However, neither father nor daughter noticed.

The cameraman behind him almost staggered and fell to the ground after hearing their conversation!

I lost it!

As a dad born in the 1990s, please give me back the compliment I just gave you!

Originally, he really thought that

Lu Yu would eat the leftovers after returning home as he said, but he didn't expect that, bah!

Too cheap!!

The truth is that I carried my daughter on my back and went home to eat better food!!

It's pizza, it's crayfish...

I beg you to be a human being!!

It wasn’t just the cameraman who was complaining, the audience in the live broadcast room was also laughing!

"Hahahaha, this is too cheap!"

"God, my dad is getting old, so I have to eat quickly. Do you think this is human language?"

"I’m laughing so hard, the dads born in the 1990s are so unreliable!"

"Other parents would like to leave all the delicious food to their children, but Lu Yu would rather go home and eat it secretly!"

"Tongtong is so pitiful!"

"Lu Yu is really incomparable to Chen Aijun. Chen Aijun is the one who loves children!"


In the minds of many people, children are everything to their parents. It is a natural thing for parents to leave the best food to their children. It seems that only in this way can parents' love for their children be reflected.

Just like Chen Aijun, the father born in the 1980s.

How great is it to prepare breakfast carefully for a child, but he only eats the leftovers?

The children will definitely be particularly touched and grateful in their hearts.

If you understand your parents’ good intentions early, your children will definitely work harder and study harder in the future!

Otherwise, how can I be worthy of my parents’ devotion to me?

But what about Lu Yu, the father born in the 1990s?

It’s the complete opposite!

It is necessary to ask for leave at every turn and let the children stay at home to play.

I don’t know how to leave the delicious food to my children.

Instead, I wait until my children go to school and then go home to eat it secretly!

This kind of behavior really makes many parents born in the 1980s feel incomprehensible.

Over here in the studio.

Teacher He was also very amused by Lu Yu's manipulation.

Although through some short videos on the Internet, he had long known that the way parents born in the 1990s raised their children was very novel, especially because they would not spoil their children...

But after seeing Lu Yu raising his children with his own eyes,

Teacher He realized that the way parents born in the 1990s It’s even weirder for a dad to take care of a baby than he imagined!

He turned to look at the three experts and found that their faces were already covered with black lines!

"This Lu Yu is just messing around!"

"Instead of getting up early to prepare breakfast for your children, you take your children out to eat!"

"Can food from outside be cleaner than food cooked at home?"

"Look at what Tongtong eats!"

"A few steamed buns and a cup of millet porridge have no nutrition at all!!"

After Hu Zhengang finished speaking, the expert Wan Ping next to him also commented speechlessly,

"that is!"

"The child is now growing up, so how can he eat casually?"

"As parents, how can you let your children eat randomly like this!"

"Especially, carrying a child on his back to eat good food!"

"How sad the child is!!"


Obviously, these three experts have great opinions on the way Lu Yu, a father born in the 1990s, raises his children!

On the contrary, Su Xue on the side was laughing out loud at the conversation between father and daughter Lu Yu.

To be honest, compared to the relationship between the father and daughter born in the 1980s, she prefers the relationship between Lu Yu and Tong Tong!

Very relaxed and happy!

Not like father and daughter, but more like friends!

Look, Tongtong is smiling so happily!

Although she is always tricked by her father, the relationship between father and daughter has become more harmonious, right?

Unlike Chen Tiantian, who was also a child just now, she wanted to wash her face, but was not allowed.

Her father would beat her, saying that she could not wash well, saying that she would get her clothes wet, and even scare her with the doctor.

Even when she eats a poached egg, her father has to give her a lecture, telling her that her parents are reluctant to eat, so they leave the delicious food to you, and that their parents work hard, all for you...

This way, it is invisible to the children. , will the pressure exerted really have a positive effect on the physical and mental development of children?

