Even though Lu Yu was laughing and having a good temper when he was raising the baby, if he really got into a fight with someone,

Lu Yu would still be very fierce!

Not to mention, the reasons Lu Yu said at this time are still so true!

After hearing what Lu Yu said, expert Hu Zhen froze in the studio , and his face turned red visibly, because Lu Yu's words hit him hard! It was like ruthlessly tearing off a fig leaf covering his body! As an expert, of course he would not dare to give advice to the upper class and the rich, or call on others to do this or that. No one would criticize him, they would just think he is stupid! Moreover, maybe if someone doesn't like him, they will do something to him! It is precisely because of this that he will look at the ordinary people below, these little people, and give them suggestions to show his sense of existence! Not only myself, but other experts also do this! After a long time, they felt that this

Everything was so natural. It was not until this moment that

Lu Yu ruthlessly tore open the veil that Hu Zhencai suddenly blushed!

What followed was even more helpless!

At the same time, people in the live broadcast room were shocked by Lu Yu's remarks! Even the audience who had been shouting before to protect water resources and not waste every drop of water were instantly lost in thought. It was as if they had been given a blow in the head, and they suddenly woke up. Yes... you call on us every day to care for water resources and cherish every drop of water. So what do you do? More water is wasted in a year on golf courses than our average family uses in a lifetime! But we ordinary people have never been to a golf course at all! That's a playground for the rich! If Lu Yu would be condemned for throwing a few water balloons , then what crime should these rich people deserve?! And... the issues Lu Yu mentioned about global warming, ocean pollution, and polar bears not having a home, what's the use of warning us every day? Are we ordinary people who earn a salary of three to four thousand yuan a month really responsible for these problems?! For a time, the eyes of countless viewers in the live broadcast room began to show confusion, shock, shock, and anger! Finally, at a certain moment, the barrage exploded!

"Brother Lu really woke up the dreamer with his words. These words were so thunderous that I suddenly realized that he was so right!"

"It seems that this is really the case. What is the use of calling us all day long to do this and that? These problems are not our fault!"

"That's so good, we will not take the blame!"

"Phew, the polar bear still doesn’t have a home? Wow, global warming, it’s so pitiful that polar bears don’t have a home... But I pity the polar bears. Who can pity me? I don’t have a home either. With the housing prices so bad, I can’t even afford it! (covering face and crying, jpg)"

"It’s so heartbreaking. It’s such a waste of water. I just want to say, given my financial level, how much can be wasted? I can’t afford it!"

"There is a saying that today's experts bully the weak and fear the strong. When faced with those they can't afford to offend, they grovel, but when faced with the ordinary people below, they punch hard!"

"Lu Yu is really living soberly!"

"Indeed, there are some responsibilities that we should not bear at all, and there are some things that even if you appeal to us ordinary people, it will be useless!"

"Niu Bei, I can only say Niu Bei, Lu Yu's attack was so harsh that even the experts were silent!"

"Expert: I’ll give you a flat A!"

"Lu Yu: Explosive energy + ultimate move, super sure kill!"

"You scolded me so loudly that those bullshit experts should really listen to these words!"


There was an explosion in the live broadcast room!

Lu Yu's awakening in the world also instantly awakened many viewers, making them realize that some things cannot be blamed on them at all!

You shouldn’t blame it on yourself!

Not just water resources, but all aspects!

Then I heard Lu Yu speak again, slowly saying,

"With housing prices soaring, many people have become wandering polar bears. They have no place to stay, cannot afford a house or a car, and are reluctant to turn on the air conditioner.……"

"But they are responsible for global warming!"

"As for the rich, their houses are several hundred square meters, their air conditioners are running 24 hours a day, and their cars are 8-cylinder and 10T cars. Experts can’t see these, right?"

"How many people have never been to the beach once, but the garbage in the ocean and the pollution of the sea water are their fault!"

"When I was a kid, advertisements were posted every day telling us not to eat shark fins, but the only time I saw what shark fins looked like was in that advertisement!"

"Let us cherish every drop of water and save water. However, the water we save in a lifetime is not as much as the water you use to irrigate the golf course once!"

"Too many……"

"A few days ago, I took Tongtong out to take the subway. On the subway, an environmental advertisement for boycotting ivory products and protecting elephants was played.……"

"At that time, I was wondering, would someone who could afford ivory products take the subway?"

