"You truly deserve to be an expert, what you say is so good!"

"Isn't that right? Children need to be educated like this from an early age. We can't let them misbehave in school just because they have the support of their parents!"

"To be honest, adults should not get involved in matters between children. It is inappropriate."

"That's right, my daughter was bullied by some boys in the class a few days ago. She asked me to go find them to take revenge. I was speechless at the time. If there are conflicts in your children's family, how can we parents intervene?"

"Well, it’s easy for parents to escalate conflicts if they come forward!"

"Damn it, being your daughter is really unlucky, you coward, your daughter is being bullied, you don’t even dare to fart, right?!"

"Hey, what are you talking about? According to you, I am so big and I still have to go to school and bully a group of kids?"

"Anyway, I'm not willing to let my children be bullied."

"Hahaha, the kind of violent parents that experts talk about are you, right?"


For a time, there were divergent opinions on the barrage.

Some people agreed with the approach of Chen Aijun, a father born in the 1980s, and supported the views of three experts.

But there are also quite a few viewers who do not agree with this view!

They think, why should I let my child reflect and criticize my child when he is being bullied?!

Children obviously regard their parents as their only support.

As a result, when your child is bullied, instead of turning towards your child, you turn your elbow outward. The child feels so wronged and depressed!

In fact, it was not just the audience who thought so, but

Su Xue also thought so at the moment.

She happened to be born in 1990, which is an age close to that of the previous generation. In terms of views, she is not as rigid as the previous generation.

Ask yourself, if she had children, she would not be able to forgive others and wrong her own children as generously as the experts said!

Just now, after listening to her father's education, Chen Tiantian's back left alone, like a thorn, pierced into Su Xue's heart, making her feel extremely distressed.


Su Xue began to look forward to Lu Yu's performance.

"If Lu Yu's child encountered such a problem, what would he do?"

As soon as this idea came to mind,

Su Xue became even more impatient to see the situation on Lu Yu's side.

In fact, not only Su Xue, but also many viewers in the live broadcast room were also looking forward to the situation on Lu Yu's side.

Although The show has only been aired not long ago, but Lu Yu's novel way of raising children has already aroused the love of many people.

At this moment, as Chen Tiantian disappeared from the camera, the next moment of the camera finally came When we arrived at Lu Yu

's side, Lu Yu was like a proud peacock, pointing at the time on his phone and giving Tongtong a thumbs up!

"Tongtong, look, dad is right, we won't be late at all!"

Lu Yu said sullenly,

"It’s still five minutes until 8:30!"

"There was absolutely no need for you to run so fast just now!"

This child, he ran too fast just now, but he was so exhausted.

It was so early in the morning that Lu Yu was sweating all over.

If his daughter hadn't run so fast,

Lu Yu would definitely have chosen to come slowly and leisurely.

"Dad! You have the nerve to say it!"

"If you didn't stay in bed, why would I need to run like this?"

"Couldn't you please get up earlier next time?"

Tongtong gasped, rolled his eyes and complained.

Dad's face is really too thick!

It's obvious that he stayed in bed and got up late, causing him to have to run forward, and now he still has On the other hand, I blame myself for running too fast, which is so unreasonable!

Look at the children around them, they all came slowly and leisurely, but I am the only one who came here running!

When I think of this, Tongtong feels very depressed!


There's nothing you can do about it, who makes his dad like to sleep in?

"Hahaha, it’s really difficult for Tongtong to have such an unreliable father!"

"Other parents resent their children's dilly-dallying, but when it comes to Tongtong, it's the other way around. They're afraid that their dad will be too dilly-dallying and delay their schooling!"

"Laughing to death, this is the legend, as long as the parents are ignorant, the children will be sensible!"

"You are so right, and if you look at other children, some are crying not to go to kindergarten, and some have to be held by their parents, but Tongtong is the only one who seems particularly independent!"

"When you say that, it’s true!"

"It seems that Lu Yu's way of raising children is also beneficial. At least the children's independence is much stronger than other children!"


Listening to the conversation between the two men, bursts of laughter came from the live broadcast room again.

Even Su Xue, who had frowned before, couldn't help but smile.

Seeing Lu Yu take care of the baby always makes her feel very relaxed.

However, while she was smiling, Lu Yu's next words made her heart sink.

"Tongtong, don’t you know, dad is doing this all for your own good!"

Lu Yu said suddenly and earnestly.

For your own good... these simple words are extremely stressful.

How many parents like to say this, and always like to use"This is all for your own good. You will understand when you grow up" and so on, to educate the children and make them obedient.

Because of this, when she heard Lu Yu also said this sentence,

Su Xue's expression suddenly became a little unnatural.

"Could it be that Lu Yu, like that 80s-born dad, is about to start preaching?"

Su Xue laughed bitterly, thinking to herself that she had misjudged the person?

In fact, Lu Yu only looked carefree on the surface, but in his heart, he was still the same as the father born in the 1980s. He was a parent who liked to use such words to tame his children. ?

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