Faced with this question from his father,

Tongtong also began to think seriously. What should he do if he is framed by others


After thinking for a while, Tongtong said,

"I might explain to him that I didn't take their pen……"

Tongtong's answer was not beyond Lu Yu's expectations.

In other words, for most people, when they are framed, their first reaction may be to rush to explain to the other party.

Just like Lao Liu in"Let the Bullets Fly", he is eager to prove his innocence and even cuts open his stomach to wash away the dirty water on his body.

However, as everyone knows, such self-proof is actually very ridiculous and weak.

From the moment you start trying to find ways to prove your innocence, you have fallen into passivity and fallen into the rhythm of the other party.……

"Tongtong, do you think the other party will believe it if you explain to them that you didn’t take their pen?"

Lu Yu showed a smile on his face and said,

"There is a high probability that he will not believe it!"

"Just like the noodle shop owner in the story"

"Lao Liu explained to him countless times that he really just ate a bowl of noodles, but the noodle shop owner still didn't believe it."

"Because the people who have wronged you know better than you that you have been wronged!"

"If he believes you as soon as you explain it, then he will not stand up and wrongly accuse you from the beginning!"

"You think that his injustice is due to misunderstanding, but in fact it is often not the case!"

"They actually know the truth and are just plain bad!"


Lu Yu's words caused Tongtong to think deeply.

Those who wronged him knew better than himself that he had been wronged...

They knew the truth, and they were just purely bad...

After digesting it for a long time,

Tongtong Only then did I finally understand the meaning of these sentences.

He couldn't help but asked anxiously,

"Dad, what should you do if you encounter this situation? Isn't there no other way?"

Tongtong said helplessly,

"No matter how you explain it, he doesn’t believe it."

"Then how can you prove that you didn't take their pen?"

Seeing that Tongtong really couldn't think of an answer,

Lu Yu took a sip of pumpkin porridge and slowly explained to her.

"Tong 100 Tong, in fact, from the moment you want to explain, you have fallen into the trap of the other party."


"Yes, it's a trap!"

Lu Yu nodded and said,

"As I just said, he clearly knows that you are wronged, but he still wronged you like this. In this case, explanation is of no use at all."

"It will only make you more and more passive, the description will become darker and darker, and your emotions will become more and more tense!"

"No matter how hard you struggle, he will never let you go!"

"The more you struggle, the more excited he gets!"

"He will feel that it is more fulfilling to play with prey like you, and he will also take the opportunity to make more excessive demands!"

"So, if you really encounter this kind of problem in the future, explain it once or twice, and if you find that the other party still doesn’t believe it, you don’t need to explain it anymore."

"So what should we do?"

Tongtong asked

"In fact, the method is very simple."

Lu Yu's face rarely became serious, and he said,

"Whoever has wronged you, let him come up with evidence!"

"Whoever claims it gives evidence!"

"Instead, after he talks nonsense, let us work hard to prove his innocence!"

"Good people don't deserve to be pointed at a gun!"

"People who are innocent themselves have obviously done nothing, and there is no need to go out of their way to prove themselves just to be framed by others!"

"You framed me for taking your pen, yes, you can frame me, but you have to show me the evidence!"

"If you show me the evidence, I'll admit it!"

"It’s time to lose money, what to do, how to deal with it!"

"However, if you can't produce any evidence and yet you insist on slandering me here, then you are maliciously slandering me!"


When Lu Yu said this,

Tongtong fell into deep thought again and thought for a long time. Then his eyes lit up and he suddenly realized:

"Yes, Dad, you are right!"

"Those who falsely accuse others should provide evidence!"

"Instead of the person who was falsely accused, go and prove your innocence!"

Lu Yu's words immediately opened up Tongtong's thinking.

"Just like Dad, the sixth child you mentioned in the story just now"

"Others framed him for eating two bowls of noodles"

"No matter how he explains it, it’s useless!"(chad)"But if he is as smart as you, dad, why don't you think of ways to prove that he didn't eat two bowls?"

"Instead, he asked the noodle shop owner to produce evidence that he had eaten two bowls.……"

"Then his ending should not be so miserable!"

"Well, Tongtong, you are right"

"The example you gave is also great!"

Seeing that his daughter seemed to understand what he meant,

Lu Yu nodded happily. She is indeed my daughter.

This little head spins so fast.

She understood it as soon as he said it, and she also knew how to draw inferences.

"So, Tongtong, if you encounter such things like being framed in the future, if your father is not by your side, don’t be afraid or panic."

"Keep a clear mind."

Lu Yu said,

"Don't mess up your sense of proportion just because of other people's words."

"Let’s take the supermarket owner as an example."

"If he falsely accuses you of taking his pen, then ask him to bring out the evidence. If he can't, then just leave!"

"But if he still stops you and won’t let you go……"

At this point,

Lu Yu stopped again and looked at his daughter with a smile.

"What should you do if he still won't let you go?"

"Won't let me go?"

Tongtong said angrily,

"He couldn't produce any evidence, so why wouldn't he let me go?"

"Tongtong, there are such bad people in the world!"

Lu Yu sighed,

"Not everyone can be as kind as us"

"So, what should I do?"

Tongtong is completely helpless.

The other party can't produce evidence and won't let him go. What else can he do?

"In fact, the method is also very simple!"

Facing his daughter's confusion,

Lu Yu explained to her again,

"If he is still persistent and refuses to let you go, then you should stop arguing with him."