"3% of the world's people enjoy 65% ​​of the world's resources, and then ask 97% of us ordinary people to save resources and share the sins with them.……"

"Hahaha, ordinary people are already tired enough when they are alive, but they still have to face accusations that the world is getting worse and resources are lacking.……"

"This old guy, tell me yourself, is this fair?"

In the picture,

Lu Yu's face is sarcastic, every word is precise, every word is not loud, but it is like invisible knives slashing out like crazy.

Thousands of knives are fired in unison, the cold light is dazzling, and the sword energy is invincible!

Live broadcast room The room was already boiling.

Over here in the studio, the expert Hu Zhen was even more red-faced and sweating profusely.

He held it in for a long time, but he couldn't hold back a single word.

In the end, he fell to the ground behind him with a thud. On the chair, his whole body began to twitch, and the two experts next to him were so frightened that they hurried over to pat him, for fear that he would die directly here...

There is no doubt that this head-on conflict between Lu Yu and the experts has ended. Lu Yu's decisive victory is over!

"Hiss... Lu Yu is so cruel in attacking people!"

Teacher He looked at Hu Zhen's bearish appearance, took a breath and whispered,

"The last time I saw someone who could directly beat someone up like this was Hua An's angry punch to the gut……"

"Ha ha!"

Su Xue smiled and couldn't help but admire her, saying,

"However, don’t you think that Lu Yu is really living a sober life? What he said makes sense to me!"

"Why should we share the sin equally?"

"Moreover, it was this expert who deliberately picked on the steel plate, but what he didn't expect was that he kicked the steel plate, and it was also a steel plate with thorns!"

Spiked steel plate...

Teacher He nodded with great approval.

Having said that, this time it was this expert who deserved his misfortune. He spoke ill of people behind their backs, and Lu Yu happened to hear them.


Lu Yu would not have been He was scolded so miserably...

But looking at the chief director Zhang Wenjun not far away, he also had a dumbfounded smile on his face at the moment.

He originally thought that Lu Yu would suffer a loss, but he didn't expect that this kid's firepower was so fierce, and he was captured first He became a spy, and now he has scolded the expert he invited to the point of being autistic. This is so awesome!

I haven’t seen such an energetic young man for a long time!

Looking at the number of people in the live broadcast room at this time,

Zhang Wenjun The smile on his face became even stronger.

Good guy, this scene of this kid angrily attacking the experts brought them millions of viewers...

So, while being happy,

Zhang Wenjun waved directly to the assistant with a smile. 's command,

"Later, I will send a red envelope to Lu Yu and tell him that Uncle Zhang will treat him and the children to dinner tonight!"

"By the way, let me tell him one more thing. He said it very well this time. I like it very much, but I hope he won’t say it again next time."

"After all, some topics are too sensitive to be discussed on such occasions."

"Don't destroy my live broadcast room!"


Here in the studio, the experts finally didn't dare to make a fuss anymore and started to behave with their tail between their legs.

In the live broadcast room, it was still extremely lively. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

What Lu Yu just said really made many viewers wake up.

It also allowed many people to let go of the ridiculous baggage in their hearts.

For a time, there were constant thanks and praises, and the barrage spewed out, almost blowing up the server in the live broadcast room.[]

Just at this time,

Tongtong had taken a shower and changed into clean clothes and came out. Seeing this, Lu Yu quickly put away his phone and went to dry his daughter's hair.

It’s here,

I haven’t forgotten to tell my cameraman,

"Keep an eye out for me, and if there is another old person who speaks ill of me behind my back, remember to tell me!"

"I'll spray him to death!"


Lu Yu's words aroused laughter from the cameraman and the audience.

Xin said that with the lessons learned from this time, those old men will probably not dare to criticize you again in a short period of time.

Their heads are probably not that strong, and they dare to easily provoke you, the devil.

Just like that, amid roars of laughter,

Lu Yu's filming came to an end for the time being.

As the scene turned, the next second, the camera came to the side of Chen Aijun, the father born in the 1980s.

At that time, the time had reached six o'clock.

Tiantian has just finished writing calligraphy.

Attentive viewers noticed that there were tears hanging on Tiantian's eyelashes and there were two tear stains on her face.

It must have been when I was writing calligraphy that I was given a severe lesson by Chen Aijun.

Looking at Tiantian's pitiful look,

I recalled that in the small square, there was a child who had a water fight with his father.

Comparing the experiences of the two children, it was really shocking. People have a feeling of sadness

"When can I see Tiantian and play happily like Tongtong?"

"This is simple, send Tiantian to Brother Lu!"

