Zhao Lulu didn't think much about Lu Yu's words.

After finishing speaking, she took Tongtong back to the kindergarten to get ready.

However, in the live broadcast room, the audience was excited again!

The rhetoric that Lu Yu just said may be able to deceive Teacher Zhao, but it cannot deceive the group of veteran drivers in the live broadcast room who know it well!

"Hahahaha, I really want Brother Lu to laugh to death. Aren't he afraid of being struck by lightning when he says this?"

"I guess he came back again because he heard the conversation between Teacher Zhao and Tongtong, so he wanted to come back and watch Teacher Zhao dance, right?"

"Upstairs, be more confident and remove the word"maybe", that's what he thinks!"

"Brother Lu, he really made me cry to death. He turned around just now without hesitation at all! (covering face and crying, jpg)"

"Therefore, Lu Yu kept saying before that staying and watching would make Tongtong behave abnormally. They were all excuses. He just wanted to go home and play quickly. He came back when he heard that Teacher Zhao was going to dance later!"

"Teacher Zhao: Tongtong, please work hard later. Let daddy see how great Tongtong is!"

"Lu Yu: It doesn’t matter if Tongtong cheers up or not, but Teacher Zhao must cheer up. Let me see how good Teacher Zhao dances!"

"Pfft hahaha!"


Lu Yu's operation successfully aroused laughter in the live broadcast room, and also allowed the audience to see once again the defiance of the treacherous sons born in the 1990s!

The other parents stayed here just so they could see their children more, but Lu Yu actually stayed to watch the teacher dance later!

This actually reminded many people of a video that went viral on the Internet some time ago.

The video shooter is also a father born in the 1990s. He went to attend a party at his child’s kindergarten. When it was his child’s turn to dance, his camera was full of images of a beautiful female teacher wearing tight elastic pants leading the dance. , from beginning to end, he didn’t even take a photo of his children.

It’s as if taking another look at the child is disrespectful to the female teacher!

But it made netizens laugh out loud.

And now Lu Yu's operation is even worse. Thinking of this, some attentive netizens were suddenly shocked!

"Holy shit, why do I feel like the beautiful lead dance teacher in that video looks a lot like Tongtong’s class teacher!"

"When you put it this way, it seems like they are really similar, especially in terms of body shape.……"

"Phew, no way, no way, that video was not taken by Brother Lu, right?"

"Probably not. I said in the comment section below that it was a kindergarten somewhere else, not Tongtong’s kindergarten!"

"Moreover, although Brother Lu is unreliable, he will not post the video of his teacher dancing online. Brother Lu still has this kind of integrity!"

"Hahaha, that’s true!"


Accompanied by the laughter and discussion of the audience, the camera cut away at this moment, and then cut back to Chen Aijun, the father of the post-80s generation.

All this immediately caused dissatisfaction among a large number of viewers!

Depend on!

Why did it get cut off?

We haven’t seen enough yet!

However, the next second, the protesting audience fell silent, because Chen Aijun, a father born in the 1980s, and his daughter Tiantian seemed to have encountered some problems.

At that time, Chen Aijun and Tiantian also came to the gate of the kindergarten.

Chen Aijun was doing his preaching work before his daughter entered the kindergarten just like yesterday.

"Tiantian, in order to make it convenient for you to go to school, your parents bought a house in the school district here."

"Although your parents owe a lot of money to the bank and are under a lot of pressure, they will never put this kind of pressure on you."

"Your mother and I are not afraid of hard work!"

Chen Aijun squatted in front of Tiantian and warned lovingly,

"As long as Tiantian can study hard in school and get into a good university when you grow up, then your parents will feel that all the efforts are worth it!"

"Tiantian, can you understand?"

"Yeah, dad, I will definitely study hard!"

After Tiantian finished speaking, she glanced at the balloons tied at the entrance of the kindergarten and the red carpet inside the school. She hesitated for a moment and then continued,

"Dad, my teacher said that tomorrow is Children’s Day and our kindergarten will have a day off.……"

"Well, of course dad knows, your teacher has already informed you in the class group"

"so i want……"

Tiantian plucked up the courage and said,"Dad, if I study hard, can you take me out for a day tomorrow?"

"You promised me before that you would take me to the amusement park, but you didn't take me there that time."

Speaking of this matter,

Tiantian's little face showed some grievances.

That time, her father clearly agreed to take her to the amusement park on the weekend, but when she changed her clothes happily, she was ready to call her father to join her. When setting off, her father said that he was too tired from work and wanted to take a day off at home, and told Tiantian about it.

That incident made Tiantian feel hugely aggrieved.

At this time, she saw a scene in the kindergarten The balloons and red carpet reminded me that tomorrow is Children’s Day.

Children’s Day, the teacher said it is a happy holiday for children.

So Tiantian mustered up the courage and asked her father to take her to the amusement park tomorrow.

Listen to the class The children said that there are merry-go-rounds in the amusement park, small trains that can whine, and colorful castles...

When I heard the children say this,

Tiantian was really envious. When she was painting, she couldn't draw such beautiful things.


Tiantian really wanted her father to take her there.

However, as everyone knew, the moment Tiantian said these words, just now Chen Aijun, who was still full of love, suddenly became serious.

Looking at his daughter who was full of expectations and wanted to go to the amusement park,

Chen Aijun not only did not agree, but suddenly felt waves of depression.

It took several days. After a few seconds,

Chen Aijun said seriously,

"Tiantian, do you know that this idea of ​​yours is wrong?"

"Dad asked you to study hard, it's all for your own good!"

"If you study well and get into a good university in the future, you will feel comfortable, be able to sit in an office, earn a lot of money, buy a lot of delicious food, and buy a big house. This is all learned by you!"

"But if you don’t learn well, you can only work as a coolie under the sun. Not only will you be extremely tired, but you won’t make much money!"

"Therefore, when you study, you don’t learn it for your parents at all, but for yourself!"

"Mom and dad will be old by then, how much glory can they get with you?"

"Your mother and I can go back to our hometown to farm when the time comes, but we don’t expect to enjoy the happiness with you!"

"So, now you actually use studying hard as an excuse to make conditions for dad to take you to the amusement park.……"

"Do you think it’s appropriate? Tiantian?!"

"You should learn for yourself and your future, not for your parents!"


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