After smelling the fragrance wafting from all directions,

Tongtong, who wasn't yet hungry at first, suddenly felt his stomach growl.

Not to mention her, even Lu Yu felt hungry immediately, so the father and daughter immediately quickened their pace and headed straight for the Liuxiang Ban Mian at the end of the snack street.

Soon, they arrived at the place.

Tongtong ordered a small bowl of thin noodles, while Lu Yu ordered a large bowl of wide noodles.

We also added an extra sausage for each person

"Camera uncle, do you want to eat?"

"Tongtong can also treat you to food!"

Seeing that the cameraman hadn't ordered anything, Tongtong immediately asked with concern.

Hearing this, the cameraman immediately felt warm in his heart!

Look, look,

Tongtong is so well-behaved and sensible.

You should also ask yourself!

Lu Yu, you are such a cheat, how could you bear to cheat Tong Tong!

The cameraman was too embarrassed to let Tong Tong treat him to dinner. He was not as cheating as Lu Yu. He happened to be a little hungry too, so he simply smiled. said,

"Tongtong, thank you for your kindness."

"But can uncle treat you and dad to this meal?"

"ah? Why, uncle, is your money about to expire?"

"Uh...yes, uncle's money is about to expire!"

In order to prevent Tongtong from paying the bill, the cameraman had no choice but to coax Tongtong with a blushing face. At the same time, he glared at Lu Yu who was holding back his laughter.

Not long after, the three bowls of pan noodles were served, and all three of them were satisfied. When she was hungry, no one said anything. She picked up her chopsticks and started eating.

Tongtong was very worry-free when eating.

Even though she was young, she didn't need an adult to take care of her. Instead, Lu Yu asked Tongtong to help her eat. Jealous, I asked Tongtong to help me pull out a piece of paper. There were so many things to do.

In the end, even the camera guy couldn’t stand it anymore and complained directly,

"Brother Lu, you just eat when you eat. Why do you always trouble Tongtong? You can’t reach it yourself!"


Lu Yu replied disapprovingly,

"Don’t you understand this? I am actually training Tongtong!"

What the hell?

Exercise Tongtong?!

What do you mean?!

Seeing the confused look on the camera brother's face,

Lu Yu poked Tongtong with his elbow while eating noodles.

"My daughter, tell your uncle something. He is such an adult and he doesn’t even understand this. He is such an idiot!"

"Okay, okay!"

Tongtong happened to be full at this time. After laughing a few times, he started to tell the camera brother like a little teacher,

"Uncle, my dad said, don’t do to others what you don’t want others to do to you!"

"What it means is that if he doesn’t want enough, he can ask the person next to him to hand it to him. Dad said, this is what Confucius once said."

"Dad said that Confucius also said that if you don’t worry about others, you don’t know yourself, but you don’t know others when you worry."

"It means that a person who doesn’t know how to order others is not a smart person, but my dad is a smart man, so he always orders me!"

Tongtong's explanation was succinct, but the cameraman almost spat out his words after hearing it!

Damn it!

Still saying something like this?!

I've heard these two sentences from Confucius, but the meaning behind them can't be understood Is this what you mean?!

No need to ask, this must have been taught by Brother Lu, the cheating father!

"Tongtong, what else did your father teach you?"

Wiping the cold sweat on his forehead, the cameraman asked

"Taught me a lot!"

"For example, if there are three of us traveling together, there must be my teacher!"

"This sentence is good, but do you know what it means?"

"You know, my dad told me that if I beat up three people, one of them will definitely become my teacher!"

"Phew, still, is there any more?!"

"Yes, for example, if you hear the Tao in the morning, you will die in the evening!"

"It means that if you offend me, I will go find out where you live in the morning and beat you to death at sunset!"


The cameraman was laughing crazily.

But Tongtong became more and more enthusiastic as he talked,"My father also taught me that when you are thirty, you will not be confused, when you are forty, you will not be confused, when you are fifty, you will know the destiny, when you are sixty, your ears will be attuned, and when you are seventy, you will follow your heart's desires!"

At this point,

Tongtong masturbated directly. Pull up your sleeves, clenched your little fists,

"What this means is that as long as I am strong enough, only thirty people are worthy of letting me stand up and fight. If there are forty people, then I will rush forward and fight without any hesitation!"

"If there are fifty people, they will be beaten by me until they think they have met their destiny!"

"If sixty people speak nice words in my ears, I can calm down and stop fighting. If seventy people surround me, I can kill at will!"


While Tongtong was happily explaining the science to the cameraman, everyone in the live broadcast room was already bursting into laughter.

"Hahahaha, I really can’t stop laughing. Someone call an ambulance for me, hahaha!"

"It’s hard to hold down, I mean, it’s hard to hold down the boards of Confucius’ coffin!"

"6666, Lu Yu and Tong Tong, one dares to teach and the other dares to learn!"

"Lu Yu is really outrageous. How could he teach such an important thing as the Analects to a child?"

"So what's the matter? Confucianism is not very good in the first place. Many of the opinions in it were just ideological tools used by the rulers to cater to the needs of the ruling class and to woo the common people. Do you really take it seriously?!"

"Yes, my university lecturer also said during class that among many Confucian views, servile thinking is particularly important."

"Let us just cope with the exams. If you really do what it says, you will never achieve anything in your life."

"Everyone, don’t go online. Tongtong doesn’t understand it now. She will understand it when she goes to school. Moreover, Lu Yu taught her this way, which makes it easier for Tongtong to remember!"

"Yes, at the very least, I can’t recite that sentence,"It’s not like you’re in trouble. You don’t know who’s in trouble." But Tongtong can open his mouth and say it."

"It's true what you said"

"Having said that, don't you think Lu Yu is really talented? How did he come up with it? It's so fun to interpret the Analects like this!"

"He is indeed talented, and he also pays great attention to the education of children!"

"Shen Ta Ma pays attention to education. Do you want to laugh me to death and inherit my Huabei?"


After hearing that Lu Yu misinterpreted the Analects of Confucius to teach Tongtong like this, many viewers in the live broadcast room burst out laughing.

Some people think that Lu Yu is joking. How can he spoof classic literature like this ? But there are also many viewers who don't care. They think it's good if children can remember these, and there is no need to go online. In the midst of everyone's discussion, Lu Yu and the cameraman also finished their bowls of pan noodles. After paying, they returned to the snack street. Since they were all full, the delicacies on the snack street lost their appeal to the three of them. After returning to the community, Lu Yu looked at the time. It was exactly 8:40.

"Tongtong, let’s go for a walk in the small square to digest the food, and then go home and sleep."

Lu Yu plans to take a stroll until about nine o'clock and then go home to sleep.

Otherwise, if he goes home to sleep after just eating a meal, his stomach will be bloated easily.

"Okay, I just happened to be a little full after eating!"

Tongtong patted his belly and turned around to thank the cameraman with a milky voice.

"Uncle, thank you for your hospitality!"

"Hahaha, you’re welcome, Tongtong!"

Looking at Tongtong's cute appearance, the cameraman's little heart almost melted.

At the same time, he was also a little depressed.

Why did he tremble and gave birth to a stinky son back then? It would be great if he had a daughter!

I want a second child!

I must have a second child when I go back, and I must give birth to a daughter!

The cameraman made up his mind silently.

The three of them came to the small square.

There were many people in the small square, all of whom had eaten. Here to digest food, the three of them started walking around the square.

After walking for a while, when it was almost nine o'clock,

Lu Yu took Tongtong home to prepare for bed.

And similarly, since Tongtong was about to go to bed , on their side, today's filming process has naturally come to an end.

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