Chen Aijun looked at his daughter with a frown. His good mood suddenly turned bad.

He didn't expect that his daughter would say such things.

After several seconds,

Chen Aijun said seriously,

"Tiantian, when you say this, you are a bit unreasonable."

"Dad went to bed later than you did last night, and he had to get up early in the morning to clean and make breakfast for you."

"Do you think dad doesn’t like sleeping in?"

"You made the wrong child, and dad also wants to sleep in. However, for you and our family, dad must take responsibility."

Chen Aijun paused, sighed and then said,

"But you, you don’t know how to be considerate and feel sorry for your father at all. Instead, you complain about your father for waking you up."

"Without dad’s diligence and hard work, would our home be so clean?"

"If your father doesn't work or cook, can you go to school with enough food?"

"dont you agree?"

"So, when you say this to Dad, how sad and sad does Dad feel?"

Chen Aijun's words sounded very sad and made Tiantian speechless.

At the same time, Tiantian also felt extremely guilty in her little heart.

She didn't expect that she would actually She accidentally hurt her father.

In fact, her original intention was just to make her father quieter so that she could sleep a little longer.

"Dad, Tiantian is wrong, I shouldn’t complain about Dad……"

Tiantian apologized quickly, her face full of self-blame.

"Well, good boy."

After hearing his daughter's apology,

Chen Aijun felt better and took the opportunity to guide him,

"Tiantian, as a human being, you have to learn to think more about others."

"Look at dad, doesn’t he always think about you?"

"I leave you all the delicious food, fun things, and the best things in the world!"

"So, Tiantian, you must also learn to learn like your father, and you must also learn to think about your father."

"Dad doesn't blame you this time, as long as you don't do this again."

"Yeah, Tiantian will work hard like this!"

"Baby is so obedient!"

Chen Aijun scratched his daughter's little nose and said with a satisfied smile,

"Come to dinner and see what breakfast daddy made for you today!"


The conversation between Chen Aijun and Tiantian may be just an ordinary scene that can be seen everywhere in their daily lives.

However, many viewers in the live broadcast room were very surprised after hearing their conversation. There was also a lively discussion on the barrage

"Let me ask, is this Chen Aijun a pua master? I always feel that he is pua Tiantian!"

"I agree. The key is that Tiantian didn't seem to have said anything outrageous just now. Why did she have to apologize to her father?"

"Tiantian is a child, and children have to sleep longer. She just reminded Chen Aijun that the noise of cleaning and cooking in the morning woke her up. This is normal. What's wrong? But Chen Aijun came up and gave a lecture!"

"This is so true. Every time I want to take a nap at home, my mother does the same thing. There is a lot of noise outside, making it difficult for people to sleep. When I tell her, she gets angry at me.……"

"I think Chen Aijun is very good at educating children. Her father works so hard to take care of her, so why does he accidentally raise his voice?"

"As children, you should be more considerate of your parents and stop complaining all the time!"

"Today's young people don't care about their parents at all. They know that they are enjoying themselves all day long, and they don't care about their parents' feelings at all!"


Amid the discussion among the audience, three experts also expressed some opinions in the studio.

"Hahaha, I see many people on the barrage are accusing Chen Aijun of wrong education methods."

"Then I can only say that it is because you have not become parents yet, so you cannot understand the painstaking efforts of your parents at all. Expert

Wan Ping said seriously,

"Parents have no selfish motives"

"They silently gave everything they had, but the children were not satisfied, and instead made quarrels. At this time, parents must of course point out their children's faults."

"Chen Aijun did a very good job. He did not reprimand loudly, but gently reasoned with his daughter. Tiantian is happy to have such a sensible father!"

After listening to Wan Ping's words,

Su Xue who was not far away immediately retorted,

"Teacher Wanping, I don’t think what Chen Aijun did is right."

"Tiantian wants to sleep a little longer, is that wrong?"

"According to your logic, she didn't cry loudly, but quietly gave advice to her father, asking her father to keep his voice down."

"But Chen Aijun came up and preached"

"Children should understand their parents, shouldn’t parents understand their children more?"

"He kept saying sweet things to Tiantian, which made him sad, but he didn't need to reflect on it. Wouldn't his words make Tiantian blame herself and feel guilty?"

Su Xue's words were resounding and immediately attracted the support of many viewers in the live broadcast room.

Understanding and consideration are mutual.

As parents, they only let their children understand themselves, but they do not understand their children's feelings. Such behavior is too Double standard!

Just like that, amidst the discussion, the screen also switched, and finally came to the side of Lu Yu, who was born in the 1990s.

You know, many of the viewers in the live broadcast room are because they watched Lu Yu online. I came here because of the video of raising a baby.

So, when the camera cut over, the barrage immediately started to look forward to it!

"I won’t say it anymore, the education over there makes me cough, but it’s my Brother Lu’s job to take care of the kids that’s fun!"

"Hahaha, yes, I came here specifically to see Lu Yu raising a baby... Ah, no, I came to see Lu Yu raise a baby!"

"Come out, my child!"

"Good guy, where are you summoning the dragon from here?"

"By the way, Lu Yu won't stay in bed again today, right?"

"That's not the case. Didn't he promise Tongtong's teacher yesterday to send Tongtong to school early?"

"Bah, do you believe what a man says?"

"Good guy, with just one punch from you, Taylor can turn into Teddy!"


As the camera switched, not only did the amount of barrages increase instantly, but the number of people online and various live broadcast data also skyrocketed.

Although Lu Yu and Tong Tong had not appeared yet, the live broadcast room became extremely lively.

This scene made the director team over there in the studio happy to see it.

Teacher He and Su Xue also looked at each other with admiration in their eyes.

Just like that, under the cries and eager expectations of the audience, the picture finally became clear in the next second.

And when they saw clearly the situation on Lu Yu's side in the picture

, countless viewers burst into laughter!

In the kitchen, she saw a small figure wearing an apron, standing on the bench, holding a colander larger than her head, and was taking boiled eggs out of the pot.

A basin filled with cold water was placed next to it.

She took out the hard-boiled eggs and put them into a basin of cold water to cool down.

Not to mention that, after she brought the basin to the dining table, she immediately took out a rag from somewhere, returned to the kitchen, and quickly wiped the stove.

The movements are skillful and agile.

And this diligent and agile figure is none other than Lu Yu.

……His girls and children!

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