At this time, listening to the three experts' accusations against Lu Yu,

Su Xue finally couldn't help it and retorted,

"Among the three teachers, I think Lu Yu’s way of raising children is actually quite good!"


The three experts all looked over and looked at Su Xue in confusion.

Even Teacher He on the side looked at Su Xue in surprise.

Su Xue was neither humble nor overbearing, and continued,

"Don't you think Tongtong is very happy when she is with her father?"

"Yes, her father always carries her to eat delicious food"

"But, so what?"

"Does Tongtong think that her father doesn't love her because of these little things?"

"I believe not!"

"Parents' love should not be based on excessive sacrifice of themselves. This will make children feel a lot of pressure!"

"They just can't express their inner thoughts and can't speak out."

"Let me give you the simplest example!"

Su Xue stretched out a finger,

"For example, if there is a chicken leg, when you feed it to your child, you tell the child that it is left to you by your parents who are reluctant to eat it."

"Another situation is that when giving food to the child, you tell the child that mom and dad are already full. You can take this and eat it. There will be plenty at home after eating!"

"Which child do you think will eat chicken drumsticks more deliciously and happily?"

I have to say that

Su Xue is indeed a well-known host at a young age, and her eloquence is quite powerful.

As soon as she asked this question, the three experts immediately looked at each other.

One is that her parents are reluctant to eat and leave it to you..

The other is that parents have already eaten. You can take it and eat it. There are still many at home...

At first glance, it seems that there is not much difference between the two, but from the perspective of a child, it is completely different. The meanings are completely different!

The former is undoubtedly the approach of Chen Aijun, the father born in the 1980s.

The latter is the approach of Lu Yu, the father born in the 1990s.

For a moment, the three experts did not know how to answer.

If it were them If so, they would definitely choose the first one, but the key point is, what Su Xue asked is, which child will eat more happily and deliciously...

At the same time, on the barrage in the live broadcast room, because of Su Xue's This question became very lively!

"Haha, no need to ask, the latter must be more enjoyable to eat!"

"That’s right, Goddess Su Xue, what I just wanted to say is that the way fathers born in the 1980s raise their children is so stressful!"

"That's right, my parents were like this when I was a child. When they gave me something good to eat, they would always add a few words about being reluctant to eat it, telling me to study hard after eating it. I... instantly... I don’t want to eat it!"

"The same sky, the same parents!"

"My parents are like this too. I know they love me, but I feel very uncomfortable and it’s not like I can’t afford it. Why do I have to say this!"

"Haven't you noticed that when Xiao Tiantian was eating poached eggs just now, her smile disappeared!"

"Damn, I thought I was too sensitive, but you noticed it too!"

"This reminds me of a story I always heard when I was a child. It is said that there was a mother who left the meat from the belly of the fish to her children every time she ate fish, and ate the fish head herself until the moment before she died. The child said that in fact, mother doesn’t like to eat fish heads either."

"When I heard this story when I was a child, I was so moved that maternal love is really great. But now that I have grown up, I feel that this son is really too difficult!"

"The mother has used herself to accumulate a lifetime of grievances, making her children live in guilt for the rest of their lives!"

"There is a saying that children who are kidnapped by a sense of sacrifice will not be happy at all.……"

"Hahaha, what are you talking about? Parents leave the best things to you, and you are still here making irresponsible remarks!"

"That is, today’s young people really don’t know how to be grateful at all!"

"Does this have anything to do with gratitude? I love my parents very much, but I also feel that the way they express their love puts a burden on me!"

"What I just wanted to say is that I would rather my parents were like Lu Yu!"

"Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Tongtong is obviously more cheerful and lively!"

"Finally, someone stood up and spoke for Lu Yu. Compared with the way of raising children by fathers born in the 80s, I really prefer the way fathers born in the 90s raise their children!"



【A new book is about to start, and I’m asking for data. If anyone reads it, can you give me some advice? Thank you all]

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