"Hahaha, what you said is in vain"

"Otherwise, we suggest that the program team exchange the children of the two families, let Brother Lu take care of Tiantian for a day, and let Chen Aijun take care of Tongtong for a day?"

"Damn, you are such a talent!"

"This is not okay, I don’t want Tongtong to suffer with Chen Aijun here!"


"Tiantian, look at you, you won’t be happy if I say a few words to you!"

"Still crying? What's there to cry about?"

Chen Aijun frowned and wiped his daughter's tears and said,

"If you keep looking down like this, I will call your class teacher, Teacher Zhang, and ask her to criticize you in class tomorrow!"

"No, don't, dad……"

When Tiantian heard this, she immediately shook her head in fear,

"Please don’t call Teacher Zhang……"

"I won't cry anymore!"

The person that children fear most is the teacher in school.

Especially at Tiantian's age, teachers are just like Tathagata Buddha to her.

"If you stop crying, then I won’t hit you!"

After hearing his daughter's words,

Chen Aijun nodded. After noticing that filming had begun, he added,

"You see, the cameraman is taking pictures of us. You look so ugly. Come on, smile!"

"Ha ha……"

A smile appeared on Tiantian's face.

It's just that this smile makes people feel distressed no matter how you look at it.


Chen Aijun thought his daughter was quite cute. He stood up from his chair and said,

"Tiantian, you are happy enough now, you just need to be obedient and study hard."

"Not like dad, so tired"

"I have to go to work during the day and take you to and from school. After school, I have to help you with your writing."

"Now that you have finished writing, you can go play, but daddy has to go and cook dinner for you right away."

"Speaking of dinner... is there anything you want to eat? Chen

Aijun asked.

Tiantian was not in a high mood because she had just cried, but she was worried that her father would complain to Teacher Zhang, so she still pretended to be happy and whispered,

"Dad, since you are so tired, can we not cook today and go out to eat?"

"Going out to eat?"

Chen Aijun was stunned.

"Uh-huh, let's go out to eat once, Dad, Tiantian hasn't eaten out for a long time."

Tiantian said expectantly.

Chen Aijun thought about it and realized that it was not impossible to go out to eat.

Although he felt that the food outside was not clean, there should be no problem if he ate it once in a while. What's more, it was a small way to satisfy his daughter. Wish it!

"Okay, then I’ll go out to eat as you say!"

"But Tiantian, what do you want to eat out?"

"Dad listens to you!"

Chen Aijun rarely agreed to his daughter's request and asked.

When Tiantian heard this, she immediately became happy.

Children are like this, their emotions change quickly.

A little benefit can make them laugh out loud.

"Dad, I want to eat fried chicken!"

Tiantian said immediately

"fried chicken?"

Chen Aijun immediately waved his hand and reminded seriously,"You can't eat fried chicken. The meat used in fried chicken is all dead chicken, and the oil is not good. Eating it is not good for people's health."

"Uh, okay then...can we go have a barbecue? Tiantian hasn’t had barbecue yet!" There is a barbecue restaurant at the door of their community. Every time Tiantian passes by there, you can smell the aroma wafting from it, and you can also see people eating barbecue putting a skewer of meat in their mouths. She pulled it to the side and the meat was left in her mouth, which made her greedy. However, she never took it out and ate it. Faced with Tiantian’s proposal, Chen Aijun still had no intention of eating it. Hesitantly refused

"You should not eat anything like barbecue. It is grilled with charcoal underneath. Sometimes the meat is not cooked properly, and eating it can cause cancer and make you sick."

When she heard that eating barbecue would make her sick,

Tiantian had no choice but to swallow her saliva and change to the next one.

"Then can we go eat rice noodles?"

"Silly boy, rice noodles are not a good thing. They are made of glue. If you eat a few mouthfuls of rice noodles, it is equivalent to eating a plastic bag in your stomach!"

Chen Aijun once again gave his daughter a popular science guide

"All right……"

Tiantian nodded helplessly and had to think of something to eat.

"Dad, can we go eat Little Chaos? Little Chaos should be very clean, right? Tiantian said.

This time,

Chen Aijun finally did not refuse immediately, but the next second, he still shook his head.

"There is no meat in the little Chaos. Just take a piece of skin, dip some minced meat in it, and wrap it up."

"If you want to eat Chaos, daddy will make it for you later. Dad’s Chaos is big and meaty."

"The chaos sold outside is expensive and not cost-effective, so we won’t eat it!"

"You think so, Tiantian?"


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