"You are a girl. If you really anger the other person, it will not do you any good."

"In this case, you can compensate him as much as he wants."

"It doesn't matter whether you apologize to him, pay him, or be pointed at and insulted by him in public."

"Dad doesn’t want you to have any more conflicts with this kind of person and escalate the conflict between you."

"Compared with money, compared with temporary grievances……"

"Your safety should always come first!"

"Of course, this matter will definitely not end like this"

"After you come out safely, tell your dad about this as soon as possible. Next……"

"You don’t have to worry about how to deal with that kind of bad guy!"

"Dad will definitely help you get back the grievances you suffered!"

"I will do my best to seek justice for you!"


Some people may think that it is wrong for Lu Yu to teach his children this way.

The child was clearly wronged, how could he give in?

But in fact, for children, especially girls, you have to do this!

When it’s time to be timid, you must quickly stop timidizing.

It is really dangerous for you to anger such an unreasonable bad person. What if the other party becomes angry and hurts someone? It's not like there haven't been such instances. There was a high school student who was framed like this. At that time, he tried his best to refute the boss, and finally the verbal conflict escalated to a physical conflict. The boss was angered. In anger, the other party lost his mind, took out a dagger, and stabbed the high school student thirteen times. The high school student failed to save his life and eventually died. Although the boss ended up in jail and lost money, no matter how severe the punishment he received, it could not buy the high school student's life. (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) Therefore, sometimes, you have to be smarter and smarter. Be tough when you should be tough, but be timid when you should be timid. You never know whether the person standing opposite you is a human or a ghost. You don't know what the other person is thinking. When a person is angered and loses his mind, he can do anything. Therefore, if something like this happens one day, Lu Yu doesn't want his daughter to be a strong-willed person who doesn't know how to give in. If you should be cowardly, then be cowardly! As long as she can ensure her safety first, the rest will be easy to talk about! How to deal with the problem next is not something that my daughter needs to ask. It is my turn, as the father, to step in to settle the matter and support my daughter! At that time, if I continue to be cowardly, then I am no longer a man! It’s not something that can be solved by the other party just apologizing and returning the money! If you dare to wrongly accuse my daughter and I don't make you pay a heavy price, I am not worthy of being ranked among the Three Pure Ones! So, the sixth child in the movie did something wrong from the beginning. He committed seppuku and proved his innocence. He was so stupid! Let the other party present evidence first and then talk about it. Can't you produce it? Haha, let’s go directly! Can't leave, are you surrounded? Then give in! As long as you can leave that place alive, do you still worry about not being able to get revenge when you look back? Plug off the eyes of all those who have wronged me and eat them into their stomachs, so that they can see with their own eyes whether I have eaten one bowl of noodles or two bowls of noodles! This kind of approach is called smart and domineering. Lu Yu 's words made Tongtong fall into a thoughtful state again. She was very smart and figured out the truth in a short time. I even summed it up in my mind

"encountered such a thing……"

"Don't panic, let the other party get the evidence. If the other party can't produce it, then leave by yourself. If you can't leave, then give in. When it's safe, tell your dad as soon as possible, and your dad will support you.……"

Dad explained this series of operations clearly to himself.

Tongtong really understood and mastered it.

"Dad, I know!"

"Today, I learned a trick from you again!"

"Hehehe, don’t worry if you encounter this kind of thing in the future, I will definitely be able to handle it well!"


Tongtong said confidently.

The eyes are also full of confidence and confidence

"Well, well, well, as long as you learned it!"

Looking at his daughter's appearance,

Lu Yu smiled reassuringly, and then said proudly,

"There is still a lot to learn from following your dad!"

"Whatever dad shows his skills will be enough for you to benefit a lot!"

"So, for the sake of how awesome dad is, Tongtong, shouldn’t you roast some more pieces of meat for dad?"


Tongtong was stunned for a moment, and then he was shocked to find that the meat that had just been roasted on the baking pan had been eaten by his father without knowing it!

"Ahhhhh, dad, how could you do this!"

"Every time you deliberately chat with me and then secretly eat meat!"

Tongtong protested loudly,

"If you can speak next time, just speak and don't move your chopsticks all the time!"

"Hahaha, who told you to just listen and not know what to eat!"

"If I don’t eat it, won’t it be burnt?"


Lu Yu's words made Tongtong roll his eyes in anger.

For her father, she sometimes loved her as far as the moon, but sometimes she was so angry that she couldn't do anything about it!

All I can say is that my dad is really difficult to take care of!

I always hear adults say that it’s hard to take care of a baby, but when it comes to myself, it’s hard to take care of a dad!

Tongtong said, it’s too difficult for me!

At the same time, just when the father and daughter began to bicker and fight for meat, the live broadcast room was already boiling!

Lu Yu's previous words not only benefited Tongtong a lot, but also shocked every audience in the live broadcast room! What should we do when our children are falsely accused or misunderstood outside ? This kind of thing should be something that many parents are extremely worried about. Today, while eating a barbecue, Lu Yu used extremely clear thinking and easy-to-understand language to teach Tongtong a lesson, as well as the audience in the live broadcast room. The key is that the way he teaches people is so relaxing, unlike Chen Aijun, who is so earnest and solemn every time he educates children. What he says are all empty and general principles... Lu Yu is teaching When Tongtong was doing this, it was like chatting between friends. As they chatted, the meaning was conveyed to the child unknowingly. Because of this, when Lu Yu finished speaking, the live broadcast room exploded!


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