, that's Tongtong's father, so you are there!"

A parent of a student saw Lu Yu hiding behind the tree and shouted excitedly.

This parent is also a viewer of the program"Two Generations of Raising Children". He has been looking for him since he arrived just now. Lu Yu's figure was finally found by him.

As soon as he said this, the other parents also turned their heads and looked over.


Lu Yu was seen by everyone!


Lu Yu became the focus of the audience!

This scene made the audience in the live broadcast room burst into tears with laughter.

"Hahaha, what the hell, what are you afraid of?"

"It made me laugh so much, I might as well not have hidden it, and now it’s been discovered, it’s even more embarrassing!"

"Oh no, no, my habit of embarrassing others has happened again!"

"Taishe is dead, why not come out from the beginning!"


Lu Yu himself was speechless. After digging out a villa under his feet, he could only helplessly walk out from behind the tree, pretending to be calm and walking over with the cameraman.

The next development of things was indeed beyond Lu Yu's expectations.

He was soon surrounded by a large number of parents. These parents asked questions. When they learned that Lu Yu was recording a program with their children, After that, some parents also wanted to learn from Lu Yu's experience on how to raise an outstanding child.

This scene is almost exactly the same as what happened to Chen Aijun, the father born in the 1980s.

There was no other way.

Faced with so many people asking questions, Lu Yu had no choice but to bite the bullet and express his opinion.

But his first words shocked everyone.

"I feel that it is really difficult for children nowadays. It doesn’t matter whether they are good or not. As long as she can grow up safely and happily, I will be satisfied."


As soon as these words came out, the surrounding parents immediately aroused surprises. They never expected that Lu Yu would answer like this.

One parent raised his eyebrows and said in a strange way,

"Mr. Lu, you don’t want to share your experience with us, so that’s why you say this, right?"

"What’s so difficult about today’s children?"

"We as parents have finished all the hardships, and they are just like living in a honeypot. How happy they are!"

Hearing this parent's question, Lu Yu immediately looked at the parent.

"You are definitely a very ignorant person to say such things!"

Lu Yu smiled and said,

"There is no such thing as hardship. Every generation has its own difficulties. Those born in the 50s and 60s worry about having enough to eat, those born in the 70s and 80s worry about the economy, those born in the 90s worry about buying a house and sky-high betrothal gifts, and those born in the 2000s worry about their studies. Worrying about employment……"

"Our children’s generation also has its share of hardships."

"Not to mention other things, poisonous milk powder, mask virus, zombies and vegetables entering campus, war in neighboring countries, nuclear sewage, serious irrational distribution of resources, etc., there are too many, and they are all caused by their generation. , what we are facing now, and what we will face in the future."

There are some things that cannot be said too directly in front of the camera, so Lu Yu can only click on them.

However, even if he just clicked on them, the parents around him reacted instantly and fell into deep thought.

The parent who was so angry just now turned red with embarrassment, lowered his head and said nothing.

Seeing that everyone understood, Lu Yu spread his hands and said with a smile,

"So, I think it’s really difficult for children nowadays. It doesn’t really matter if they are good or not. It’s enough if they can grow up happily and safely!"

Lu Yu's words made the scene instantly quiet, and there was an uproar in the live broadcast room because of his words!


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